Indice Browsers

2bpop(setup 584 Kb)

FREE with no annoying ads!
Integrated email and web browser. Email while you browse.
Integrated database for storing details about sites you visit while you visit them.
Automatically extracts data from sites.
Setup re-useable email templates and use macros to insert data from web pages into your template messages
Setup as many interests, subjects or template messages as you like.
Use 2bpop on your local area network.
Use 2bpop's powerful meta-crawler search engine to search across the web.
Grab links as your browse the web. Copy sections of a page to the clipboard and grab the URL's.
Import URL's from a file.
Drag and drop URL's from explorer or a web page to your web address list.
Search your entire database (Description, Title, URL, Keywords).
Turn images on/or off for faster browsing while you browse.
Designed for maximum browser space.
Minimize to the clipboard for easy access throughout the day.
Filter your list of web addresses - Visited or unvisited.


What can you do with 2bpop?

1. Keep track of your online interests and associated web sites.
2. Index web pages of interest automatically grabbing the description, title and keywords.

3. Make quick contact with others online, for academic research, equipment quotes, school projects, regular job searching, etc.
4. Provide feedback to other sites.
5. Get support or help from a web site.

6. Send your opinions to regular news writers, and media outlets.

7. Give your thanks to people when you find something really cool.

8. Send your press release to writers on news sites.

9. Email authors of BBS messages about their postings.
10. Make yourself popular on the web - inform others of your presence!

Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
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Quando esce il form, inserisci Id e Password
Ti ricordiamo anche che nessuna comunita' vive se tutti i suoi membri si limitano a prendere. Psicopolis si basa sullo scambio, quindi ogni tanto dai un tuo contributo: NON SOLDI ma un intervento sulle bacheche, oppure qualche materiale utile o una segnalazione interessante.
Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.