Giappone (fonte)
Christian Era Main Events and Activities
ca.100,000B.C. Start of human activity on the Japanese archipelago.
ca.30,000B.C. Spread of Late Paleolithic Culture.
ca.10,000B.C. First use of pottery on Japanese archipelago.
ca.7,000B.C. First production of clay images.
ca.3,000B.C. First large Jomon communities.
ca.300B.C. Establishment of Yayoi Culture in northern Kyushu. Start of rice cultivation.
57 A.D. King Na of Wa (Japan) sends tribute to Eastern Han dynasty and is bestowed gift of a gold seal.
ca.200 First construction of large graves with burial mounds in western Japan.
239 Queen Himiko of Yamatai in Wa sends emissaries to Wei in China.
ca.300 Keyhole-shaped burial mounds are constructed in many parts of western Japan.
391 Wa sends troops to the Korean peninsula (monument of Haotai Wang).
Religious rites begin around this time on Okinoshima off the coast of Kyushu.
421 King of Wa starts in this year to send tribute to the Southern Court in China (until 478).
471 Forging of the iron swords later unearthed at the Inariyama Burial Mound in Saitama Prefecture.
552 Buddhism introduced from Paekche on the Korean peninsula (538 according to one theory).
600 King of Wa sends emissaries to the Sui Dynasty in China.
604 Prince Shotoku creates the Seventeen-Article Constitution.
630 First emissaries sent to the Tang Dynasty.
645 Taika Reforms.
663 Japanese troops defeated by troops of Tang and Silla on the Korean peninsula. Defenses of western Japan are strengthened.
701 Completion of the Taiho Ritsuryo Code. Establishment of a state based on the Ritsuryo laws.
710 Capital is moved to Heijokyo (Nara).
724 Construction of Tagajo Castle in Tohoku region (monument of Tagajo) .
752 Completion of the Great Buddha at Todaiji Temple.
758 Belongings of Emperor Shomu moved to Todaiji. Construction of Shosoin.
770 Hyakumanto Darani (Dharani of the Million Towers) is completed.
794 Transfer of the capital to Heiankyo (Kyoto).
894 Practice of sending emissaries to China is discontinued.
995 Fujiwara Michinaga takes hold of power. Flourishing of the Fujiwara family.
1005 Murasaki Shikibu completes The Tale of Genji.
1052 Sutra mounds created in great numbers out of beliefs that Mappo (The Age of Decline) has started.
1180 Minamoto Yoritomo establishes his headquarters in Kamakura.
1192 Yoritomo becomes Seii tai shogun ("Barbarian Conquering General") and establishes the Kamakura shogunate.
1224 Monk Shinran founds the Jodo Shinshu Sect (Ikko Sect).
1275 Monk Ippen founds the Ji Sect.
1333 Collapse of Kamakura shogunate. Kamakura enveloped in the flames of war.
1338 Ashikaga Takauji becomes Seii tai shogun and founds the Muromachi shogunate.
1350 Japanese pirates begin raid along China's coastline.
1401 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu restores relations with Ming China. Ashikaga is recognized by the Ming court as the "King of Japan".
1422 Sho Hashi unites all of Okinawa and becomes the Ryukyu King.
1441 Do ikki uprising develops in Kyoto and results in the Tokusei edict. Tea ceremony begins to flourish at this time.
1467 Onin War (1477). Kyoto is enveloped in flames of war.
1488 Ikko ikki breaks out in Kaga and assumes control of the entire Kaga Province.
1531 Asakura Norikage quells the Ikko ikki.
1536 Date Tanemune enacts the Jinkaishu which established domain. Daimyo in different areas begin at this time to enact their own legal systems.
1543 Portuguese bring guns to Tanegashima.
1549 Francis Xavier arrives in Japan to begin missionary activities.
1573 Fall of the Asakura daimyo family in Ichijodani, Echizen Province.
1590 Toyotomi Hideyoshi unites all of Japan. Start of printing of Christian books in Romanized Japanese.
1592 Start of the system of Shuinsen or "red seal ships". Hideyoshi sends troops to Korea.
1603 Tokugawa Ieyasu becomes Seii tai shogun, establishes the Edo shogunate.
1607 Ieyasu has bronze movable type forged to print the Suruga edition.
1619 The hishigaki kaisen (lozenge-fenced cargo ships) begin to sail regularly between Edo and Osaka.
1635 Shogunate forbids Japanese to travel overseas. Start of the sankin kotai system which required daimyo to reside alternate years in Edo. Construction of national roads.
1639 Entry of Portuguese ships forbidden. Start of sakoku, a period in which Japan was closed off to the outside world.
1641 Dutch Trading Mission is moved to Dejima in Nagasaki which becomes the only port in Japan where foreign trade is allowed.
1649 Promulgation of the Keian no ofuregaki, a document outlining the duties and conduct of the farmers.
1657 Great Edo Fire. Following this, large spaces are created in the city to prevent further fires.
1669 Ainu rebellion in Ezochi (Hokkaido).
1671 Kawamura Zuiken opens eastern sea route. Western sea route is opened in following year.
1688 Start of Genroku Period (to 1703). Development of Edo culture including Kabuki and Bunraku.
1732 Kyoho Famine. Rice stores broken into as prices on rice soar.
1778 Russian ships land in Ezochi, request trade.
1821 Ino Tadataka produces first accurate maps of the Japan's coastline.
1828 Franz von Siebold, a German physician of the Dutch Trading Mission, is banished from Japan for bringing maps of Japan out of the country.
1853 Admiral Perry arrives in Uraga and demands that Japan opens its ports.
1854 Japan concludes friendship treaties with the United States, Britain, Russia, France and the Netherlands. The ports of Hakodate, Shimoda and Nagasaki are opened to foreign trade.
1868 Meiji Restoration. Edo's name is changed to Tokyo ("Eastern Capital") .
1879 The Ryuku Islands become Okinawa Prefecture.
1889 Promulgation of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan.
1904 Outbreak of Russo-Japanese War (to 1905).
1910 Korea becomes a Japanese colony.
1915 Japan presents China with a set of 21 demands for expanding its rights in China.
1927 Start of a financial panic. Government declares moratorium on gold standard.
1931 The so-called Liutaochu Incident is used as a pretext for the start of military maneuvers in northeast China. Start of invasion of China.
1941 Start of Pacific War (to 1945).
1946 Promulgation of the Constitution of Japan. Agrarian reforms.
1951 Signing of the Treaty of San Francisco.
1961 Enactment of the Basic Agricultural Law.
1964 Start of the New Tokaido Railway (Shinkansen). Beginning of free economic system.
1967 Outbreak of itaiitai sickness in Toyama Prefecture (first case of pollution related diseases due to industrial wastes).
1983 Opening of National Museum of Japanese History.