DBReader - Hierarchical database browser with editing capabilities (.zip 1315 Kb)

DBReader is a hierarchical database browser with editing capabilities.DBReader provides the end user with a fully integrated set of development tools for data manipulation and data definition. Complete with a metadata view of the underlying data structure, the end user is presented with a total overview of the data environment. Main features:
1.Connect to any datasource accesible via ADO using OLE DB Provider or ODBC.
2.Browse and edit database server-specific schema objects, including tables, fields, indexes, and stored procedure definitions(now only sqlserver).
3.Metadata View of tables and views with constraints and dependencies such as primary keys, foreign keys and indexes. Column details with datatypes, default values, nullability, etc.
4.Explore database structure in a tree (tables, views, columns, indexes, procedures, etc.)
5.Enter SQL statements to query a database, and edit the result set of a query.
6.View/Edit BLOB Field(plain text,RTF,image).
7.Run scripts of unlimited length. You can load SQL command from file or save SQL command to file.
8.Syntax Hi-lighting of keywords, string literals and comments.
9.Launch the ODBC Administrator to configure the ODBC Data Source Name.

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