SLEIPNIR (.zip 956 Kb-english)
Sleipnir is the tab browser which can be customized moderately.
There are the following features.

A tool bar, the powerful customize function of a menu.All shortcut keys can be changed.Automation/expansion of the processing in a script.
Shortcut reference which excludes the change of a search engine
Favorite reference of an address bar which is automatic and opens the most suitable favorite.
Change of the icon of a tool bar, a status bar, and a tab is possible.
The original favorite rearranged according to visit frequency
The mouse gesture function which can be customized.A proxy can be easily changed from a menu. Security can be easily changed from a menu.

The Sleipnir Version 1.42 Japanese version New!!
The Sleipnir Version 1.41 Japanese version (site 1)
The Sleipnir Version 1.41 Japanese version (site 2)
The Sleipnir Version 1.41 English formal version New!!
The Sleipnir Version 1.41 ??? language version (thanks to xx)
The Sleipnir Version 1.41 ?? Chinese version (thanks to ho99h)
The Sleipnir Version 1.41 Hankul-alphabet version
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