Akkademia di Psicopolis
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 
Table of Contents
June 2004, Volume 8, Number 2


Affective Reactions to Cross-Functional Teams: The Impact of Size, Relative Performance, and Common In-Group Identity
by George B. Cunningham and Packianathan Chelladurai

Goal Interdependence and Applying Abilities for Team In-Role and Extra-Role Performance in China
by Dean Tjosvold and Zi-you Yu

Group Cohesion, Attitude Projection, and Opinion Certainty: Beyond Interaction
by Rolf Holtz

Collective Efficacy and Team Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Collegiate Football Teams
by Nicholas D. Myers, Deborah L. Feltz, and Sandra E. Short

A Comprehensive Review of Prevention Groups for Children and Adolescents
by Kevin R. Kulic, Arthur M. Horne, and John C. Dagley