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The Psychology of Leadership
New Perspectives and Research

Edited by David M. Messick, Northwestern University
and Roderick M. Kramer, Stanford University

Contributors xi
1 Introduction: New Approaches to the Psychology of Leadership 1
David M. Messick and Roderick M. Kramer
Part I: Conceptions of Leadership
2 The Cultural Ecology of Leadership: An Analysis of Popular Leadership Books 11
Michelle C. Bligh and James R. Meindl
3 Social Identity and Leadership 53
Michael A. Hogg
4 On the Psychological Exchange Between Leaders and Followers 81
David M. Messick
5 The Psychodynamics of Leadership: Freud's Insights and Their Vicissitudes 97
George R. Goethals
Part II: Effectiveness of Leadership
6 Rethinking Team Leadership or Teams Leaders Are Not Music Directors 115
J. Richard Hackman
7 Leadership as Group Regulation 143
Randall S. Peterson and Kristin J. Behfar
8 Process-Based Leadership: How Do Leaders Lead? 163
Tom R. Tyler
9 Claiming Authority: Negotiating Challenges for Women Leaders 191
Hannah R. Bowles and Kathleen L. McGinn
10 Why David Sometimes Wins: Strategic Capacity in Social Movements 209
Marshall Ganz
Part III: Consequences of Leadership
11 The Perception of Conspiracy: Leader Paranoia as Adaptive Cognition 241
Roderick M. Kramer and Dana Gavrieli
12 Leadership and the Psychology of Power 275
Joe C. Magee, Deborah H Gruenfeld, Dacher J. Keltner, and Adam D. Galinsky
13 The Demise of Leadership: Death Positivity Biases in Posthumous Impressions of Leaders 295
Scott T. Allison and Dafna Eylon
Part IV: Commentary
14 When Leadership Matters and When It Does Not: A Commentary 321
Suzanne Chan and Arthur P. Brief
Author Index 333
Subject Index 345

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