The Next Stage
Society after Capitalism (Nathan Davis)

This book is a guide to the society that will replace Capitalism. It finds patterns in societies' historical development and follows the trend in these patterns to identify the society after Capitalism. These patterns are found using a method that shows how societies develop in an upward spiral thru a series of stages. The previous stages have been Primitive, Slavery and Land-duty.

Primitive society ran from about 100,000 BC to 3,500 BC. Slavery dominated from about 3,500 BC to 400. Land-duty was the main type of society from about 400 to 1600. Capitalist societies first emerged in the 1600s.Primitive society was classless. Class societies emerged with Slavery to drive productivity improvements.

Underlying trends
The general trends from Primitive times to Capitalism have been:
• Increasing productivity
• Advancing technologies and production methods
Since Slavery the trend has been:
• Increasing labor freedom and laborers' incentive
Societies have alternated between:
• Decentralized societies with slow change that laid the basis of a radically new type of socio-economic stage
• The resulting centralized societies with rapid economic growth and social development.

Human societies' spiral development pattern is very similar to the spiral pattern that species' life cycles follow. This book's method is an extension of the philosophy Historical Materialism to include the spiral
development model. Historical patterns show that Primitive and Land-duty societies are very similar. Slavery and Capitalism are shown to be similar to each other.

Primitive and Land-duty
Primitive and Land-duty societies had the following features:
• Decentralized production and government
• Laborers ran production
• Taxation-based economy
• Production and government followed the same regulations

Slavery and Capitalism
Slavery and Capitalist societies had the following features:
• Centralized production and government
• Owners ran production
• Taxation by government only
• Production and government followed different regulations

Following the above patterns, the next stage after Capitalism should be similar to Primitive and Land-duty societies.

Amongst the book's findings are:
• Globalization will eventually result in Capitalism's collapse
• Government and the economy will decentralize, becoming more local and more global
• Central government will have an enabling role rather than a controlling one
• Devolved self-managing small economic units should perform large-scale production
• Automation will remove the need for the working class's physical labor
• Some physical production will remain for a long time and with it remnants of the capitalist and working classes
• The class that will dominate the next society hasn't formed yet
• This class is likely to be self-employed information product creators

Approach - Historical Materialism 5
Historical driving forces 10
Finding patterns 14
Production 15
Production: main features 16
Investment 23
Rights to products 27
Production resources 29
Resource ownership 33
Information products 36
Classes 41
Laborers' organizations 46
Finance 47
Measuring production 49
Productive time 51
Consumption - Markets 52
Product distribution 54
Features of Next Stage - Production 55
Information products' pre-conditions 58
Next stage's character 60
Government 64
Government types 66
Budgetary - Taxation 69
Political groupings 71
Law 73
Enforcement 76
Communication 77
Economic and political government 78
Features of Next Stage - Government 81
Societies 82
Colonialism 84
Features of Next Stage - Society 87
Putting it all together - Production, Government and Society 88
Sources 90
Glossary 91
Index 94