Frasi celebri e motti utilizzabili anche per le
e-mail (.zip 564 Kb)

Skinnable GUI.
Using a highly efficient cookie compression algorithm for saving 40 % disk space.
Over one hundred thousand cookies that have been verified and duplicates have been removed.
That's ~14 MB of text! Everything from Murphy's laws, Devil's Dictionary, Hacker Jargon File, myths, jokes, computer mimics to stories, Star Trek, adventure game descriptions, Hacker Test, Denis Leary and not to forget - quotes from famous people.
Cookie extraction.
Create own cookie files and add your details to the cookie data files.
Searching available through the entire cookie archives. Useful to find appropriate cookies when you need them.
Randomizing looks on startup.
Reminder for taking regular breaks. This is useful to get coffee and to stretch muscles after hard work.
Automatically generate cookie signatures for your favorite email program like Outlook, Netscape, Eudora and more.
Email signatures are customizable by templates for HTML and RTF formats. You can also place your personal information in the signatures.
Cookie verification to ensure consistent cookie files.
Automatic web update information. The application can check for new versions without sending any information to Geekcorp Software.
Word exclusions support. If you are e.g. bored of cookies with the word politics in them, you can preserve yourself from these cookies.
DOS support. Uninstall support.


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