Full Circle Associates: http://www.fullcirc.com Online Community Toolkit
Self-Assessment Resources
Some Thoughts on E-Coaching
Healing Disrupted Networks
Web Communities Respond to 9-11 

Building Community

  • Virtual Communities: What and Why?
  • Types of Online Community
  • The Tools of Online Connection
  • Online Interaction Tool Tour
  • Dictionary of Online Interaction Terms
  • Designing Online Events
  • Online Events Assessment Tool
  • Thinking About Tools for Groups Across Time and Space (graphic)
  • Threaded Vs. Linear
  • Tom Coleman Poem - some thoughts on connecting with words
  • Virtual Communities: Thinking About Purpose
  • Community Builders Purpose Checklist
  • Community Application Tool
  • How Some Folks Have Tried to Describe Community
  • Your Community of Customers - Online community for small business.
  • Conversations With Your Customers - A human voice behind business interactions.
  • Calculating Your Community Costs - Is it worth your while?
  • What is Community - Heather Duggan's article from Workz
  • What is the Value of Participating in an Online Community? - anonymous
  • Staying "In-the-moment" in Asynchronous Online Interaction
  • Conference and Topic Structures
  • Healing Disrupted Networks


  • Online Facilitation Course
  • Online Community Hosting Course
  • Chat & Live Event Hosting Course
  • Facilitating and Hosting a Virtual Community
  • Effective Global Teamwork


  • FaciliTips - Quick tips on online facilitation.
  • Online and Offline Facilitation: What is the Difference?
  • So You Want to be an Online Facilitator?
  • Facilitator Qualities - a "think sheet" about online and offline facilitator qualities.
  • Facilitator Self-Awareness
  • Online Facilitation Assessment Tool
  • Self-Assessment Resources
  • Visual Facilitation: A Humorous Look at Online Life
  • Avoiding Conflict Online
  • U of Massachusetts Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution Online Dispute Resolution Bibliography
  • The Power of Passion
  • But I'm Not a Writer!
  • An Introduction to Chat
  • Hosts on Hosting - a collection of interviews
  • Amy Jo Kim - (see also the review of Kim's book.)
  • Barbara Weaver Smith
  • Barbara Steinberg
  • Cindy Rink
  • Howard Rheingold
  • Jeffrey Field
  • Joe Lennon
  • Mihaela Moussou
  • Don Thompson
  • Sue Thomas
  • Faciliplay: - Play as an Online Facilitation Technique
  • Emoticons: Online Body Language - add a little context to your words
  • Some Thoughts on E-Coaching
  • Online Facilitation From a Distance Education Perspective - Moderating tricks from the distance education mavens!
  • You Gotta Have Heart - The Human Touch in Online Community - Nancy White.
  • Community Member Roles and Types
  • Die Community, ihre Mitglieder und Strukturen - German version
  • Holding Questions - a "think sheet" on using questions in online group work.
  • Confidentiality in Online Groups - Nancy White
  • Creating Summaries - Nancy White
  • Interventions: Behind the Scenes or Out in Front?- Nancy White
  • 5 Online Community Poison Pills - Nancy White. A few pitfalls you can avoid.
  • Five Ways You Can Prevent Online Community Flames- Sue Boettcher.
  • An Introduction to Online Participation Techniques - by Nancy White draft
  • OnlineFacilitation list archive
  • Twin Cities Freenet Guide on Facilitation - a good list of links to online facilitation resources
  • More Online Facilitation URLs
    Case Studies
  • Changing Lenses: Online Interaction in Central Asia
  • Project Harmony Domestic Violence Online Conference, March 2002
  • Case Study: Purple Moon
  • Case Study: Virtual Community as Empowerment
  • Case Study: the IBM/Electric Minds 'Kasparov v. Deep Blue Chess Match'
  • Case Study: Nancy Rhine and Women's Wire
  • Case Study: A Community of Purpose - John Aravosis
  • Case Study: An Insider's View of an Online Community on a Shoestring

    Content, Guidelines, Marketing

  • Using Content to Support Your Community
  • Retaining Members
  • Sample Online Community Guidelines, Rules and Member Agreements
  • Personal Musings on Online Community Governance
  • It Ain't Easy Being Green: Online Archetypes- by Nancy White draft
  • Cluetrain Local- by Nancy White draft