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Speaking and Workshop Topics

John Suler, Ph.D.

I offer presentations on a variety of topics related to the psychology of cyberspace, from hour long talks to half or full day workshops.
I like to design each presentation for the particular needs and interests
of the audience. Depending on the group, I combine lecturing with Q&A periods, discussion, case studies, and experiential exercises.

Here are some of the topics:

The Psychology of Cyberspace
An overview of cyberpsychology that explores the basic features of cyberspace, the various social environments of the internet, and how individuals and groups behave in those environments.

Work Groups in Cyberspace
This presentation covers how an in-person work group can be extended into cyberspace by creating an e-mail list for the group. I explore the benefits of an ongoing virtual meeting, practical suggestions for setting up a list, strategies for effective decision-making and problem-solving, and how using the list may change the communication style and interpersonal dynamics of the group.

Online Relationships
In some ways, online relationships are very similar to offline relationships - and in some ways very different. This presentation compares the two, describing the pros and cons of each, the effect of absent face-to-face social cues, distortions in perceiving others online, and how meeting in-person affects a cyberspace relationship. In the final showdown between online and offline relationships, which is best?

Identity in Cyberspace
People online may present themselves in ways very different than in their f2f lives. They alter their physical description, social and occupational background, even their gender. Some pursue imaginary romantic relationships. Others act out and mistreat others. This presentation addresses how and why people alter their identity in cyberspace.

Psychotherapy in Cyberspace
Clinicians are using the internet as a way to communicate with their clients between their face-to-face sessions and as the primary pathway to conduct counseling. What are the various methods for doing online clinical work? What are the pros and cons? This presentation explores these questions, as well as the idea of a "cybertherapy" that includes uniquely designed communication channels and environments to address the particular needs of particular clients.

Online Deviant Behavior
The anonymity of cyberspace unleashes all sorts of misbehavior in people, ranging from inappropriate language to pedophilia. This presentation explores the cultural and psychological dimensions of online deviance, the various forms of typical deviant behavior, and the automated and interpersonal techniques for managing problematic people.

Online Communities
Using chat, e-mail, and message board technology, groups are springing up all over the internet. This presentation describes what life is like in an online community, how those communities develop over time, and some of the benefits and problems encountered.

Avatars and Multimedia Chat
Based on my research at the Palace, this presentation focuses on chat communities in which people use imaginary visual "avatars" to represent themselves and to socialize with other people, often in an equally imaginary visual environment. What do avatars reveal about a person's identity? How is socializing in a visual environment different than chatting using typed text?

Internet Addiction
This presentation covers the contemporary controversy over whether excessive computer and cyberspace use are truly "addictions," the criteria for defining pathological internet use, the various types of internet compulsions, and the underlying reasons why people become excessively involved with their online activities. The "integration principle" is discussed as the basic criteria for evaluating pathological internet use.

For other topics, see the table of contents (home page)
for my online book The Psychology of Cyberspace.

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