Teorie, tecniche ed esperienze nei processi di verifica e valutazione dei Servizi e Progetti Immateriali



Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Context of Clinical Assessment
Chapter 3 The Assessment Interview
Chapter 4 Behavioral Assessment
Chapter 5 Wechsler Intelligence Scales
Chapter 6 Wechsler Memory Scales
Chapter 7 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Chapter 8 Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
Chapter 9 California Psychological Inventory
Chapter 10 Rorschach
Chapter 11 Thematic Apperception Test
Chapter 12 Screening and Assessing for Neuropsychological Impairment
Chapter 13 Brief Instruments for Treatment Planning,
Monitoring,and Outcome Assessment
Chapter 14 Psychological Assessment and Treatment Planning
Chapter 15 Psychological Report

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