Indice Browsers

PAGEQ - (.exe 1490 Kb)

Create and Edit Q - define tree structure, drag and drop, child and parent relationships
Favorites & History - dialogs that give you more power to organise and share your sites
Video player controls - record, play, pause, next, previous, fast forward, rewind, stop and loop your Q
Annotation - notes area for each individual page in the Q
Title and Separator pages - to assist with ordering the Q and for extra information and note.
Page timer - set the time for pages to display before moving on to next page
Launch All function - opens all the pages in a Q, each in an individual browser window

QBrowser - Navighi e insieme correggi le pagine
(.exe 900 Kb)

Per Windows 2000/XP/2003 vedi qui

Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
Se non lo sei ancora, clikka per leggere i dettagli
Quando esce il form, inserisci Id e Password
PageLink PageQ
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