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Free Personality Quiz for Career Advancement (.zip 319 Kb)

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1. Free personality quiz

Ready for free online personality testing?

This free on line personality quiz gives you a detailed printable report with a high-level view of your personality.

You just need to answer 30 two-choice questions, and the test generates a report which you can print or even upload with your resumé.

2. Job personality test

Looking for a free online career personality assessment?

You can use the test for business personality testing.

Determine your job profile with this personality quiz and take the free online job personality test.

3. Discover your "big five" personality traits

The assessment of character has always been an important aspect of applied psychology.

The theory of personality has known various stages. In ancient times, personality was a matter of "temperament".

The ancient Greek philosophers

The Greek philosophers explained much of personality in terms of the amounts of the four humours:

  • blood, indicative of enthusiasm ("sanguine" types)
  • black bile, standing for depression (the "melancholic" type)
  • yellow bile for anger (the "choleric" types)
  • phlegm for apathy (the "phlegmatic" type)

Even today, the concept of temperament plays a role in certain psychological theories, be it in a more scientific way.

Hans Eysenck and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter are good examples.

Hans Eysenck (1916-1997)

His inspiration came out of the work of Pavlov. Pavlov related the four temperament types with two factors (arousal and inhibition).

Eysenck researched a reworked version of this theory. His idea of using factor analysis was widely adopted. Factor analysis is the base for the most popular current theory of personality: the big five.

Photo 1: Hans Eysenck as a young man

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Keirsey also distinguishes four types of people (artisans, rationals, idealists and guardians) but his underpinnings are different.

For one, he also includes thinking style in his categorization.

The "personality type"

With the birth of psychology out of philosophy, the "personality type" concept emerges. For example, Carl Gustav Jung wrote in his work "Psychological Types"

"In the following pages I shall attempt a general description of the types, and my first concern must be with the two general types I have termed introverted and extraverted.

But, in addition, I shall also try to give a certain characterization of those special types whose particularity is due to the fact that his most differentiated function plays the principal role in an individual's adaptation or orientation to life.

The former I would term general attitude types, since they are distinguished by the direction of general interest or libido movement, while the latter I would call function-types."

Photo 2: C. G. Jung

Shift towards trait theories

Gradually, the scientific community moved away from rigid theories that tried to put people in boxes. Personality turned out to be much more variable both in time and in space/circumstance.

The concept of "personality profile" was born.

Most current researchers detect one form or another of a personality trait theory, the Big Five, in their data.

The "Big Five" are called that way because the theory distinguishes five different characteristics, or traits. Each trait is a dimension with in principle an endless number of positions. In practice, it is easy to put a discrete scale on the dimensions. This test uses 6 categories per trait.

The traits are:

  • Openness: High scorers are open to new values and opinions. Low scorers tend to be conservative.
  • Conscientiousness: High scorers are dutiful, while low scorers tend to be less so.
  • Extraversion: High scorers are generally sociable, talkative. Low scorers tend to keep in the background.
  • Agreeableness: High scorers are friendly and warm, while low scorers tend to be rude.
  • Negative emotionality: High scorers are emotionally less stable than low scorers, who are more quiet and calm.

Conclusion: Recent psychological tests are based on scientific information about personality.

4. Fun personality quiz

You can use this love and personality quiz for fun too, but the results are serious.

The report generated by this free test will tell you who you are. Take this fun online personality test.

5. A true personality test with colors indicating the traits

The "Personality Star" is a good high-level representation of your personality.

These five colors are used for personality testing and reporting (Color from quiz: Personality trait from psychology):

  • Yellow: Openness
  • Blue: Conscientiousness
  • Purple: Extraversion
  • Green: Agreeableness
  • Red: Negative emotionality


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