Re-Search fast and easy web searching tool

Free search software, free web ferret

Re-Search is a fast, easy and free web ferret
Just click the search button ,the free web ferret will give you back the relevant,high quality results while searching the web.

free web ferret -- Re-Search

Re-Search -- It's engines with options
You can see the engines that Re-Search provide with you .You can choose the engines you are used to using.

free web ferret -- Re-Search

Re-Search -- It's flexible and easy to control
You can edit the engines you have chosen,and you can control whether use the proxy for the web ferret.

free web ferret -- Re-Search

Re-Search -- It show result in list
It is easy to use,just type in your query and hit the re-search button .The free web ferret queries the popular search engines virtually guaranteeing quality results for most searches, in seconds.

Re-Search -- It also show result in page
You can see the results in the page way .click one result, it will link you to the whole web page.

Re-Search -- Show Abstract
If you wanted to see more about the result win thin few minutes,click the show abstracts.

Re-Search show abstract

Why not try? It is totally free. Down load this free web ferret Re-Search oppure qui sotto (setup 1404 Kb)

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Ti ricordiamo anche che nessuna comunità vive se tutti i suoi membri si limitano a prendere. Psicopolis si basa sullo scambio, quindi ogni tanto dai un tuo contributo: NON SOLDI ma un intervento sulle bacheche, oppure qualche materiale utile o una segnalazione interessante.
Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.