The philosopher and historian of science, Michel Serres, has an established
reputation within several fields. Across the humanities, Serres is known
as the
author of critical studies which situate authors such as Emile Zola,
Jules Verne
or La Fontaine in relation to a broader cultural and scientific field.
His audacious
claim that the arts prefigure science, or rather that the work of art
may in
some sense translate between cultural problematics and scientific formalizations
has helped to renew an entire field of studies in Literature and
Science (see in
particular the journal Configurations). Conversely, in Science and Technology
Studies (STS), Serres notion of translation is recognised as one
of wellsprings
of Actor-Network Theory (ANT). As such, his work has served as an essential
resource for theorists looking to resituate science as part of the hybrid
which cut across the division between politics and nature. Finally,
the heterogeneous literature on Information Systems, Serres is recognized
offering a distinctive account of information and communication and
of the
globalization of message bearing systems. His beautifully
illustrated text
Angels: A Modern Myth stands alongside contemporary work by Pierre Levy
and Geoffrey Bowker.
What then of organization theory? In recent years a steady stream of
thinkers such as Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida and Deleuze have all
been co-opted into the field, sometimes under the overly broad rubric
of the postmodern, but more usually as touchstones which
enable a speaking in the name of critique (see the adroit
summary by Jones, 2004 on the case of the reception of Derrida). According
to Sørensen (in this volume), Serres is next in line. That remains
to be seen. But what is clear is that the co-option of Serres presents
particular challenges.
Whilst the Foucauldian or Deleuzian oeuvre defies ready summary, there
are at least clear points of division and routinely established categories
in the
work with which to engage, along with a burgeoning secondary literature.
Serresian oeuvre, by contrast, varies wildly in terms of project, technique,
method and content. What to make of a writer who authorizes himself
to veer
between topics as diverse as the Diogenes encounter with Alexander
the Great,
the Columbia space shuttle disaster, the origins of geometry, the operation
of Charles de Gaulle airport, rats meals, the foundation of Rome, and
the work of Hergé (creator of Tin Tin)? A writer whose best known
work in English resembles a coffee-table book and whose recent work
in France includes starring in a series of television advertisements
for a telecom company?
William Paulson, responsible for some of the English translations of
Serres work, and one of his most astute Anglophone commentators,
sums up the difficulty of the reception of Serres in the following way
(albeit within the English literature graduate school model):
Michel Serres is no ticket to the Ph.D.-and-tenure express: if you dont
know his work,
no one will flunk you on general examinations or turn down your manuscript
you havent situated yourself with respect to his problematic,
and if you study him,
you wont find an applicable method that you can use in turning
out your own dissertation and books on schedule. In the present state
of the disciplines, Serres is
extracurricular: you have to read him on your own time. (Paulson, 1997:
A given text by Serres can appear to be endowed with such a radical
a narrowed and focussed ambition, that it is difficult to see what
if anything
could be extracted and put into general circulation. Detachment
(Serres, 1989),
for example, consists of four meditative essays that read almost as
organized under the headings Farmer, Sailor,
Wanderer, Friar, which encompass questions of
history, epistemology, cartography and objectivity.
There is certainly nothing like a model to be found here,
as that term is usually understood. Nor is there anything that conforms
especially to expected notions of method (but note Serres
fierce rejection of such a charge in his conversations with Bruno Latour,
1995). Much as one might be carried away with the seductive power of
the homologies, analogies and unexpected, almost fantastical juxtapositions
that Serres works through (here, rats steal from the farmers table,
and over there, the receiver extracts a surplus from the senders
message), it is difficult to know just what to do with Serres when the
cover closes back on the book.
My aim then in this chapter is not to construct preferred readings or
strategies that make Serres relevant for the thinking of
organization, nor to provide a comprehensive overview of his work (see,
however, attempts by Abbas, 2005; Assad, 1999; Brown, 2002, 2004; Latour,
1987; Serres and Latour, 1995). Rather I will demonstrate, through a
reading of a single piece by Serres, how some of the lines of thought
developed in that text are necessarily entangled with and refracted
through some of Serres major works.