Favourites Server Side (chris.id.au)


Favourites Server Side enables one to search a set of Internet Explorer Favourites from any computer that has Internet Web access. As the file searching are done on the server side, the amount of data to be downloaded from the Internet is minimised. This is particularly important if one has a large number of Favourites. 

Favourites Server Side is a server ASP script which reads the file bookmark.htm (exported  from Internet Explorer or from Netscape Navigator) and enables one to search  the Favourites over the Internet. Favourites Server Side can also read other bookmark files at the same time.

It should be noted that I have used the Australian spelling for favourites.

System requirements

Favourites Server Side requires a server that supports Active Server Pages. A server running Internet Server is satisfactory.


The zip file FavouritesServerSide10.zip contains 3 files. 

The file default.asp must be placed on in a directory of a server that
supports Active Server pages. The file can not be renamed. One would  usually use FTP to load the file on the server. 

The second file is searchpages.txt. This file is placed in the same directory on the server as default.asp. This file can list the names ,or full paths if required, (one per line) of any other bookmark files to be read. By default the file bookmark.htm is used and its name is not required in searchpages.txt.

The favourites are exported from Internet Explorer (File menu/Import and Export)  to a file named bookmark.htm. This and any other bookmark files listed in searchpages.txt must be placed in the same directory on the server as default.asp.

The third file, FSSReadMe.htm, is this file.

The program does not make any changes to the registry or the server. To uninstall the program, just delete the provided files and bookmark.htm from the server. 

Running fss on a server

When one goes to the Web page default.asp (or the directory name), one enters the search string in the text box and presses the search command button.

One can Search for a string of characters in the name of the favourite or in the URL itself.  The search is not case sensitive. It should be noted that the string can be anywhere in the name or URL, not just the beginning or end. For example the string "test" would find atestb.net, test.org, Test.com or www.testdat.org.


Download FavouritesServerSide10.zip 4 KB oppure


E-mail fss@chris.id.au | Web site http://chris.id.au/ | Copyright Chris A Harris 2003

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