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Agge, Philip. "Inside the Company", Stonehill, 1975.
Allen, Max. "The Birth Symbol In Traditional Women's Art", Toronto, Museum of Textiles, 1981.
Americas Watch. "The 'Drug War in Colombia", ottobre 1990.
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Amsden, Alice. "Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization", Oxford, 1989.
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Appleby, Joyce. "Capitalism and a New Social Order", Università di New York, 1984.
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Aston, T.H., e C.H.E. Philpin. "The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic DeveloPment in Pre-Industrial Europe", Cambridge, 1985.
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Bernal, Martin. "Black Athena", Rutgers, 1987.
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Brady, Robert. "The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism", Viking, 1937.
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Chomsky, Aviva. "Plantatation Society, land and Labor in Costa Rica's Atlantic Coast 1870-1940", Tesi Per il PhD, U.C. Berkeley, 1990.
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- "At War with Asia", Pantheon, 1970.
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- "Toward a New Cold War", Pantheon, 1982.
- "Fateful Triangle", South End, 1983.
- "Turning the Tide", South End, 1985.
- "Pirates and Emperors", Claremont, Black Rose, 1986; Amana, 1988.
- "On Power and Ideology", South End, 1986.
- "Culture of Terrorism", South End, 1988.
- "Necessary Illusions", South End, 1989.
- "Deterring Democracy", Verso, 1990; edizione aggiornata, Hill & Wang, 1991.
- "Rethinking Camelot", South End Press, 1993.
- e Edward Herman, "Political Economy and Human Rights", South End, 1979.
- e Howard Zinn, "Pentagon Papers", vol. 5, Analytic Essays and Index, Beacon, 1972.
Clairmonte, Frederick. "Economic Liberalism and Underdevelpment", Asia Publishing House, 1960.
Cooper, Chester. "The Lost Crusade", Dodd, Mead, 1970.
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Daws, Gavan, "Shoal of Time", Macmillan, 1968.
Debo, Angie. "And Still the Waters Run", 1940; aggiornamento, Princeton, 1991.
Deere, Carmen Diana, ed al. "In the Shadows of the Sun", Westview, 1990.
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Drinnon, Richard. "White Savage: the Case of John Dunn Hunter", Schocken, 1972.
- "Facing West", Minnesota, 1980.
Du Boff, Richard. "Accumulation and Power", M.E. Sharpe, 1989.
Evans Peter. "Dependent Development", Princeton, 1979.
Fall, Bernard. "Last Reflections on a War", Doubleday, 1967.
Farmer, Paul. "AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame", California, 1992.
Feffer, John. "Shock Waves: Eastern Europe After the Revolution", South End, 1992.
Fitzgerald, Tom. "Between Life and Economics", Boyer lectures of the Australian Broadcasting Company, A.B.C., 1990.
Franklin, Bruce. "M.I.A., or Mythmaking in America", Lawrence Hill, 1992.
Gaddis, John Lewis. "Strategies of Containment", Oxford, 1982.
- "The Long Peace", Oxford, 1987.
Garthoff, Raymond. "Détente and Confrontation", Brookings, 1985.
- "Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis", Brookings, 1987.
George, Alexander, "Western State Terrorism", Polity, 1991.
Gerschenkron, Alexander. "Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective", Harvard, 1962.
Ginger, Ann Fagan, e David Christiano. "The Cold War Against Labor", due volumi, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, 1987.
Gleijeses, Piero. "Shattered Hope", Princeton, 1991.
Green, David. "The Containment of Latin America", Quadrangle, 1971.
Greider, William. "Secret of the Temple", Simon & Schuster, 1987.
Hagan, Kenneth. "This People's Navy", Free Press, 1991.
Haines, Gerald. "The Americanization of Brazil", Scholarly Resources, 1989.
Hartmann, Betsy, e James Boyce. "A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village", Zed, 1983.
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Hauptman, Laurence, e James Wherry. "The Pequots in Southern New England", Oklahoma, 1990.
Hecht, Susanna, ed Alexander Cockburn. "The Fate of the Forest", Verso, 1989.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. "The Philosophy of History", Dover, 1956; "Lectures of 1830-31".
Herman, Edward. "The Real Terror Network", South End, 1982.
- "Beyond Democracy: Decoding the News in an age of Propaganda", South End, 1992.
- e Frank Brodhead. "Demonstration Elections", South End, 1984.
- e Noam Chomsky. "Manufacturing Consent", Pantheon, 1988.
Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, "The Cruel Dilemmas of Development", Basic Book, 1980.
Hietala, Thomas. "Manifest Design", Cornell, 1985.
Higginbotham, Leon. "In the Matter of Color", Oxford, 1978.
Hill, Christopher. "A Nation of Change & Novelty", Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1990.
H"fer, Bruni, Heinz Dieterich, e Klaus Meyer, eds. "Das Fnfhundert-j„hrige Reich", Médico International, 1990.
Hogan, Michael. "The Marshall Plan", Cambridge, 1987.
Holt, Thomas. "The Problem of Freedom", Johns Hopkins, 1992.
Horsman, Reginald. "Race and Manifest Destiny", Harvard, 1981.
Jackson, Helen. "A Century of Dishonor", 1880; ristampa in edizione limitata Ross & Haines, Minneapolis, 1964.
Jaimes, Annette. "The State of Native America", South End, 1992.
- ed Andrew Lownie. "North American Spies", Edinburgo, 1992.
Jennings, Francis. "The Invasion of America", North Carolina, 1975.
- "Empire of Fortune", Norton, 1988.
Jonas, Susanne. "The Battle for Guatemala", Westview, 1991.
Keay, John. "The Honorable Company: A History of the English East India Company", Harper Collins, 1991.
Kent, Noel. "Hawaii", Monthly Review, 1983.
Khor Kok Peng, Martin. "The Uruguay Round and Third World Sovereignty", Third World Network, Penang, 1990.
Kiernan, V.G., "European Empires from Conquest to Collapse", Fontana, 1982.
Kimball, Warren. "The Juggler", Princeton, 1991.
Kinnard, Douglas. "The War Manager", University Press of New England, 1977.
Kissinger, Henry. "American Foreign Policy", Norton, 1974; edizione ampliata.
Kolko, Gabriel. "The Politics of War", Random House, 1968.
- "Confronting the Third World", Pantheon, 1988.
Koning, Hans. "Columbus: His Enterprise", Monthly Review, 1976.
Krause, Paul. "The Battle for Homestead, 1880-1892", Pittsburgh, 1992.
Krenn, Michael. "U.S. Policy toward Economic Nationalism in Latin America, 1917-1929", Scholarly Resources, 1990.
La Botz, Dan. "Mask of Democracy: Labor Suppression in Mexico Today", South End, 1992.
LaFeber, Walter. "Inevitable Revolutions", Norton, 1983.
Landes, David. "The Unbound Prometheus", Cambridge, 1969.
Lazonick, William. "Business Organization and the Myth of the Market Economy", Cambridge, 1991.
Leacock, Ruth. "Requiem for Revolution", Kent State, 1990.
Lederman, Jim. "Battle Lines", Holt, 1992.
Leffler, Michael. "A Preponderance of Power", Stanford, 1992.
Lewy, Guenter. "America in Vietnam", Oxford, 1978.
Lobel, Jules. "A Less than Perfect Union", Monthly Review, 1988.
Maguire, Andrew, e Janet W. Brown. "Bordering on Trouble", Adler & Adler, 1986.
Mannix, Daniel, e Malcolm Cowley. "Black Cargoes", Viking, 1962.
Marshall, John, Peter Dale Scott, e Jane Hunter. "The Iran-Contra Connection", South End, 1987.
Mayorga, Francisco. "The Nicaraguan Economic Experience, 1950-1984: Development and exhaustion of an agroindustrial model", Tesi di PhD, Yale, 1986.
McAfee Kathy. "Storm Signals", South End, 1991.
McClintock, Michael. "Instruments of Statecraft", Pantheon, 1992.
McCoy, Alfred. "The Politics of Heroin", Lawrence Hill, 1991; revisione dell'edizione del 1972.
Merkl, Peter. "The Federal Republic of German at Forty", N.Y.U. press, 1989.
Miller, Nathan. "The Founding Finaglers", McKay, 1976.
Milton, David. "The Politics of U.S. Labor", Monthly Review, 1982.
Minnear, Richard. "Victor's Justice", Princeton, 1971.
Monbiot, George. "Poisoned Arrows", Londra, Abacus, 1989.
Moody, Kim. "An Injury to All", Verso, 1988.
Moore, Joe. "Japanese Workers and the Struggle for Power, 1945-1947", Wisconsin, 1983 .
Morris, Richard. "The American Revolution Reconsidered", Harper & Row, 1967.
- "The Forging of the Union", Harper & Row, 1987.
Nehru, Jawaharlal. "The Discovery of India", Asia Publishing House, 1961.
Omissi, David. "Air Power and Colonial Control", Manchester, 1990.
Osborne, Robin. "Indonesia's Secret Wars", Allen & Unwin, 1985.
Parker, Phyllis. "Brazil and the Quiet Intervention, 1964", Texas, 1979.
Pastor, Robert. "Condemned to Repetition", Princeton, 1987.
Paterson, Thomas, ed. "Kennedy's for Victory", Oxford, 1989.
Peck, James, ed. "The Chomsky Reader", Pantheon, 1987.
Perkins, Dexter. "The Monroe Doctrine", 1927; ripubblicato da Peter Smith, 1965.
Peters, Cynthia, ed. "Collateral Damage", South End, 1992.
Pisani, Sallie. "The CIA and the Marshall Plan", Kansas, 1991.
Platt, Tony, ed. "Tropical Gulag", Global Options, 1987.
Polanyi, Karl. "The Great Transformation", Beacon, 1957.
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Puette, William. "Through Jaundiced Eyes: How the Media View Organized Labor", Comell, 1992.
Rabe, Stephen. "The Road to OPEC", Texas, 1982.
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Reese, Mary Ellen. "General Reinhard Gehlen: the CIA Connection", George Mason, 1990.
Robinson, William. "A Faustian Bargain", Westview, 1992.
Rogin, Michael Paul. "Fathers and Children", Random House, 1975.
Rotter, Andrew. "The Path to Vietnam", Comell, 1987.
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Sale, Kirkpatrick. "The Conquest of Paradise", Knopf, 1990.
Salisbury, Neil. "Manitou and Providence", Oxford, 1982.
Salisbury, Richard. "Anti-Imperialism and International Competition in Central America, 1920-1929", Scholarly Resources, 1989.
Saxton, Alexander. "The Rise and Fall of the White Republics", Verso, 1990.
Schaller, Michael. "The American Occupation of Japan", Oxford, 1985.
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Schweinitz, Karl de. "The Rise & Fall of British India", Methuen, 1983.
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Schoultz, Lars. "Human Rights and United States Policy toward Latin America", Princeton, 1981.
- "National Security and United States Policy toward Latin America", Princeton, 198n.
Schwarz, Benjamin. "American Counterinsurgency Doctrine and El Salvador", RAND, 1991.
Sexton, Patricia Cayo. "The War on Labor and the Left", Westview, 1991.
Shanin, Teodor. "Russia as a 'Developing Society'", Yale, 1985.
Simpson, Christopher. "Blowback", Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988.
Skidmore, Thomas. "The Politics of Military Rule in Brazil", Oxford, 1988.
Sklar, Holly. "Washington's War on Nicaragua", South End, 1988.
Slim, T-Bone. "Juice is Stranger than Friction", Kerr, 1992.
Smith, Adam. "The Wealth of Nations", Chicago, 1976; prima ed, 1776.
Smith, Joseph. "Unequal Giants", Pittsburgh, 1991.
Smith, Stephen. "Industrial Policy in Developing Countries", Economic Policy Institute 1992.
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Solomon, William, e Robert McChesney, eds. "New Perspective in U.S. Communication History", Minnesota, 1993.
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Stannard, David. "American Holocaust", Oxford, 1992.
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Stivers, William. "Supremacy and Oil", Cornell, 1982.
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Taylor, John. "Indonesia's Forgotten War: the Hidden History of East Timor", Zed, 1991.
Taylor, Maxwell. "Swords and Plowshares", Norton, 1972.
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Tracy, James, ed. "The Political Economy of Merchant Empires", Cambridge, 1991.
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Vickery, Michael. "Cambodia: 1975-1982", South End, 1984.
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