Tutto da leggere

How to write a Thesis (scaricabile)
Skills for 21st Century Jobs (scaricabile)

How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash
Influence - How to exert it

Self Developmente and The Way to power
Counseling Skills and Theory
365 ways to be your own life coach (scaricabile)
Le competenze che l'impresa ricerca
Il leader che c'è in te
Personality and Intelectual Competence (scaricabile)
Teaching and Learning communication skills in social work education (scaricabile)
Questionario sullo Stile Personale (Autotest)
Leadership skills
Liberi professionisti come lavoratori dell'immateriale
Transferable Skills Survey
Intelligenza emotiva (scaricabile)
Modello DISC (scaricabile)
The Creative Generalist (scaricabile)
Inventario per lo Sviluppo dell'Imprenditorialità
Personality and Work
Personality and Organizations
Human Development in the Twenty-First Century (scaricabile)
Communication Skills Introduction and Overview (scaricabile)
Preparing Kids for the 21st C
Dieci tratti delle persone di successo
Personality traits (scaricabile)
La rilevazione delle competenze
Teorie della personalità
A Map of the Inner and Outer Worlds of the Individual and the Collective Skills for Health
The Seven Keys
L'intelligenza del cuore
Facilitation skills for Interpersonal Transformation

Stampa e prova a valutare le tue skills
Emotional Intelligence: What does it Really Mean?
enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age
Competenze del giocatore di Bridge
Social Skills Group Assesstment Questionaire
Core Abilities
Programma "LIFE SKILLS"
Development of Personality in Early and Middle Adulthood
Autovalutazione delle Competenze interpersonali
If you only have a hammer
Getting Emotional About E-Learning
Human Relations and Citizenship Skills for Life Success
Personality Theories
Big5 test
The Big Five Quickstart