Teorie, tecniche ed esperienze nei processi di verifica e valutazione dei Servizi e Progetti Immateriali
evaluation of training and learning



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These instruments for training and learning evaluation and follow-up were developed by W. Leslie Rae MPhil, FITOL, Chartered FCIPD, who is an expert in this field, and author of over 30 books about training and learning. These materials are free for personal and organizational use subject to the terms stated (basically, retain the copyright notice, accept liability for any issues arising, and don't sell or publish the materials).
This document contains the essential end-of-programme validation, feedback and follow-up instruments: most ready for use, others for you to develop to suit your own situation. You will make better use of these systems if you read the section on training and learning evaluation on www.businessballs.com.

Instruments such as the ones included here are the most effective way of:
a) determining what the participants have learned
b) giving the learners time to reflect on their learning during the programme prior to their completion of their post-training personal action plan
c) getting useful feedback in an organized manner, to help with future training planning,and
d) ensuring trainees and learners follow-up their training with relevant actions to apply, improve, develop and reinforce learning attained.

The document contains two alternative learning evaluation instruments; two suggested approaches to post-training personal action planning, and four types of 'reactionnaire' for post-training feedback.

Tools included:
•Evaluation of Learning Questionnaire (LQ) - ready to use
•Evaluation of Key Objectives Learning Questionnaire (KOLQ) - guide
•Action Plan template and instruction - ready to use
•Four separate and different 'Reactionnaires' - to suit different situations

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