
Torrent Searcher

Torrent Searcher is an easy-to-use media search and download tool that is based on the KC Easy Source Code. It have one big different option included in comparison with KC Easy. That is that it can search for torrents on several of big torrents sites/databases. It can search song, movie, image, application and any other files from Ares and OpenFT P2P networks and Bittorrent network as well. It also includes a powerful media player that enables users to play all popular media types, create playlists for song and movie, preview downloading files, view images thumbnails.

(.exe 4700 Kb)

Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
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Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.