There is no single script for effective character education, but there are some important basic principles. The following eleven principles serve as criteria that schools and other groups can use to plan a character education effort. They can be used in conjunction with CEP's Character Education Standards to evaluate available character education programs, books, and curriculum resources. (I Cittadini di PSICOPOLIS possono scaricare il testo da fondo pagina .pdf 227 Kb)

Principle 1

Promotes core ethical values as the basis of good character.


Principle 2

Defines "character" comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and behavior.


Principle 3

Uses a comprehensive,

intentional, proactive, and effective approach to character development.


Principle 4

Creates a caring school community.


Principle 5

Provides students with opportunities for moral action.


Principle 6

Includes a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that respects all learners, develops their character, and helps them to succeed.

Principle 7

Strives to foster students’ self motivation.


Principle 8

Engages the school staff as a learning and moral community that shares responsibility for character education and attempts to adhere to the same core values that guide the education of students.


Principle 9

Fosters shared moral leadership and long range support of the

character education initiative.


Principle 10

Engages families and community members as partners in the character-building effort.


Principle 11

Evaluates the character of the

school, the school staff’s functioning as character educators, and the extent to which students

manifest good character.

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