Make a symmetrical pattern online

Click on one of these colour blocks to choose a colour.     Current:

Click on the left to colour in a square. If you make a mistake, choose white to remove it.

Choose a symmetry type, and how the pattern is to be displayed.
A new symmetry type will clear the previous pattern.
Different shades means that different parts of the symmetry will be shaded darker or lighter.
If you select Random symmetry, guess what it is! New Pattern will give you a new symmetry.
Same shade throughout
Different shades

     Using this page including printing and saving

Look at the pictures below. What symmetry do they have? Click on a picture to find out. Try and copy one!

Make snowflake patterns (interactive)
Other websites about symmetry and tessellations

My name is Jo Edkins - index to all my websites - any questions or comments, email

© Jo Edkins 2004