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top 5 population
Welcome to the site dealing with statistics on the human population and Earth in general. The main kind of data you can find here is on the population of regions, countries, provinces and cities. Next to that there are some statistics on economic factors like wealth, infrastructure and more.

The site is divided into several parts. There are four main parts. One dealing with the whole world and its regions, a second with the major regions, a third with all major countries separately and a fourth with rankings (the most, largest, longest, wealthiest, etc.).

Terms used at this site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of "geohive" concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. top 5 agglomerations The designations "more developed", "less developed" and "least developed" countries, areas or regions are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the developing process.

Recent country updates:
2004-08-15 Northern Mariana ISlands
2004-08-15 Guam
2004-08-15 Antigua & Barbuda
2004-08-14 American Samoa
2004-08-14 U.S. Virgin Islands
2004-08-13 Belgium
2004-08-12 Romania
2004-08-01 Namibia
2004-07-31 Spain
2004-07-24 Samoa
2004-07-24 Serbia and Montenegro
2004-07-24 India: Jharkhand
2004-07-21 Jordan
2004-07-20 Syria
2004-07-20 Azerbaijan
2004-07-20 Mauritania
2004-07-20 Papua New Guinea
2004-07-07 Cameroon (map)
2004-07-04 Rwanda (map)
2004-07-03 Ukraine
2004-07-03 Brazil
2004-07-03 Uruguay
2004-06-25 Egypt

Updated daily:
Today's population of all countries
Today's pop. of 50 most populous countries (data+)

Other updates:
2004-08-15 Census dates & results (in progress)
2004-07-26 Chart: seaports
2004-07-26 Chart: containerports
2004-07-08 Chart: population top 50
2004-07-08 Chart: population density
2004-07-08 Main population overview
2004-07-07 Pop. data: life expectancy, % pop. growth
2004-06-23 Human Development Index
2004-06-22 Political entities and their codes
2004-04-24 Chart: corporations with highest market value
2004-04-24 Chart: corporations with highest profits
2004-04-24 Chart: corporations with highest revenues
2004-04-12 Charts: largest agglomerations (3x)
2004-03-19 GDP
2004-03-19 Chart: GDP
2004-03-07 Languages of the world
2004-03-07 Chart: largest cargo airports
2004-03-07 Chart: largest passenger airports
2003-09-23 Updated historic/projected population section