A Dynamic Theory of Personality
Chapter VIII. Survey of the Experimental Investigations

by Kurt Lewin (1935) (Fonte )

New York & London: McGraw-Hill, pp. 239-273.

There is an English translation of some of the contributions of Lewin's Berlin group summarized by Kurt Lewin in this chapter in Joseph de Rivera's book: Field Theory as Human Science (New York: Gardner Press 1976):

Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina: The Resumption of Interrupted Activities

Anita Karsten: Mental Satiation

Georg Schwarz: On Relapses in Relearning

Tamara Dembo: The Dynamics of Anger

Ferdinand Hoppe: Success and Failure

An summarized English version of

Bluma Zeigarnik: On Finished and Unfinished Tasks

was published in Willis D. Ellis' book: A Source Book of Gestalt Psychology (New York: Harcourt-Brace 1938).

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