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Active Team Games Animazione di gruppo

Elves, Wizards, Giants 

"Elves, Wizards and Giants." is a team version of the old game of `Scissors-Paper-Stone’, but has funnier actions and noises which each team has to act out. Each character (Elf, Wizard, Giant) has a specific action or noise.

Squatting down and imitate pointed ears by holding two fingers up by your ears (similar to making bunny ears). Make "Eeeking" noises while doing this.


Standing on tip toe, arms raised in frightening posture making growling / roaring sounds


Standing normally but with arms outstretched as if casting a spell. Make appropriate spell casting noises.

As with Scissors-Paper-Stone each character/icon can win against one character or loose against the other. In this case if wanted teams can make the appropriate actions for winning or loosing.


Winning team: Actions:
Elves shoot Wizards: Elves win Elves pretend to shoot an arrow, Wizards make dramatic gestures as though struck in the heart.
Wizards frazzle Giants: Wizards win Giants pretend to shrink.
Giants squash Elves: Giants win Giants pretend they are squishing something small.

Each team finds a quiet corner and decides on a character to be as a team, after choosing their character each  team stands facing each other with hands behind their backs. On the count of three the whole team acts out their character with the points going to the team that chooses the winning character. If both teams pick the same character there is a draw.

Ape, Man, Girl Game
Posted on the Christian Youthworkers egroup

Another variation of the rock, scissors, paper game. Have people pair off. Then, when the signal is given each person strikes a pose like an ape, man, or girl. Be sure to demonstrate what each looks like ahead of time. The ape beats the girl, man beats the ape, the girl gets the man. Eliminate the losers and pair the winners until you get a champion.

Team Scissors-Paper-Stone
Credited to Pastor John Sim, Children's Pastor
Sent in by Joseph, Kingdom Kids, Childrens' Church Chapel of the Resurrection, Singapore

An active variation on the Scissors-Paper-Stone game that allows for a much larger group to play and since the whole group is jumping around trying to get their feet coordinated, it takes longer to get dull.

Game is played with using your legs instead of your hands.

Scissors - person stands up with feet crossed
Paper - person stands with feet wide apart 
Stone - person stands with feet together

To the chant of "Scissors, paper, stone.. " all players have to follow the chant with the corresponding action and then immediately after jumping feet together for stone have to jump into the symbol of chosen item. As with Elves, Wizards and Giants you can also play this as a team game with each team going off for a short while to choose which item they are going to be, before coming back and jumping as a team.

Kissing Game
Sent in by Becky

"This game is really all about wrestling, so a hard floor is best, to prevent carpet burns. It is one of the most hilarious games I have ever played."

Good for larger groups and probably better for older children / youth.
Divide the group into a team of boys and a team of girls (see [1] below if this is not possible). With both teams lined up facing each other a little distance apart (eg either side of a hall). Give each boy a number and each girl a letter. If you have more than 26 girls then start to use double letters, eg AA, BB, CC etc...

1 person (boy or girl) sits in the middle between both teams.
The leader then calls out a number and a letter.
If the person in the middle is a boy, then the girl has to try and kiss the boy on the cheek to win, while the boy who was called out has to try and kiss the girl on the cheek to win. If it is a girl in the middle, then the boy has to kiss the girl sitting down on the cheek, while the girl has to kiss the boy on the cheek before he kisses the other girl. Whoever wins the match, then sits in the middle.

Note [1]: Game leaders.. you need to know your group! Not all children/youth are happy about doing something like this. It is possible to play this game with relatively uneven numbers of boys and girls, but if you prefer to have more even numbers or find you have a group of only or mainly boys or girls you may prefer to come up with some other objective, rather than kissing on the cheek.

Elf Defense
Find this and other games at Jonathan's Resources.

Equipment: You need two sets of different coloured balloons. Around 25 to 50 of each for two teams of play.

Form two teams of elves. Each team must defend its treasure (a pile of balloons) while attempting to steal or destroy the other team's treasure. Use two different colour balloons, one for one team. Designate a time period (5 to 10 minutes) to play the game. When the time ends, each team's un-popped balloons count 100 points each. Stolen, un-popped balloons count 200 points each.


Find anything handy which would make good obstacles, E.g. chairs, tables, benches, skipping ropes, netting (for going under) or handy assault course if one happens to be near by :-) Then arrange the items in the most imaginative, safe but tricky and exhausting route possible. Either double up on equipment so that teams can compete against each other at the same time or do time trials with fastest team completing the route winning.

warning!: Items being used in ways they were not meant to can cause accidents so please be careful when designing the course that the risk of injury is kept to a minimum.

Creepy Crawly  

Equipment: Any small unbreakable object
Preparation: None

Divide players into teams. Each team takes a `corner’ standing in single file facing the center of the room where the object is placed. At command each team gets on all fours while the back member going legs astride over his/her team members to the front and where they then get down on all fours. Once in place the next rear player repeats the process until the team is close enough to capture the object. To ensure no cheating the front player must hold the ankles of the one newly crouching down in front of him/her. Players may stretch out to the full to reach the object.

Human Foosball

Divide into two teams and have both teams sitting down in a row (either on floor or on chairs) facing each other. If the group has arrived and is sitting in rows facing you can divide the group up and get both groups to turn their chairs to face each other. Using a balloon as a ball, teams remaining seated have keep the balloon in the air (unlimited hits each side). Points are scored when a team gets the balloon over all of the opposing team and hits the wall (indoors) or beyond a boundary (outdoors). Points also gained for when balloon lands on ground.

Chair Challenge / Stepping Stones
Sent in by Joseph, Kingdom Kids, Childrens' Church Chapel of the Resurrection, Singapore

"Here is a game that we have played at Children Service and it works amazingly well with adults too!!"

Equipment : 5 chairs (preferable with backs to prevent people from falling off), or 5 non-movable marked sitting spaces.

Preparation: Line the chairs in a straight line side to side. 
Form 2 teams and line them up on either side of the chairs. Teams do not need to be of equal numbers.

Objective : To get to the opposite of the line of chairs.

Moving : A player can only move forward by sitting down on each chair along the way.

Challenge : A challenge is resolved by the age old method of Scissors-Paper-Stone.

At the signal of the game master, the first person in the line of each team moves as many chairs towards the opposite end of the chairs as possible. When the 2 of them meet at any point, a challenge is created ( see above for resolution of challenge). The loser of the challenge must immediately get up, step away from the chair ( so as to not obstruct the challenge winner ) and go to the back of his/her team line. The next person in line of the challenge losing team now moves forward on the chairs. For the winner, he/she will immediately move as many chairs forward as possible before being challenged again. At any point in time, only one member from each team can be on the chairs. Each player that successfully makes it to the opposite end of the chairs earns a point for their team. The game can be played within a set time or for a predetermined number of points. The game master then signals the start of the next round.

Chairs tend to be displaced and have to be repositioned 
Challenge losers try to stall for time to delay the progress of the challenge winner 
Player trying to 'fly' over the chairs instead of sitting on the each chair.

Marching Madness

Equipment: Several pieces of rope or cloth long enough to tie two ankles together
Preparation: None

Teams can take turns to do this. Standing in file the front team member has his left or right ankle tied to the same ankle of the team member behind them. The second team member then has the other ankle tied to team member behind them. This continues alternately for all team members. On command the team/s must try to reach as many predetermined goals as possible within a set time limit. Team to reach the most wins.

Grab It

Equipment: Bucket of water with bar of soap in it
(Messy game! so anything else required to protect property, sanity, life... etc)

Divide into two equal teams sitting down facing each other and holding the hands of team member next to them. At the one end of the line put a bucket of water with a bar of soap in it (if this is on carpet, put a layer of towels down to protect it.) 

Stand at the head of the lines with a coin and flip it so only the first person in line can see the results as to whether its heads or tails. They are not to yell out how the coin landed or even look back at their team. If the coin lands on heads the persons in front are to squeeze the hand of the next team person who squeezes the hand of the next player in the team and so on communicating to the last person in the line that the coin was a heads. If the last person in line has their hand squeezed than they are to try to grab the soap out of the bucket before the last person on the other team does. The person successful in retrieving the soap gets to go to the front of the line. [Ed - If you have the space for a scrummage and an area you don't mind getting messy you might want to play it so that its not just the first person to grab the soap, but the first person to sit at the front of their line with the soap. The looser returning to their place at the back]

If there is a mistake and the message is wrongly communicated to the person in back so they grab the soap when the coin was actually tails. The person in front must go to the back of the line. The first team to get their entire team forward in line (back person to front- not front to back), wins.


Ice Grab It

Use a huge bucket of ice/slush with a marble in it instead of bucket of water with soap. Not as messy as the original but less soap in eyes and everywhere. Plus they get really cold hands!

Capture The Flag
Sent in by
Rachel W. (Angl56R)

"You can be playing this for hours or minutes, you never know!"

Divide into two teams and mark the middle of the playing area using a rope or chalk to mark the boundary between the two teams areas. Each team then hides a flag or handkerchief in their half of the playing area. The object is for each team to find/get the other teams flag without getting caught. A player can be caught when they are in the opposing teams area and are tagged by a member of that team. If a player is caught they are sent to a jail on the opposing teams side and are out of the game, unless they are released by a team member who has not been caught. The team that finds the other teams' flag first wins.

If playing in a large hall or gym, have a circle with few cones at the back of each teams territory in which to put to the flag.


Equipment: 2 coits (small rubber rings) or relay batons
Preparation: Need a rectangular marked out area or tennis court.

2 teams. A cross between relay races and cycle pursuit on foot. Teams stand at opposite corners of the pitch with the first player of each holding the coit. On the word "go" each player has to run clockwise around the circuit/court trying to catch the player of the opposing team. As each team member passes their base they pass the coit onto the next team member who takes over. If a player manages to catch up with a player in front they score a point for their team and the opposing, `tagged’ team member returns to their base to hand the coit on the next player. Where it starts again.

Star Game

Equipment: Any small unbreakable object

Star Game layout Divide into any number of equal teams (4 are shown here) with each team standing in line legs apart facing the middle where the object is placed. Number each member of the team from the middle outwards so that all the 1’s are nearest the centre. When a persons’ number is called out they have to leave their position, run around the outside of the star to the back of their team where then have to tunnel/craw through their team members legs to reach the ball/object first.


Best with 2 teams although can be played using 4. Teams line up, single file, equal distances from the leader who stands arms outstretched towards the teams. At command players jump legs astride with the exception of the team member at the back who must crawl through the tunnel formed by the legs. Once at the front they stand up and the next team member crawls through the tunnel. This continues until one of the teams can touch the outstretched hand of the leader. To avoid cheating team members must be able to touch the shoulders of the person in front.

Stow the Cargo   

Equipment: 2 large open boxes or something else that can used as a small goal. 20 or more bean bags divided equally between teams.
Preparation: See below

Stow the Cargo layout

Set up the playing area as follows:-

2 teams A and B. Team A's goal is placed in the area behind Team B, and vice versa. Each team chooses one team member to act as a backstop (Ga and Gb) for their goal. The rest of the team stand in the central areas respectively. Dividing the bean bags equally, teams in the central areas try to score goals by throwing the bean bags into the boxes. Any missing the boxes are picked up by the backstops and thrown back to their own team players. Each team may only use only those bags that land in their area or which they have intercepted.

Finish the game after a time limit or when the supply of bean bags is exhausted. Most scored wins. Depending on the size of the goal and skill of the players 'backstops' can be allowed to defend the goals or not.

Follow the Leader 

Small groups each with a leader who they follow and copy. It is often necessary for the person in charge to suggest some possible avenue of thought e.g. tall, small, quick, slow, directions to prevent constant repetitions of the obvious at a steady speed from being vogue.

Bean Bag Melee 


5 bean-bags or other unbreakable objects.
Either use a chair or some sort of container (bins, baskets or boxes) 1 for each team.


Set up as shown in the diagram, placing the three chairs equidistant from the pile of bean bags in the middle.

Divide everybody into 3 teams with each team standing by one of the three outer rings or points. Teams do not have to be even numbers. Each team selects a player to run each round.

  Bean Bag Melee layout

The objective of the game is to get 3 bean-bags onto the chair or if boxes are being used into them. Players may take bean-bags from the centre OR from other players chairs. Players may only take one bag at a time and bags may not be thrown, they must be placed on chairs or into the boxes. Players and other team members may not defend their bases and stop bags being taken.

Scavenger Hunts

"As simple as ABC…"

Split into teams. Leader selects a letter of the alphabet and sets a time limit. Players then have to collect or list as many things as possible beginning with the letter. Team finding the most wins.


Leader sets out a list of list of things to find. These can be either specific items or more ambiguous, e.g. `something old, something blue’, etc. Team back with all the items and first and or most ingenious items wins.

Group scavenge

Have crowd break into 3 - 4 groups. Leader calls out different items or activities for the groups to produce. The first group (the entire group does not have to go) to come up to the front with the item gets a point. Group with the most points at end wins.
Suggested items and activities:

<       Red (or another colour) shoelace - to be removed from the shoe

<       Pen with a chewed cap

<       Penny or any coin with a certain date

<       Paper clip

<       Stamp

<       Family picture

<       Guy wearing red lipstick

<       2 people with their shoelaces tied together

<       Gum in the wrapper - MC thanks the person and then eats the gum

<       Key chain with at least 8 keys

<       Church bulletin

<       Book mark

<       Store receipt

Marble Rolling


Bag of Marbles


Chalk circle (about 1 metre in diameter) at one end of the room and a line several meters away to stop teams getting too close

The room is marked out as described above. Each team takes up position behind the line and marbles shared out equally. Within a given time each team competes to see who gets the most marbles in the circle. A team member may be placed so that any marbles that miss or get dislodged from the circle can be returned to the team and put back into play.

Dog and Bone


Bean-bag or some other unbreakable object



Two teams of equal numbers. Place the bean-bag in the middle of the room, teams can either sit in a BIG circle around this or in two lines down the edges of a playing area. Give the players in each team a number so that they are partnered off with a player of the same number on the opposite team. When their number is called the objective is to grab the bag and get it back to their space (or goal if preferred) before being tagged by the player with the same number from the opposing team. If players are tagged they must immediately drop the object and the opposing player then must then try to get it back to their line without being tagged in return. Players must have the bag in their hand to win.

Frisbee Football 

I've played this game for a long time under this name although its now more commonly known as 
'Ultimate' (see below).


Frisbee, Aerobie or similar, posts to mark out limits of pitch area.


Use a pre-marked large playing area or mark out one yourself

A fun energetic game for two teams, which as the name suggests uses a flying disk (or Frisbee) as the 'ball'. Younger youth find throwing rings such as the Aerobie easier to catch although I've known more than one Aerobie to be lost due to an overzealous throw! In its simplest form the rules are:

  • 'Kick off' is either by players from opposing teams trying to catch the Frisbee thrown in by the referee or leader. Or by opposing teams deciding on the toss of a coin, in which case teams start from their goal area.

  • Players may not move when in possession of the Frisbee.

  • Interception or tackles are by 'tag' touch at which point the player holding the Frisbee must drop it.

  • Goals are scored by a player catching the Frisbee while standing in the goal area of the opposing team. Goals may not be scored by opposing players picking up a Frisbee that has landed in the goal.

  • After any goals are scored. The scoring/attacking team retires to their own half of the pitch and the defending team starts from their goal area.

Other rules can be created or adapted to suit the type of group playing.  

Ultimate <Links>

WFDF graphic link

World Flying Disk Federation

Human Tic Tac Toe (Naughts & Crosses)

We've discovered that this game is better when played by older children (12 years +) who like the tactical challenge and quick thinking (literally on your feet) that's involved. Younger players tend to get confused as to what to do. 

Divide players evenly into two teams (you need a minimum of 6 people (3 in each team)) and arrange nine chairs in the center of a room or playing area in a naughts & crosses / tic tac toe formation as shown below. You could if you want draw out the grid lines instead of or as well as using chairs.

Human Tic Tac Toe layout

Number each player (1,2,3,4, .... etc) so that they have an opponent in the opposite team. If you have an odd number either get a player to double up on a number or get another leader to join in to make up the numbers.

Call out three numbers. These players then have to run to the chairs and, as in naughts and crosses, as a team create a straight line of three. The first team to do so sitting down wins the round. Its also useful to stipulate that each team can not make a line using the chairs nearest to them, ie they can use one chair from the chairs closest to them, but not all three!

CPW (cotton projectile wars):nathan's Resources.

Divide into two teams and give each member a straw and a pile of Q-tips (Cotton Buds / ear cleaners). One team member from each side sits on their side of the room on a chair with a paper cup on their head. The object is to knock the opposite team's paper cup off the person's head by blowing the Q-tips through the straws (Blow pipe fashion). No blocking Q-tips by anyone during the battle!!

Criss Cross

Simple game! Divide into 4 teams. Send each team into a corner. The object of the game is to see which team can get to the opposite (diagonal) corner the fastest, using the method the leader calls out (eg. if the leader calls out "hopping," the teams must hop to the opposite corner). This will create quite a "bottleneck" or "traffic jam" in the middle each time. Keep score of which team wins each crossing. First team to 5 wins.

Good Crossing Methods:

  • Hopping
  • Wheel barrel (one person holding a partner's legs while they walk on hands)
  • Crab Walk
  • Sprint
  • Backwards Walk
  • Skipping
  • Crawling
  • etc...

Electric Fence

Ideal team building obstacle task. Use two poles and piece of string or rope tied between the poles about 4 feet high from the ground. The object is for the entire team to get over the "electric fence" (the string or rope) without getting "electrocuted" (touching the rope). No going under either! Only one team member can go over at a time, but can be helped by team-mates. Other team members can help any way they want, but once a person is over the fence, they must stay over the fence and may not come back around to help anyone. So the last person each time must somehow get over the fence without help from the other side. This game requires lots of teamwork and cooperation. Try it with the rope at different heights, perhaps with several fences in a small obstacle course.

Terrorist Wars (Educational)
© Kit Logan, 2001.

The game’s rules have been deliberately designed to provoke discussion and help demonstrate the problem of hunting down terrorists. The object of this game is to hunt down the terrorists with as few number of civilian casualties as possible.

To be effective you need around 20 or more players (but could possibly be played with fewer although you will have to scale down the numbers mentioned). For attack if you have enough small soft foam balls (tennis ball size) you can either use these to throw or you can use straws and cotton buds (Q-tips) blow pipe fashion as described in Cotton Projectile Wars (CPW). Both methods are described but the safer method if you are worried is to use foam balls.

Spilt players up by using a normal pack of playing cards… for about 20 players take and shuffle 2 or 3 aces, 10 royal cards and make up the number of remaining cards needed so there is one card for each player from the numerics. Each player takes a card.

Royal cards (Jack, Queen, King) are Coalition
All numeric cards (two to ten) are ‘Civilians’
Aces are Terrorists – Players who become terrorists keep this secret and to survive the game need to remain undetected for as long as possible.

Mark out a large area big enough for everybody to sit in. Coalition sit anywhere around the area drawn out. Everybody else Civilians and Terrorists sit anywhere within the area. Players once seated cannot move from that position for the duration of the game.

Each player is given a paper cup and foam balls or Cotton-buds and straws depending on which method you are using. Everybody balances their cup on their head. Players are allowed to put cups back if they fall off accidentally but if it is knocked off after being hit by a foam ball or cotton tip projectile that player is out of the game and can either lie down or if it’s inconvenient just sit with their heads bowed to show they have become a casualty.

All players have the option at any point to  combat However if they do take part they then become faire game for others to attack should they so wish. If they are not actively attacking they have to sit with arms folded.


Coalition have to find and destroy the terrorists and the terrorists to destroy as many of the Coalition as possible according the following rules:


  • All players have the option whether to actively participate at any point during the game. Players sit with crossed arms to indicate they are not active in combat.
  • Non-combatant players can still be killed if their cup is hit by a foam ball or cotton bud projectile.
  • Only those players who are sitting without crossed arms may be attacked by Coalition or Civilians.
  • Coalition forces can only fire at Civilian targets… those shooting at them or known terrorists.
  • Civilians can choose whether to fire on Coalition forces or against other Civilians if they suspect or know them to be a Terrorist.
  • Terrorists are exempt from most rules and can fire at anybody whether or not those players are actively taking part. But their objective is to destroy all Coalition forces.
  • Terrorists can make themselves known and force 3 other Civilian players to take up arms against the Coalition.
  • When a Terrorist dies they put their hands on their heads to indicate who they were.
  • Game stops either when all Terrorists are eliminated, or all the Coalition are eliminated.

"Excuse me, I think you are balancing a quarter on your nose and going through an obstacle course"

Great for object lesson/ ice breaker on: "Team Work",  "Self-Control"  or "Trust"

The way you play is simple.
Divide your kids into two teams (preferably long time rivals, like boys against girls).  Have each team go to opposite ends of the room and pick out two volunteers.  Have one of the volunteers balance a quarter on their nose and have the other guide them through the obstacle course that the other team has made (preferably out of their own bodies).  Whoever's team makes it through successfully first is the winner. 

The rules are:  

  • - No cheating, if the quarter drops, you have to start all over.
  • - Human obstacles are not allowed to move or cause the Balancer to stumble.

Generic Puzzle (Educational)

The game/puzzle activity helps develop team working skills, brainstorming techniques while introducing or develop the concept of generic transfer of ideas.

"The kids we played with did the letters set in the same time as the numbers and were thrilled that the same strategy was effective in both."



  • Two rooms One in which everybody can go to talk about ideas the other in which the puzzle is set (There’s a surprise switch made in the puzzle so going off into a corner of the same room or area to talk about it doesn’t work unless you don’t plan on it being a surprise.)
  • A long string/hose or chalk (if you have a playing area you can draw on)
  • Two sets of approx. 30 pieces of foam, sponge, cloth or even paper (the number of pieces is not particularly important). Number the first set of pieces with numbers (e.g. from 1 to 30) then label the second set of pieces with letters A-Z and perhaps any remaining pieces of the second set with numbers 27 – 30. You may prefer to perhaps randomly choose to replace certain letters e.g. A, B, C, 4, E, 6, 7, H, etc… (It’ll make them think, but don’t do this for particularly young players!!)


This game could be played with any number of people, but for this example 21 are used.

Create a large circle using the hose/string or draw it using the chalk. Keep the pieces labelled with letters hidden from view, but place the pieces numbered 1-30 randomly around in circle. Divide the players up into small equal groups (suggest no more than 10 per group) e.g. if there are 21 people playing divide them into 3 groups of 7 each. Have everybody stand around the circle.


Each group needs to figure out a way to touch every single number from 1-30 (in order) in the quickest time possible BUT!

Each group will be penalised 1 point (or as you are timing it penalise teams by adding 5 seconds to their time) for breaking each of the following rules:

  • Only one person can be inside the circle at one time
  • You are not allowed to speak or make any noises with your mouth.
  • Numbers must be touched IN ORDER (can be touched with hands, feet, whatever)

Send the groups to different places outside the room with the following questions.

  • How are you going to do this without speaking?
  • How are you going to do this quickly?

Get them to brainstorm their ideas on how to do this.

Call each team over separately and time them, tell them the result and send them back out to figure out a way to do it even faster get them to come up with more ideas. Call them back in for a second attempt, time them and let them know whether they've improved. Now encourage them to try for a one final third time and send them out again. While they are brain storming outside the room, switch the numbers in the circle for the letters and call the teams back in. Expect a chorus of "uh-oh's", but tell them not to worry - there is a strategy!



Two chalk erasers or similar to act as relay batons
Four cones used to mark the corners of a fairly large square or rectangle.

Diagram of Australia game

(Red circles ()) - Cones

As in a relay the first player in each team starts holding the blackboard/chalk eraser/baton. Both players then run around the outside of the cones following the course handing over the baton when they have completed a circuit and get to the next player waiting in their team . Play continues until one team has done the circuit twice.

Points are given or lost for:-

-1 point if you go inside the cones (or don't go around the cone as in #2)
+1 point if you tag someone
-1 if you trip or hit someone

Alternative Version

Run the Gauntlet
Developed by Kit Logan

This is based on the game Australia but uses a different layout of the course, that allows much greater potential for interaction (such as tagging) between players when they are running.

2 items to act as a relay batons e.g. chalk board dusters

Four cones or chairs to mark the points to run around for each team.

Use the cones or chairs to mark out the starting points for each team and a point several metres away for runners to reach and go around. Cones or chairs marking the course should be far enough apart at each end to allow two players to pass between them easily. Teams need to be fairly close together and running parallel to each other as in the diagram below.

diagram of Run the Gauntlet

As in a standard relay race players take turn in running around the course, passing the baton onto the next player.  All players run up the inside and around the other cone. All players run twice. As in the game Australia points are given or lost for:

+1 point = Tagging the other player running

- 2 points = not running around the outside of the cone.

- 2 points = pushing or shoving the other player.

+ 3 points = Winning the relay

Other rules:

The very first players to run can not tag each other. (This allows a slight gap to be created between running players before trying to tag each other)

A tag can be done only once on each circuit. You decide whether a player can tag only on the outward direction or can also tag on the return...

Although the diagram shows the straightest route being run there is nothing to say this has to be the case :-) First team to finish the relay wins the extra points, but players must go round the cones no matter what route they took to get there!