Surf3D Pro
Search, Visualize, Act!
(.zip 1501 Kb)

Surf3D Pro is a fantastic and powerful web productivity tool.
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Surf3D Pro is a powerful new way to manage the information explosion on the web, personally and privately.

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CWS Web Search

Tutti i motori sul desktop

(.zip 8 Kb)

LSDie - LSDie is a search bar similar to the IE search bar, with the following differences:
It's a lot smaller and a lot less intrusive.
It's not corporate sponsored.
It has many more engines, all neatly organized in an intuitive interface.

Updates will actually be desirable (unlike the new Hotmail interface). Additionally, this isn't like LSD or other search bots. Most search bots are actual executable code, and can only run a single operating system; LSDie is just a web page, and so can run on any system with a web browser. (Testalo qui.) The file to download is just a Windows executable used to install/uninstall the extension. However, you can manually add the page as an extension to any browser. Also, if anybody creates an installer for another OS, feel free to drop me a line and I'll be more than happy to post it. (.exe 40 Kb)

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