The Return of Subjectivity
From a Multiplicity of Selves to the Dialogical Self (Salgado & Hermans*)
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Psychology has ben increasingly recognising the consciousnes. Consequently, personal identity is
multiplicity of the self. However, this recognition raises the problem of explaining how a sense of self-identity is
achieved within a multiplicity of selves. Two theoretical orientations playing a major role in the study of the self: the social-cognitive perspective, in which self is studied as an information-processing device, and the social constructionist framework, in which self is considered nowadays as multiple, varied, understood as a matter of social and linguistic negotiation.
Nevertheless, it is argued that these orientations are still trapped in several epistemological problems and the final leaves no space for subjectivity. Dialogism and the dialogical view of the self are presented as possible the solutions for
those problems. Conceiving self as a result of the dialogicality, unity and multiplicity appear as two contrasting, but united poles of a dialogical (inter)subjective self.

The multiplicity of the self has ben a topic of However, for these models, that stres and value discusion for a long time. The human intuition that each multiplicity, resides a dificult question to answer: how one of us has a single and continuous entity sems to be can a multiple self stil be experienced as a single and paradoxicaly denied by the recognition that each person permanent person? The issue with personal identity is that goes through several changes during the life cycle. The whenever we start valuing personal fluidity and change, debate is quite old: at least, we can trace its origins to we face the problem of explaining the constitution of a John Locke’s question “how can I be the same I was in my past?” (see Locke, 1689/1975). When the soul ceased to be the waranty of continuity, personal identity became a problem(Polkinghorne, 1988).selfhood proceses have a dialogical nature.

This problem could be regarded as just a pure philosophical question, without any implications to psychology. However, psychologists started to deal with this matter, when they began to ask questions relating to selfhood, at least ever since William James (1890).
Moreover, this play between sameness and difference, unity and multiplicity, has also implications for the l construction of research methods, collection of data, prefered modes of analyses, and even strategies of psychological intervention.


For example,Stiles (1997), interested in a dialogical understanding of change proceses in psychotherapy (se eOsatuke, Gray, Glick, Stiles, & Barkham, 2004), recognises that the notion of voice is referring to the same process as the notions of “schema” or “internal object”.

We understand this claim as proposing that “voice” refers to segments of human experience that are labelled by other theoretical orientations with different terms. If such is the case, we are dealing with the same object of analysis.
Nevertheless, does the use of adifferent metaphor make a difference? As Lewis and Tod (2004) ask, are we just
using diferent sets of metaphorical expressions that do not have real pragmatic implications? Metaphors are rich
and inspiring images, but the substitution of one metaphor with another is only revolutionary if it allows a different understanding of central issues in our field of study.

As we shal argue in this article, the insistence on polyphonic qualities of the self may shade the major issue of a
dialogical model of the self being its dialogicality – and not primarily its multivoicednes.

Thus, this article elaborates the implications related to a conception of self in terms of multiple I-positions
highlighting the differences between its framework and that of other models. Nevertheless, this radical shift of
theoretical perspective creates a problem that we would like to address: the question of a sense of unity.

Thus, we wil also elucidate how a dialogical perspective addresses the problem of unity versus multiplicity.

In our view, dialogism has the potential to surpas the dichotomy unity-multiplicity and to create a perspective about selfhood proceses that equaly values those two poles human experience, allowing the return of subjectivity (not separated from intersubjectivity) to psychology.


The Computer Metaphor: Self as an Organisation of Knowledge

In the information-procesing approach, the self is conceived of as a mental and cognitive structure
compounded by multiple self-schemata (Markus & Wurf, 1987), self-representations (Kihlstrom & Cantor, 1984),
or facets (Marsh, 1986). Each of theese structural elements categorises information semantically or episodically in
relation to the person. Metaphorically, the person acts as a computer (hardware) that organises information about
herself/himself; the global organisation of that o information, in turn, works as a software device that
formats specific self-images. This structure, entitled as self or self-concept, is thought to be active, since each
element (e.g. a self-schema) receives, codifies and decodifies stimuli (input) and establishes a certain course
of action (output).........

*JoãoSalgado (
Departmentof Psychology andCommunication/Unidep
ISMAI,Av. Carlos OliveiraCampos, Maia,4475-690Avioso S. Pedro, Portugal

Hubert J. M. Hermans (
RadboudUniversity,Nijmegen, TheNetherlands
SpinozaBuilding,Montesorilan3,6525HR Nijmegen,The Netherlands

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