David Snowden, Cynefin Centre for Organisational Complexity, IBM Global
Services, UK
Managing in the Shadow
Greg Searle,
Tomoye Corp., Quebec, Canada
Guerrilla-KM: Six Steps to Creating Successful Communities of Practice
Joanne Self, Rolls-Royce, Derby, UK
Communities of Practice: the Rolls-Royce Experience
Timothy Butler,
SiteScape, Massachusetts, USA
Creating the Right Communities of Practice Model to Facilitate Business
Schilling, Hewlett-Packard Company, USA
Applying the Community of Practice Model in a Post-Merger Environment:
Finding the Best of Both Worlds
Tara Gallus,
IEEE, New Jersey, USA
Facilitating Communication and Collaboration through Virtual Communities
in a Non-Profit, Technical Professional Association
George Pór, CommunityIntelligence,
Building a Business Case for Communities of Practice and Maximising
the Weblog Advantage
Alexander Hagmeister,
SAP, Germany
Community Reward Programmes
Peter Bradshaw
and Stephen Powell,
Ultralab, UK
Large-Scale Online Communities of Practice for Professional Learning
of School Leaders
Nabil Shabka, BiblioTech
and Schoolmaster, London, UK
Structured Anarchy: A Study from the Educational Sector
Chris Rettstatt,
KidFu, Chicago, USA
Children and Teens Online: New Generations, New Scenarios
Ali Hossaini,
Rainbow Media, New York, USA
What Makes a Successful Virtual Community?
Martin White,
Intranet Focus, Surrey, UK
Collaborative Technology Solutions
Miranda Mowbray,
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK
What the Grid means for Virtual Communities
Martin Nielson, AltosBanCorp, UK
Consolidation in the Collaborative Software Industry
Dawn Yankeelov,
ASPectx, Kentucky, USA
Professional Choices: Positioning the Virtual Community To Fit the
Health Care Environment
Ian Bilsborough, Countryside Agency, and Tim Pickles,
Sift, UK
Learning Networks in the Countryside Agency
Mark Brogan
and Gurpreet Kohli,
Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
Case Study of a Vertical Portal: the Cape Range Ningaloo Project
Hannelore Grams,
Ogilvy Interactive, Germany
Online Community: A Tool of Customer Relationship Marketing
Hazel Hall,
Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
Motivations to Share Knowledge: the case of the Cipher Challenge
Ian Jindal,
ICP Europe, UK
Trust and Reputation in Business Communities
Lizzie Jackson,
The snail-trail of reputation
Andrew Ross, Oxford
University, UK
What We Can Learn From Organic Online Communities? How Communities
of Practice Seed Themselves With Conflict