Psychology Theories

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

This is a big, big list of academic theories, hypotheses, or whatever you want to call them, that have some bearing on persuasion. Think they're not 'real world' stuff? Check out why these  explanations are real.

An alternative way of exploring them is through the clusters page, where they are grouped by general topic.

- A -

Acquired Needs Theory

Actor-Observer Difference

Affect Infusion Model


Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic

Anticipatory Regret see Regret Theory

Attachment Theory

Attribution Theory

Attachment Style

Attachment Theory


Attitude-Behavior Consistency

Automatic Believing

Augmenting Principle

Availability Heuristic

- B -

Balance Theory see Consistency Theory

Belief Bias

Belief Perseverance

Ben Franklin Effect

Biased sampling

Body language see Non-verbal Behavior

Bounded Rationality

Buffer effect of Social Support

Bystander effect

- C -

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion

Cautious Shift see Risky Shift Phenomenon

Central Route see Elaboration Likelihood Model

Certainty Effect

Charismatic Terms see Ultimate Terms

Choice Shift see Risky Shift Phenomenon

Choice Theory see Control Theory

Classical Conditioning


Cognitive Appraisal Theories of Emotion

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Evalution Theory


Communication Accommodation Theory


Confirmation Bias

Conjunction Fallacy

Consistency Theory


Contact Hypothesis

Control Theory



Correspondence Bias

Correspondent Inference Theory

Counter-Attitudinal Advocacy (CAA)

Counterfactual Thinking

Covariation Model


- D -



Devil Terms see Ultimate Terms


Dissonance see Cognitive Dissonance

- E -

Elaboration Likelihood Model

Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis

Endowment Effect

Epistemological Weighting Hypothesis

Equity Theory

ERG Theory

Expectancy Violations Theory

Expectancy Theory

Explanatory Coherence

Extended Parallel Process Model

External Justification

Ethnocentric Bias see Group Attribution Error

Extrinsic Motivation

- F -

False Consensus Effect

False Memory Syndrome

Four-factor Model

Filter Theory



Frustration-Aggression Theory

Fundamental Attribution Error

- G -

Gambler's Fallacy see Representativeness Heuristic

Goal-Setting Theory

God Terms see Ultimate Terms

Group Attribution Error

Group Locomotion Hypothesis

Group Polarization Phenomenon

Group-serving Attributional Bias see Group Attribution Error


- H -

Halo Effect

Hedonic Relevance see Correspondent Inference Theory

Heuristic-Systematic Persuasion Model

Hostile Media Phenomenon

Hindsight Bias

- I -

Illusory Correlation

Imagined Memory

Implicit Personality Theory

Impression Management

Information Manipulation Theory

Information Processing Theory

Informational Social Influence

In-Group Bias

In-Group Linguistic Bias see In-Group Bias


Insufficient Punishment

Interpersonal Deception Theory

Interview Illusion

Intrinsic motivation

Investment Model

Invisible Correlation see Illusory Correlation


Ironic Reversal

- J -

James-Lange Theory of Emotion

Justification of Effort

- K -

Kin Selection see Prosocial Behavior

- L -

Language Expectancy Theory

Law of Attraction

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

Learned Helplessness Theory

Learned Need Theory see Acquired Needs Theory

Least Interest Principle

Looking-glass Self


- M -

Matching Hypothesis

Mental Models see Schema

Mere Exposure Theory

Minimum Group Theory

Minority Influence

Mood-Congruent Judgment

Mood memory

Multi-Attribute Choice

- N -

Negative Face see Politeness Theory

Non-Verbal Behavior

Normative Social Influence

Norms see Social Norms

- O -


Operant Conditioning

Other-Enhancement see Impression Management

Outcome Dependency

Out-Group Bias see In-Group Bias

Out-Group Homogeneity

Overconfidence Barrier

Overjustification Effect

- P -

Perceived Behavioral Control see Planned Behavior Theory

Perceptual Contrast Effect

Perceptual Salience

Peripheral Route see Elaboration Likelihood Model

Personal Construct Theory

Personalism see Correspondent Inference Theory


Persuasive Arguments Theory

Planned Behavior Theory


Pluralistic Ignorance

Politeness Theory

Positive Face see Politeness Theory

Positive Test Strategy see Confirmation Bias

Positivity Effect

Post-Decision Dissonance


Primacy Effect

Private Acceptance see Informational Social Influence

Propinquity Effect

Prosocial Behavior

Prospect Theory

Pseudo-certainty effect see Certainty Effect

Psychological Accounting

Public Compliance see Informational Social Influence

Pygmalion Effect see Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

- Q -

- R -

Rationalization Trap

Reactance Theory

Realistic Conflict Theory

Recency Effect

Reciprocity Norm

Regret Theory

Reinforcement-Affect Theory

Relative Deprivation Theory

Relationship Dissolution see Terminating Relationships

Representativeness Heuristic

Repulsion Hypothesis

Risk Preference

Risky Shift Phenomenon


- S -

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis


Scapegoat Theory

Scarcity Principle


Selective Exposure

Selective Perception

Self-Affirmation Theory

Self-Completion Theory

Self-Discrepancy Theory

Self-Enhancement see Impression Management

Self-Enhancing Bias see Self-Serving Bias

Self-Evaluation Maintenance Theory

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Self-Monitoring Behavior

Self-Perception Theory

Self-Protective Bias see Self-Serving Bias

Self-Serving Bias

Self-Verification Theory

Sleeper Effect

Social Comparison Theory

Social Desirability Bias

Social Exchange Theory

Social Facilitation

Social Identity Theory

Social Impact Theory

Social Influence

Social Judgment Theory

Social Learning Theory

Social Loafing

Social Norms

Social Penetration Theory

Social Proof see Informational Social Influence

Social Representation Theory

Social-Role Theory

Sociobiology Theory

Speech Act Theory

Spiral of Silence Theory

Stage Theory


Story Model

Stimulus-Value-Role Model

Strategic Contingencies Theory

Subjective Norms see Planned Behavior Theory

Subliminal Messages

Sunk-Cost Effect

Symbolic Interaction Theory

- T -

Terminating relationships

Three-factor Theory see Acquired Needs Theory

Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

- U -

Ultimate Attribution Error

Ultimate Terms

Uncertainty Reduction Theory

Urban-Overload Hypothesis

- V -

VIE Theory see Expectancy Theory

- W -

- X -

- Y -

Yale Attitude Change Approach

- Z -