

Other desktop search tools return result lists in random order. Mo-Search is different. Upon searching, each file is scored against your search text, ranked and this sorted by relevance. This may seem small beans, but when you really need to locate the most useful files possible, ranked results make other desktop search tools obsolete.

Another unusually valuable feature: ‘Find Duplicate Files’ tool, which finds duplicate files. Select a directory containing your work or play files: Word documents, PowerPoint file, Excel files, Visual Basic files, digital photos, MP3 files, backups, or possible type of file. After pressing the ‘find duplicate files’ button, a list of duplicate file is generated using standard MD4 checksum. You’ll be surprised at the list of duplicate files you’ve been storing, attempting to organize, striving to search, and trying to manage. Finally use this tool to clean up all these unruly files

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Requirements: Microsoft Word Full-Text-Indexing requires Microsoft Word 2000 or newer. Microsoft PowerPoint Full-Text-Indexing requires Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 or newer.

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