Elected “Project of the 21st century” by UNESCO
EducationalKeo .Zip 92k
| Keo Values .Zip 82k | PresPack.Zip 131k

KEO, an expression of liberty for all

Until the end of December, 2002, each person on Earth is invited to address his message free of cost to his faraway descendants. Every person has a maximum of 4 pages to express himself, to share his experiences, to confide his dreams, to disclose his fears, his hopes, his interrogations and his beliefs…to transmit a small part of his thoughts by penning down his message in the language that he so desires.

KEO, a gift from the people of today to those of tomorrow

All the messages received by KEO, without undergoing any censorship, shall take off at the end of 2003 aboard the KEO satellite to return intact to Earth after a long time. A time as faraway as the appearances of the first paintings that surfaced in the Australian caves…some 50,000 years ago.

Over and above our messages, KEO shall also be a carrier of archaeological gifts laden with symbols and information. Our descendants will be able to learn more about the people of the 21st century and their cultural diversity.

KEO, a hope for us all

Once KEO has been launched into space, we, men, women  and children of the 21st century can share our messages after they have been made anonymous: “What did you say?…you chief of an African village, you a child from the slums, you a wise old Japanese sage, you a devoted mother, you a young girl in love, you an unemployed young lad, you a Nobel prize winner, you a handicapped person, you a prisoner, you a poet,…”.

By sharing our experiences, (once KEO is launched, all the messages, after having been made anonymous, will be accessible on the Internet), by sharing this understanding between one another, we can each contribute to living together in harmony and to realising a world that is more humane.

KEO, a humanist project that is free of cost, lies outside all political, commercial and religious influence

Since several years, the KEO project benefits from the support of institutions such as UNESCO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs…, enterprises like Arianespace, European Spatial Agency, networks like the International Federation of Human Rights, and from people around the world who believe in the future.*

In keeping with the glorious human creations that flag the history of humanity, KEO will be penned down in the same league as that of the Pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China, as a universal masterpiece that is the porter of the collective memory of the inhabitants of the 21st century who wish to address themselves to their future descendants. Each person is invited to participate free of cost in this project.

* KEO is an association with a non-profit motive under the French Law 1901. Programme KEO is being realized thanks to the generous offers of our partners:

Technical Partners : Aérospatiale-Matra, European Space Agency, Arianespace, C.E.A, C.N.E.S, E.A.D.S, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Intespace, Starcem, Sup’Aero.

Partners for Institutional Endorsements: International Olympic Committee, I.F.H.R, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Civilization Museum-Quebec, UNESCO, International Space University.

Partners in Communication: Reunion Academy, Babel@stal, Space City of Toulouse, GTIE, Histoire, Radio France Internationale, Science Réunion, Sipa Press, Touristra.

Partners who support the Project Coordination Team: EFEC, Air France, Cabinet Laurent Cornon, Carré Noir, Imprime’Co, JM Bruneau, Gom Propreté, Groupe Bâton Rouge, Kaos, Marsh, Sokatel, VédiorBis/Expectra, Ville de Paris, Ville des Ulis.

Partners in Information Technologies: Cabinet Conseil Guy Mullier, Cable and Wireless, Lingway.

In order to know more, connect to the site www.keo.org

Procedure for sending your message to KEO

By the Internet: www.keo.org

By post: Programme KEO, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France.


You have the liberty from 1 line to  4 A4 sized pages (6000 characters).


In order to allow your faraway descendants to know you better, please do not forget to mention:


. Name (optional)

. Surname (optional)

. Sex

. Date of birth (day/month/year in 4 figures)

. Nationality

. Country of residence

. Country from which the message has been sent

. Maternal language

. Language in which the message is written

 . Address (optional only if you wish to be recontacted by KEO)

. Profession (optional)

. Hobbies (optional

. How did you discover KEO (if it is through the media, please mention the details: name, date and place of media coverage, name, date and place of exhibition or conference).




A project that welcomes everybody without any fee or charge, KEO provides you with the liberty of expression.

All the messages received by KEO will be put aboard the satellite without undergoing any censorship.

The closing date for receiving the messages will be announced in the press and on the Internet through the KEO website.



Under the veil of anonymity, the messages received by KEO will be published and/or made available for free consultation after the launch of KEO in 2003.