Aforismi sul Tempo Libero3

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Mortimer J. Adler Friendship is a very taxing...
Scipio Africanus I'm never less at leisure than...
Katharine Anthony For mothers who must earn...
Aristotle Politicians also have no leisure...
Aristotle The end of labor is to...
W. H. Auden It is already possible to...
Irving Babbitt The task of organizing and...
Natalie Clifford Barney How many inner resources one...
Charles Baudelaire It is unfortunately very true...
Sean Bean I sort of leave the character...
Clive Bell Do not mistake a crowd of...
Gerald Brenan We are closer to the ants...
Franklin Buchanan Your morals and general character...
Lord Byron Men love in haste, but they...
George Gordon Byron Now hatred is by far the...
William Congreve Grief walks upon the heels of...
Cyril Connolly The artist is a member of...
Christopher Dawson You can give men food and...
Guy Debord Tourism, human circulation considered as...
Johnny Depp I remember in that red leisure...
Jared Diamond I'd rather spend my leisure...
Benjamin Disraeli Increased means and increased leisure...
George Eastman What we do during our working...
Michael Ende In their view, even leisure...
Benjamin Franklin We are more thoroughly an...
Benjamin Franklin A life of leisure and a...
Benjamin Franklin Employ thy time well, if thou...
Benjamin Franklin Leisure is the time for doing...
Gunther Grass If work and leisure are soon...
Dag Hammarskjold The more we do, the more...
William Hazlitt The busier we are the more...
Oliver Herford Manuscript: something submitted in haste...
James Hillman Economics is a slave-driver...
Thomas Hobbes Leisure is the Mother of...
Joseph Howe Those who know me best well...
Aldous Huxley What with making their way and...
Samuel Johnson Leisure and curiosity might soon...
Alexander Kluge We all know the mechanical...
Niccolo Machiavelli War should be the only study...
John Oates I'd make Daryl my Minister of...
Ovid In our leisure we reveal what...
Blaise Pascal The present letter is a very...
Isabel Paterson Nothing increases the number of...
Laurence J. Peter The best intelligence test is...
William Lyon Phelps Those who decide to use...
Prince Philip Everybody was saying we must...
James Polk No president who performs his...
Marcus V. Pollio I am moreover inclined to be...
Quintilian Having at length, after twenty...
Branch Rickey How to use your leisure time...
Branch Rickey Leisure is the handmaiden of...
George Bernard Shaw The only way to avoid being...
George Bernard Shaw The secret of being miserable...
Robert Shea Speaking of insects, entomologists have...
Fulton J. Sheen Leisure is a form of silence...
Swami Sivananda Do not love leisure. Waste not...
Logan P. Smith If you are losing your leisure...
Logan P. Smith If you are losing your leisure...
Michael Strahan My hobbies and leisure activities...
Henry David Thoreau A broad margin of leisure is...
Henry David Thoreau The finest workers in stone...
Arnold J. Toynbee To be able to fill leisure...
Anthony Trollope As to that leisure evening of...
Thorstein Veblen In itself and in its...
Thorstein Veblen The basis on which good repute...
Gilbert West Mix with your grave designs a...
John Woolman All this time I lived with...
William Butler Yeats It is most important that we...
Zhang Yimou People have become shallower. They...