Outport is a program for exporting data from Outlook to various formats, including HTML, text, V-card, Rich Text, Outlook item and others. It offers special support for Evolution users (a Unix/Linux organizer). It can be used to export your data for various uses, including HTML copies of your email (e.g for CD archiving) or to transfer data to other calendar or PIM programs. The interface is easy to use and allows you to select the Outlook items to be included in the export operation and to specify a conversion format for each.

(.zip 409 Kb)

SOFTPOSTCARD (.exe 3421 Kb)

SoftPostCard is an easy to use application to send people PostCards. The traditional PostCard (Picture and Text) can now be delivered via the Internet. Select your Image from disk, the internet, a digital camera or your scanner, add your message and the PostCard is delivered. The recipient receives an email stating you have sent a PostCard to them and when they click on the attached file their browser will launch and they will be able to view/listen to the picture/video/sounds you sent and read the message. Use SoftPostCard to send pictures of your family, launch products, maps, interesting ideas etc

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