




Semplice e funzionale editor HTML. Utile al principiante, pratico per un esperto programmatore.

(.zip 2531 Kb)

(.zip 56 Kb)
ToolBarPaint is a small and powerful paint package that is specifically targeted at developers who wish to design their own toolbar button graphics. It can open BMP images up to 64x64 pixel and allows you to visually design a toolbar, using various editing tools that include shapes, text, drawing, brush, selections and more. It also includes tools to replace colors, apply gradients and more. The toolbar graphics can be saved as 16 color, 256 color and 24 bit graphics. A tiny and powerful editor, written entirely in assembler. Additional plug-ins are available from the website that lets you save as icon file, add additional effects and more.
Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
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