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Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Archaeology by Josep Puyol-Gruart

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence are technologies and research topics applied to multiple domains. The goal of this paper is to explore which of the new topics of Artificial Intelligence can be applied in the future to Archaeology. The aim is not to give solutions to archaeological problems, but to present three new areas that can be useful to it:
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), Visual Information Management (VIM) and Multi-agent Systems (MAS).

Early in this century, only privileged people—who had the time, the money and the intellectual curiosity—could be working in archaeology. We can say that archaeology was for erudite people, everyone being an expert on his knowledge area. Excavation diaries are an example of information gathering used then (see Figure 1).

They consisted of natural language explanations of the works and circumstances of the excavation, besides photographs and drawings of the discovered materials.
After that, as a result of the development of archaeology, information gathering in the excavations was performed in a more systematic way. The system used was based on record cards. For every object or structure found, a record card was filled with some slots or attributes more or less well defined, and natural language descriptions, photographs and drawings. There are still thousands of manual records cards.

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