Prolegómenos a la Psicologia
Social: La Idea de Atmósfera en la Psicología de la
Colectividad - Sketches for Social Psychology
Mg. Jahir Navalles Gómez, Universidad
Autónoma de Querétaro (México)
This present work interyields by a nostalgic psychology, a psychology
that origin -and it was become deformed- in which in century XX
was self-proclaimed like social psychology; a original psychology
that was first of all an historical project with respect to the
social life; a psychology that is described to itself like collective
psychology, sketched from the diverse interlocutors -who not necessarily
show as social psychologists or psychologists and enriched from
the constant debates- that are not sending in the manual beaten
ones of given off psychology or social
psychology in your intercross them you will discipline that the
psycho-social footpath has journeyed.
An evening devises is the pretext that sketches the scene that
the discipline has built, and in the following lines two examples
become manifestos, on the one hand, the contribution done by the
reflections that Herder did; and by the other side, with the discreet
presence that the psychology of the collective life, developed
by Wundt, contributed to the psycho-social scene, both being implied
in a subtle one, idea, an idea that explicitly has been disdainful,
but that implicitly is pronounced like the bastion of social psychology:
the atmosphere idea.