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This article dated Sept 98, revised Aug 99 (v1.5)
John Suler, Ph.D. Rider University Copyright Notice

Publishing Online

Idea Independence, Interdependence,
and the Academic

When I first got online, experienced users were buzzing about the "World Wide Web." Those were the days when the only thing you could browse was text, thanks to the pioneer program Lynx. Then came Mosaic, and I nearly fell off my chair when it enabled me to SEE pictures and HEAR sounds. Something new - very new - was happening on the internet. The number of web sites seemed to double every week. I was intrigued by the fact that anyone - well, anyone with a computer who knew HTML - could publish whatever she or he wanted on a web site. "Why not me?" I thought to myself. Then came the more difficult question of what exactly I would put online. Having been a college professor for 15 years, I had developed dozens of exercises, projects, and handouts for my classes. So I created the Teaching Clinical Psychology web site as a resource center for instructors who teach courses similar to mine. Not long after that, I became fascinated by cyberspace itself - by how people behave on the internet. I wrote an article about users' "addiction" to Palace, the online multimedia community that had become my home away from home (and a bit of an addiction for myself as well!). Then I wrote a few more articles about the internet, which I collected onto a new web site that I called The Psychology of Cyberspace. Now, several years later, the site has expanded to a full length hypertext book. Bitten by the online publishing bug, I also took an idea for a book that was rejected by more than a dozen hardcopy publishing companies and turned it into Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors. It has won quite a few awards and was even featured on CNN - which prompted one book agent who had abandoned the project to give me a call to "check in."

So what's my conclusion from these experiences? Obviously, I'm about to tell you how wonderful it is to publish on the internet. It has been for me. As you can tell from my vita, I've published quite a bit in hardcopy journals, as well as a book on psychoanalysis and eastern philosophy. Although some good things resulted from these publications, it never came close to the level of excitement generated by my online works. I've connected with more people, found more colleagues, and received more invitations to speak at conferences, serve as a consultant, and contribute to books and journals than I ever did when I lived only in the hardcopy world. Even journal articles that I published long ago - which subsequently died as they became more deeply buried in the dusty shelves of university libraries - experienced a joyful rejuvenation when I published summaries of them online.

In this article, I'd like to share my thoughts about publishing online - the advantages, as well as the disadvantages. I'll also describe some of the guidelines I use in creating online hypertext manuscripts and books. Some of these ideas apply to all types of online publishing, but I will steer much of this discussion in the direction of academics who want to place their work on the internet.

Who's the Boss?

For the independent-minded person, one obvious advantage of publishing online is that you are your own boss. You have complete control over how the manuscript is written, page layout, and marketing. There are no editors or peer reviewers to prevent you from constructing your article exactly the way you want. Of course, you may not feel comfortable with all of these dimensions of publishing online - especially the technical side of creating a web site. It takes time to learn HTML, but it's very do-able. You don't have to be a computer geek. Fancy web techniques - like Java - aren't necessary and may in fact result in a document that looks too commercialized for an academic work. Simple HTML is more than enough, and there are many books and web sites that will show you how to do it. You can learn the basics in just a few hours.

Get feedback
from colleagues
and readers.
A more important issue - especially from the perspective of the academic - is the quality and accuracy of what you write. If there are no editors or reviewers to correct weaknesses in the manuscript, then how do you know you are on track? While being your own boss is very exciting and liberating, it's also necessary to get feedback and give careful consideration to it. Ask at least one colleague - and ideally several - to read your work before you upload it. Set up an e-mail link in each of your online articles and encourage readers to send you their comments. Believe me, they will. And the response may not always be glowing praise. It's very easy to minimize, disregard, or blow off negative feedback, especially when it can't prevent you from publishing. But give careful thought to such feedback. The comments that get you the most riled up may turn out to be the most valuable.

Who's the Audience?

Anyone on the internet can get to your online publication. That's a lot of people - all kinds of people. The potential readership for an academic's web article or book is much larger and more diverse than if it were published in hardcopy. The pressing question for authors is how many and what types of people do you WANT to read the publication? It's always important to keep in mind the intended audience for your work, as well as the audience you might get. Is it designed for other experts in your particular field of study, or the more general population?

My sites are intended to cover slightly different territories. The Teaching Clinical Psychology site was originally targeted for college and university instructors who teach courses related to clinical and counseling psychology. The audience turned out to be bigger than that - including high school teachers, students of all levels with an interest in psychology, and people in the general public who are inclined towards psychology, mental health issues, and ideas about personal growth. I created the Zen Stories site for anyone, anywhere, who is interested in eastern philosophy, religion, spirituality, and story-telling. I successfully hit the nail on the head.

The issues about audience for the Psychology of Cyberspace were a bit more complex. I wanted to share ideas with colleagues of all disciplines who were doing research about people and groups on the internet, but I also wanted the articles to be valuable to those people and groups. After all, it was they who gave me so many insights into this topic during my numerous interviews. I wanted to give something back. Purely scholarly articles and those for the general online public require very different writing styles, so I tried to steer a path somewhere towards the middle. Although some of the articles lean more in the academic's direction, while others sway more towards the general online audience, I always avoid highly technical terminology. When I do use theoretical terms I try to explain them in everyday language. Because both professionals and lay people have shown their appreciation for my work, I think I've succeeded in steering that middle course.

I have to say, I'm dismayed by people who write about the wonders of the internet in hardcopy publications while offering very little of their work online. If the internet is so great as a communication tool, why aren't they using it to communicate? I'm sure they'd have many logical replies - concerns about editorial feedback, copyright, prestige, marketing, and making money. But it still seems a bit self-contradictory.

Limitless Revisability: The Evolving Document

Based on feedback from colleagues and readers, an online manuscript or book can be revised any time you want. This limitless revisability is a big advantage over hardcopy publications. The online document becomes a living, evolving entity. If your research and ideas in that topic area progress, the article can be updated to
The concept of
"out of date"
can be
out of date.
reflect the state of your art. The concept of "out of date" can become out of date. Of course this raises the interesting question about WHEN it's time to revise an article. When have your ideas or research evolved enough to warrant a modification? For the academic, a disadvantage is that one single manuscript that matures over time doesn't satisfy the need to build a publication list on one's vita. But that's mostly a social/cultural issue within the world of academia where evaluators feel they need to "count the countables."

On all of my articles in The Psychology of Cyberspace, I indicate the month and year that it was uploaded. Later on, whenever I revise a piece, I also indicate those subsequent months/years of the new uploaded edition. This let's the reader know about the history of the piece. It's an indicator of how much and how fast that particular manuscript is evolving. For people who are returning to the article, it also lets them know whether it was modified since the last time they viewed it - in a sense, what "version" the article is in. In fact, I also provide a version number for each article (e.g., "v1.5"). At first it may seem rather silly to mimic that analogous strategy in software development, but it does give readers a thumbnail measure of how much an article has been improved since the last version. I also offer the opportunity for visitors to subscribe to a newsletter that announces revisions and new additions to the book, as well as gives them an "insider's" view of my current thinking and struggles with the project. For a detailed history of how the book is evolving, I offer an article index that contains a chronologically ordered list of all the articles based on their dates of creation or revision.

The Interactive, Multimedia, Searchable Document

As we all know, the web has sight and sound as well as text. If you have the technical skills, you can place not only photographs, drawings, tables, and charts into your publication, but also audio recordings, video clips, and animated illustrations and diagrams. The possibilities are limited only by one's imagination. This multimedia potential of a web publication catapults it far out of the comparatively static and sensory restricted range of hardcopy works.

The document
may become
an anchor for
a community.
The document also can be interactive. A simple approach would be appending to the article the comments that readers e-mail to you. A list of such comments offers a fascinating variety of perspectives and opinions about the work. For example, see the e-mail that I've received from visitors to Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors. An automated and more sophisticated version of this strategy would be a bulletin board forum (similar to Usenet Newsgroups) where readers discuss the article by posting messages to each other. This is an "asynchronous" style of discussion that doesn't require all readers to be at the web site at the same time. A newsletter might also work as a tool to create a sense of community for people interested in the site. If an online publication draws a steady stream of readers, it's even possible to create a chat room where visitors, in real time, gather to talk. The interactive potential of an online document can transform it into an anchor or springboard for an evolving discussion group, perhaps even a "community."

Software is available to create an environment that makes it easy for visitors to post comments on an article (for example, here's a link to the Third Voice web site). Charlie Hendricksen has devoted his dissertation research to the development of his sophisticated "Doc Review" software that enhances a standard browser by enabling readers to post comments on specific sections of an article as well as interact through posts with other readers. Multilayered threads of discussion can evolve "behind the scenes" of any section of the piece, without disturbing its surface interface. Here are links to Hendricksen's web site: his demo installation and his professional article about DocReview. On his site is also a DocReview'ed version of this article that you are reading right now. Feel free to use that version to comment on this article. When evaluating the features of annotation software, consider the following questions, as suggested by Hendricksen:

- Does the reader have to download software in order to use the annotation system?
- How much do the author and readers have to learn in order to use the program?
- Will readers be exposed to commercial banners?
- Can comments be password protected?
- Can the author of the article edit and delete the annotations?
- Can comments be private exchanges, group directed, and openly public?

Last but not least, an online document can be scanned for specific words or phrases - yet another powerful feature that hardcopy publications lack. Any decent browser allows you to search the page you have loaded into the browser. You also can install search engines that will scan the entire web site (here's the one for my online book "The Psychology of Cyberspace"). However, many search tools can only locate a specific string of characters. They can't find slightly different spelling variations on a word; they can't find ideas or concepts; they can't tell readers what terms to search for. For large documents or sites, an old fashioned subject index may be helpful. "The Psychology of Cyberspace" has a subject index in which each entry is followed by a series of links to articles containing that term. Once they jump to those articles, readers use the browser's search feature to locate the term.

Interconnection, Integration, Association (hypertext isn't hype!)

Hypertext - the ability to jump via links to other pages or to other sections within a page - is the essence of the World Wide Web. It's another powerful advantage of online publishing over hardcopy publishing. A document isn't restricted to a linear format in which it must be read from beginning to end. Readers can move back and forth within and between documents. They must make decisions about how they move through the publication. Their first visit may link them somewhere right into the middle of the site, their "hot spot" of interest that the author should take into consideration when designing the hypertext within that area of entry. Once in, readers choose among options and create their own path that shapes the flow of the reading experience. The challenge for writers is to anticipate how people might move through the article or collection of articles. They must construct a set of path options that offers flexible opportunities for pursuing related topics and subtopics, without overwhelming the reader with an overly complex maze of links. Very few or no links within an article fails to take advantage of hypertext; an article plastered with links in every sentence becomes overwhelming. To avoid reader disorientation in a complex document, every page should offer a map or navigation bar that displays the "big picture" of the site and links for jumping to important sections (here's a page with the navigation bar I often use in "The Psychology of Cyberspace.")

In my publications, I've experimented with various hypertext strategies. In several articles in "The Psychology of Cyberspace" - for example, the one about wizards in the Palace community - a table of contents at the beginning contains links to all the major sections within the article. This strategy works well with long documents. When wizards e-mailed me their comments about various passages in the article, I put those comments at the end of the article and placed asterisk links next to the corresponding passages. I used a similar strategy in the article Cyberspace as Dream World. In each dream that people reported about Palace, words or phrases in their descriptions are links to my comments about those aspects of the dream. The article about avatars, which is all text without any graphics, contains links to other pages that are illustrated versions of the corresponding subsections of the main article. I did this to keep the main article free of numerous graphics that would have made the document appear cluttered. It also cut down dramatically on the download time for the article.

"Pop up windows" are a useful tool for presenting annotations to a page. The table of contents (home page) for "The Psychology of Cyberspace" displays bullets next to the title of each article in the book. When clicked, a small window containing a summary of the article pops up into the left corner of the screen. A very handy way to peruse the contents of the book! Another version of the article about dreams that I mention above uses these pop-up windows to present my comments on the dreams. The beauty of these pop-up annotations is that the author can create an elaborate collection of meta-comments on the article with little disturbance of the article's visual layout.

Both The Psychology of Cyberspace and Teaching Clinical Psychology have a combined hierarchical/lateral structure. The "home page" is a table of contents with links to the various sections within the site. In the cyberspace site, a navigation bar at the top of every page helps readers locate these major sections. Many of the major sections contain links to subsections. Simulating a hardcopy book, "The Psychology of Cybespace" contains an extensive subject index with links to the corresponding articles. The cyberspace and teaching sites also contain a page/article index (1, 2) with a list of links to all the separate pages and articles within the entire site. This page/article index is intended to help readers find a specific page or article that is embedded within subsections and not listed on the home page. In both the cyberspace and teaching sites, "arrow" links at the bottom of every page direct readers up to the parent section and to the home page - which reinforces the idea that the publication is a hierarchical structure. Embedded within and listed at the end of each article in "The Psychology of Cyberspace," links to other related articles on the site comprise the lateral structure of this publication. The teaching site is an especially good example of how a collection of hierarchically and laterally interconnected documents (descriptions of class exercises and projects, syllabi, manuals, and essays) becomes an integrated whole that addresses the overarching objective of providing a resource center for teaching clinical psychology. The lateral integration of a new article into the whole web site is the last step in creating it. It's a process that works in two directions: you must decide where to place links within the new article that conceptually link it to the older articles, as well as review older articles to locate places to link them to the new article. This process forces the author to reconceptualize the overall structure of the site.

Although it has a home page, the Zen Stories site isn't intended to be hierarchical. I designed it so people can wander around according to their own intuitive and subjective impressions of what looks interesting. With links to similar stories at the end of each story page, my hope was that people could meander through the site without returning to the home page. My intention was to create a kind of circuitous feeling to the reading experience. There also are some hidden links. This seemed like a rather Zen way of doing things.

The other big advantage to hypertext is the ability to link to articles and resources located elsewhere on the web. This is a lot more powerful than a reference list at the end of a hardcopy publication, which simply tells you where to go to find the other publication. The hypertext actually links takes you there. The hypertext publication can be embedded within and integrated into a larger body of publications. It becomes part of a network of information and knowledge, part of a larger whole that may indeed transcend the sum of its parts. With all those interconnected publications undergoing periodic revisions, the integrated body of knowledge keeps evolving as its subcomponents change within themselves and in how they interact with each other. Of course, for this vision of a "super-publication" to be realized, scholars must embrace online hypertext publishing.... and they must cooperate with each other.

Associational writing
may be closer
to how the mind
actually works.
The ideas I've proposed here are just the beginning. There will be many creative and controversial ways to use hypertext. The emphasis on an associative rather than linear style of writing could very well revolutionize intellectual discourse and scholarship. It may be more powerful, even more "natural." Writing by association may be closer to how humans actually think than writing by linear design.

Is It Any Good?

How often do you hear people say, "There's so much crap on the web!" Everyone gets a chance to say their piece and there is no quality control. Personally, I think this is the beauty of the internet. My first response to the critic's comment is that one person's crap is another's jewel. The whole complex system of editorial boards and peer review systems evolved in the hardcopy world because there is limited space in journals and books. Not everyone can get in. So there has to be a filter to insure that good writing gets published while poor writing does not. Unfortunately, the filters don't always work. Politics, old boy networks, and status quo thinking sometimes determine what gets into print. On the internet, these influences lose almost all their steam.

New evaluation
criteria must
be developed.
Most academics don't have the luxury of pointing to this more liberal, democratic view of online publishing. For promotion and tenure, their writing has to be evaluated - and the bottomline criteria is WHERE it was published. I doubt that promotion committees, in the very near future, will seriously consider online publications as valid - regardless of what arguments are made to the contrary. Nevertheless, I'm now going to propose some criteria for determining whether an online article or book is "good." Anyone who knows how to use e-mail and search engines easily could generate a report that addresses these criteria:

- How many hits does the publication generate using a search engine? Although it's a deceptive and crude statistic, it's easy to obtain and does satisfy that need to "count the countables." A large number of hits does indicate that people are talking about your work.

- What have unsolicited reviews said about the publication? What are the credentials of the people writing those reviews? Because it's so easy to publish on the web, everyone is commenting on everyone else's work. If a manuscript has been online for a while and there are NO comments or reviews of it, that in itself says something. It might indicate that the author has not made an effort to announce and integrate his or her work into the online professional community.

- What have people said about the publication in unsolicited e-mail to the author? What are the credentials of those people? The amount of e-mail a publication generates might be another important index of its impact. This is why it's important for the author to encourage readers to provide feedback.

- What have other scholars said about the publication in solicited reviews? E-mail is so easy to use that canvassing evaluations from a large number of qualified people might be a worthwhile strategy. An quantifiable questionnaire distributed via e-mail or placed on a web page are other survey methods.

- How many links are there to the publication? A link is a sign that someone considered your work valuable enough that they wanted to connect it to their own. This is an index of how much your work is "cited" as well as how much it is integrated into the body of online scholarship. Also important are the credentials of the person or the reputation of the organization linking to the publication.

- Has the manuscript or parts of it been republished elsewhere on the internet (hopefully, with the authors permission) or in hardcopy publications? What is the reputation of the other person or organization that republished the work?

- What "awards" has the work received? People may give you banners to place on your site as a kind of trophy. It does serve the purpose of advertizing their own site, but it also does indicate their appeciation of your work.

Intellectual Property

There's a lot of debate nowadays about whose ideas on the web belong to whom. I don't pretend to be an expert on issues about intellectual property and copyright. It's a complex, evolving subject. I do know that publishing on the web does make it easy for people to plagiarize your work. If you are worried about this, then perhaps you should avoid publishing online. On the home page of all my sites and at the top of each of my articles in the cyberspace book, I have a link to a copyright page that warns readers about plagiarism and informs them of the format I prefer for their citing my work. I try not to get too aggravated by people who "borrow" my writing without my permission, and I don't go searching for culprits. Sometimes, though, their misbehavior is brought to my attention. A reader of the cyberspace book once e-mailed me to complain about how some links were dead. When I tracked down the page he was referring to, I found it on some other person's site where he had recreated a mish-mashed version of my site. I'm not happy about the fact that some readers are mistaking cheap imitations for the real thing, or that the crook never responded to my e-mailed complaints. I could hire a lawyer, I guess, but so far I've just shrugged it off as "life on the web."

Most people
publishing online
seem to respect
intellectual property.
On the other hand, a few people very apologetically have taken down mirror sites when I asked them to. Some of them, who were from other countries, honestly felt it was a tribute to me when they duplicated my site on their server. Apparently, there are cultural differences on the issue of "intellectual property." I try not to come down heavily on the "ownership" matter, but rather explain to people that my sites are always evolving, so any attempt to duplicate them in their entirety would only result in an out-of-date version of the original. I have to say that MOST people have been remarkably considerate about asking permission to cite sections of my work, republish whole articles, or translate an entire site into another language. Most of the time, I give permission to these requests. Why not? Upon request, I've also revised some of the papers on my web site for publication as book chapters and journal articles.

I imagine the most problematic scenario would be some author plagiarizing your online work and then later accusing you of plagiarizing him. There are techniques - such as time-stamping a document - that can help verify the originality of your online publications.

Is Hardcopy Better?

I've stated that I prefer to call my publications "online hypertext books" rather than "web sites." Web sites come in all shapes and sizes. I think my online works are large enough and similar enough in structure to hardcopy books that a more specific term like "online hypertext book" is needed. At least one person e-mailed me to complain about that. "You can hold books in your hands," he said, "they have front and back covers, and paper pages that you can feel and turn.... Your web sites AREN'T real books!"

are an
to hardcopy.
Well, he's right on that score. Online works will never have the same tactile sensuality of a leather-bound volume. They're not nearly as portable either. Some bibliophiles also don't like to read lengthy pieces on a computer monitor. Although it obliterates all the advantages of hypertext, they print out the document first. It's good to keep this in mind when creating an article. If hypertext is essential to the structure of the piece, warn readers about that (as I do in the cyberspace dreaming article). If particular links within the text lead to essential resources located on other pages, write out the url so people can see it when the article is printed out. Always include the url for an article somewhere within that article, so people who printed it out can find their way back to its location on the internet.

It's very possible that people's preferences for reading hardcopy may change. Hand-held, book-like computers for reading digital publications are on the way! Programs that efficiently save entire web sites to disk will make reading offline easier (I offer a download version of the entire Psychology of Cyberspace). People simply may get used to reading on a monitor. I have, and I rather enjoy it. One thing is for sure: it hurts my neck a lot less to look at a monitor than to stare down at a book.

I seriously doubt that online publications will ever replace hardcopy ones, either in the public domain or in academia. I certainly hope not. Hardcopy and online hypertext works each have their advantages and disadvantages. Even though the text content may be very similar, the presentation is very different. A hardcopy and online version of the same work will supplement and enrich each other.

Do's and Don't's

Below are a miscellaneous collection of guidelines I use in preparing my online publications. Some of them are purely practical rules, others more philosophical. These aren't guidelines that everyone should follow - just ones I recite to myself while writing and designing my web sites:

- Make the page layout simple, nice to look at, and easy to read on a monitor. Spare people from eye strain: try to use a larger size font (like 3 or 4).

- Use graphics to catch the reader's eye and to illustrate an idea or theme in the article. Avoid the clutter of too many graphics.

- Don't use frames unless it *really* is the best way to help readers navigate through the site.

- Try to respond to all e-mail, even if it is a kid in school who is treating you like an information-machine that will feed him data for his report. Even a one-liner can be enough as a polite, humane reply.

- Remember that "making money" is not the only way a publication can be valuable to you. There's more to an author's life than royalties.

- Register your site with the major search engines.

- Remember that the web is always in flux. Other sites move around or disappear. Try to keep up with fixing dead links.

- Try NOT to move your own site, unless absolutely necessary. Try not to change the urls of your pages. Avoid becoming part of that web flux. If you do, people will have a harder time finding your work.

- Send e-mail to owners of other web sites who may be interested in your work. But avoid the notice that looks like an automated commercial that's being sent to everyone and their brothers. It's tacky. Take the time to write a personal message.

- Remember that if your work is good, word will spread.

- Use that spell-checker!

- Help out visitors who land somewhere in the middle of the site. Let them know where they are and give them links to find their away around.

- It's a pain in the neck, but test your pages on all the major browsers.

- To help people know that they're still in your space, keep a distinctive look throughout the web site. Clearly label links that lead people off the site.

- Don't expect every single duck in your publication to be in its row. Nothing is perfect, except perhaps imperfection.

your comments on this article are welcome

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