Fire It Up!: A Toolkit for Youth Action (Fonte)

"Fire it Up!" is a manual for youth organizers dedicated to working for a just and sustainable society. It begins with a discussion of principles of anti-oppressive organizing including colonialism, feminism, anti-racism, homophobia, ableism, and class. It then presents tools and strategies for group organizing (facilitation, consunsus decision-making, conflict mediation, networking), event and project planning (fund-raising, media relations, website design, communications), and popular education (icebreakers, energizers, reflection, evaluation). The manual is illustrated and accessible, and includes profiles of successful projects and lists of youth active organisations, resources, and websites. (.pdf 3,9 Mb)
Child-to-Child: A Practical Guide to Empowering Children as Active Citizens (Fonte)

Based on the popular education methodoligies of Child-to-Child initiatives in London, this manual outlines a process for working with children ages 9-15 on projects that are child-initiated and child-led. It is an illustrates, easy-to-read resource for parents and practioners in schools and community groups. "Child-to-Child: A Practical Guide Empowering Children as Active Citizens" includes sections on group work, chossing issues, researching, taking action, and evaluation. Each section includes games and experiential learning activities. The manual also includes a list of readings, additional resources, and sample lesson plans.(.pdf 768.35 KB)

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