



FIXLINKS (.exe 775 Kb)
What FixLinks is?
FixLinks is a unique tool which allows you to check and to repair broken URLs in HTML files automatically. You can use FixLinks to check and to prepare a web site for uploading to the Internet as well as to get rid of links leading to non-existing files. There are much more uses for FixLinks. Using FixLinks You can rename or move folders containing linked files and then restore the links to them without any manual work. You can also restore links between separate pages saved from the Internet (especially if they were saved using Microsoft Internet Explorer's "Save as..." function).
FixLinks uses a wizard-style interface which helps you to go through the process of repairing in the easiest way. FixLinks is a very flexible tool with a variety of options that allow you to customize the process of fixation to fit your needs the best.
FixLinks processes almost every kind of URLs appearing in HTML files using different techniques allowing you to process nearly all links in your HTML files including links inside scripts.
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