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BROWSE ANYWHERE (setup 946 Kb)

Have you ever encountered the dilemma that you could not open a certain web site that does exist in the Internet world? Have you ever experienced the trouble that you open some web pages with the extraordinary low speed? How can we solve these problems? Browse Anywhere software might be the answer. Browse Anywhere integrates a special technique called Global Route, which enables you to access a website with the best route among all Internet highways. With Global Route, you may browse any website, open any web page and download any file that do exist in the Internet world. Browse Anywhere combines the foreign language translation service which is capable of translating foreign language content web site or web pages into your native language. The software needs Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later version installed on your system and provides multiple-language Interface for non-English users including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese.


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(setup 882 Kb)

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Ti ricordiamo anche che nessuna comunità vive se tutti i suoi membri si limitano a prendere. Psicopolis si basa sullo scambio, quindi ogni tanto dai un tuo contributo: NON SOLDI ma un intervento sulle bacheche, oppure qualche materiale utile o una segnalazione interessante.
Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.