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The Journal of Psychohistory
140 Riverside Drive, Suite 14H, New York, NY 10024
(212) 799-2294 | | Editor: Lloyd deMause
The Journal of Psychohistory gives you a new psychological view of world events--past and present.

With this exciting quarterly journal, you'll be able to understand the intimate connections between people's emotional life and their social and political behavior.

Termed by Alice Miller as "the first journal that doesn't gloss over the facts of childhood," the journal has for over 25 years been giving readers insights into the hidden causes of social behavior that other periodicals overlook.
Called "scholarly and documented yet readable for the interested lay person" by Library Journal and "the richest decoding of the impulses of our age" by The Nation, the journal contains in-depth articles such as:

  • The History of Child Abuse
  • The Origins of War and Social Violence in Early Traumas
  • The Gulf War as a Mental Disorder
  • How Nations Switch into the Social Trance
  • Titanic America: The Apocalypse in our Heads
  • Childhood Punishment Patterns and Political Attitudes
  • Clinton's America: The Phallic Presidency
  • The Holocaust and German Childrearing
  • The journal has thousands of readers around the world--scholars, therapists, child activists and others--who tell us

    "It's the only journal that I read cover to cover."
      -- Sid Thomas, Ph.D., Binghamton, NY
    "The Journal provides me with the understanding of the link between what's happening to my patients and what's going on in America."
      -- Sandra L. Bloom, M.D., Philadelphia, PA
    "The Journal is a vital forum for understanding human nature, historical change and modern culture."
      -- Howard Stein, Ph.D., Enid, OK
    "The Journal has a truly international scope, of interest to scholars in all countries."
      -- Robert Liris, Ph.D., Vichy, France

    A special issue of The Journal of Psychohistory on the current invasion of Iraq, entitled "Are You Hero or a Wimp?", is available by subscribing now at the half-price rate of $27.00 for one year. Just email your postal address to and this issue will be mailed to you along with an invoice.

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