Le pagine sono ispirate al lavoro di Marcos Emanoel Pereira (Un. Federal da Bahia, Brazil) ma sono arricchite via via da diversi contributi
 Per facilitare la lettura , la Cronologia è divisa in 4 parti:
Dal 600 a.C. al 1594 | dal 1600 al 1899 | dal 1900 al 1949 | dal 1950 al 2000
Le date e gli autori sorprendenti sono segnati dal fondo bianco | i links - non sempre funzionanti - rimandano ad approfondimenti
Gli eventi accaduti in Brasile sono scritti in verde scuro | in Europa sono scritti in rosso scuro |
in America sono scritti in blu scuro  |
in Asia sono scritti in arancione | in Africa sono scritti in lilla | in Australia sono scritti in verde prato
Dal 1600 a.C. to 1899
Francis Bacon publishes The Proficiency and Advancement of Learning
English physiologist William Harvey explains the blood's circulation
Pierre Gassendi publishes Paradoxes Against the Aristotelian
Galilei Galileo publishes Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World
E. Neuhaus, a student of Cassman, publishes a book that summarizes the reason for studying psychology
French philosopher Renê Descartes publishes Discourse on Method
René Descartes postulates the total separation of body and soul in the book Passions of the Soul
Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan
Benedict de Spinoza dies
English philosopher John Locke publishes An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Christian Thomasius publishes in Germany  the book Further Elucidation by Different Examples of the recent Proposals for a New Science for Discerning the Nature of Other Men’s Mind
George Berkeley publishes An Essay Toward a New Theory of Vision
Christian von Wolff publishes a treatise of empirical psychology
Christian von Wolff publishes a treatise of rational psychology
Julien Offray de La Mettrie  publishes The Natural History of the Soul
David Hume publishes An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding / Julien Offray de La Mettrie publishes L'Homme Machine
Robert Whytt, in the book, On the Vital and Other Involuntary Motions of Animals summarizes the physiology of reflex
Mathias Ayres Ramos da Silva de Eça publishes Reflections on the the men's vanity or Moral speeches on the effects of the vanity
E. Condillac, in his Treatise on Sensation, maintained that sensations are the only source of knowledge /The Swiss scientist and philosopher Charles Bonnet publishes Essay about Psychology
After publishing Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense, Thomas Reid accepted the Chair of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz  publishes New Essays on the Human Understanding
The Scottish physiologist Robert Whytt uses the expression motion from a stimulus
Johann August Unzer uses the term reflex to distinguish this kind of action from that carried out volitionally
Franz Mesmer performed his first supposed cure using "animal magnetism"
The Swiss minister Johann Caspar Lavater  publishes Essays on the Physiognomony Designated to promote the knowledge and Love of Mankind
A Scottish physician, William Cullen, publishes First Line in the practice of Physic in which he uses the term neurosis to define mental illness
German philosopher Immanuel Kant publishes The Critic of the Pure Reason
Thomas Reid publishes Essay in the Intellectual Powers of Man /Johann Jakob Emgel distinguishes the expressive and representational behavior of the actor in the book Ideas for a Mimic
Established in Ecuador the Hospital San Lazaro / Luigi Galvani reports the results of experiments on the stimulation of themuscles of the frog by application of an electric pulse
Thomas Reid publishes Essay on the Active Powers of the Human Mind
Thomas Malthus publishes Essays on the progress of the population
Jerome Bentham
publishes Principles of Morals and Legislation
Erasmus Darwin  produces a theory of human behavior and experience in terms of three fundamental categories: stimulation, muscular contraction and a central sensory power
French philosopher Denis Diderot  publishes Essays on the Progress of the Human Spirit / Francisco de Mello Franco publishes Theological Medicine
Joaquín Millás publishes in Argentina the book Instituiciones psicológicas
Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis  publishes Traité du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme /Thomas Young publishes A Theory of Color Vision  in which he postulate that the retina is equipped with three kinds of color-sensitive
Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Kaspar Spurzheim left Vienna motivated by the Austrian government's displeasure with Gall's doctrine
Gall and Spurzheim publish a book on descriptive anatomy of brain, Recherches sur le Systèm Nerveux
Gall publishes the first volume of Anatomie et Physionomie du Systèm Nerveux
Sir Charles Bell reports to associates at a dinner party the anatomical separation of sensory and motor function of spinal cord
Francisco de Mello Franco publishes Elements of  Hygiene or Theoretical and Practical Precepts  to Conserve Health and to Prolong Life
J. K. Surzheim publishes The Phisiognonimal System of Drs.Gall and Spurzheim
Johann Friedrich Herbart publishes Lehrbuch zur Psychologie
Ernst Weber was appointed Dozent in physiology at the University of Leipzig
Spurzheim publishes Observations sur la phrénologie, ou la Naissance de l'Homme
German philosopher Friedrich Eduard Beneke publishes On the Relationship between the Soul and the Body
Rudolphi Burdach defines the task of physiology as including the study of psychological matter
Phrenological doctrines was available in America when George Combe publishes Essays on Phrenology, Or An Inquiry into the Principles and Utility of the Systemof Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, and into the objections
Made Against It /
Francis Magendie publishes an article which postulates the separation of sensory and motor function of the spinal cord / Baron Cuvier  postulates the use of the term  l'intelligence , rather than reason, in the context of discussion about intelligent behavior of animals
Johann Kaspar Spurzheim suggests 35 special faculties of   the mind
Johannes Müller publishes Handbüch des Physiologie des Menschen
Manuel Inácio de Figueiredo defends in Rio of Janeiro the thesis Passions and Affections of the Soul
Johannes Müller publishes Elements of Physiology
Friedrich August Rauch publishes in America the book Psychology, or A View of the Human Soul;  including Anthropology
Samuel Schmuker publishes in America the book Psychology: Elementsof a New System  of mental Philosophy or The Basis of Consciousnessand Common Sense
José Augusto Cesar de Menezes defends in Rio de Janeiro the thesis Propositions regarding the Intelligence /
John Stuart Mill publishes A system of Logic
The french neurologist Jean-Baptiste Bouillard offered 500 francs to anyone who could show him a brain from an individual who had suffered from speech disturbance and did not have damage to the left frontal lobe
Francisco Tavares da Cunha defends in Salvador the thesis Psychophysiology concerning the Man / Manuel Ancizar publishes Lecciones de Psicología , the first psychologicalbook published in Colombia
Sir Henry Holland publishes Chapters on Mental Physiology
The first program in mental  health, The Casa de Orates is established in Chile
Herbert Spencer publishes the two volumes of the Principles of Psychology / Alexander Bain publishes the first psychological textbook: The senses and the intellect
Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz publishes the first volume ofthe Handbuch der physiologischen Optik
Wilhelm Wundt becomes assistant of Hermann von Helmholtz
Charles Darwin publishes The origin of the species / Alexander Bain publishes The Emotions and the Will
Gustav Fechner publishes The Elements of Psychophysics /Thomas Laycock publishes Mind and Brain
Paul Broca shows that the loss of speech in one individual is due to a lesion in third convolution of the left frontal lobe
Wundt teaches a summer course entitled Psychology as a Natural Science
Wundt publishes Lectures on  Human and Animal Psychology /I. M. Sechenov publishes a monograph Reflexes of the Brain , in which he attempted to analyze the higher order functions in terms of the reflex schema
F. Galton  publishes Hereditary talent and character
Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro defends in Salvador the thesis Relationship of the Medicine with the Philosophical Sciences: Legitimacy of Psychology
Henry Maudsley publishes Physiology and Pathology of the Mind / Theodor Piderit, a critic of phrenology, publishes Scientific System of Mimics and Physiognomy
Dutch  physiologist F. C. Donders publishes Over den snelheid van psychische processen
Francis Galton publishes Hereditary Genius ; Francis Galton uses the normal distribution for purposes of classification
G. Fritsch and E. Hitzig realize the first direct electric stimulation of the brain
Charles Darwin publishes The descent of man
French neurologist Jean Marie Charcot begins to teach in La Salpêtrière / Charles Darwin publishes The Expression of the Emotions in the Man and in the Animals
Wundt publishes Principles of Physiological Psychology
Franz Brentano publishes Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint / Wundt left Heidelberg for a position at the University of Zurich / William Benjamin Carpenter publishes Principles of Mental Physiology, a book which was extensively cited by William James
William James taught the course The relationships among the Physiology and the Psychology / Francis Galton publishes History  of twins / Wundt leaves Zurich and goes to University of Leipzig
Guedes Cabral defends in Rio de Janeiro the thesis Functions of the Brain / Francis Galton uses the method of twin comparisons /Alexander Bain establishes Mind, the first journal devoted to psychological research / Théodule Ribot establishes the Revue Philosophique in which psychological work frequently appears
Charles Darwin publishes A biographical sketch of a infant
Wilhelm Wundt establishes the first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany / Francis Galton utilizes the method of word association / Lightner Witmer uses for the first time the term clinical psychology
F. Galton publishes Statistics of mental imagery ; Francis Galton makes systematic use of questionaries
Max Friedrich becomes the recipient of first doctoral degree in experimental psychology


George Romanes develops his anedoctal method in the book Animal Inteligence / William T. Preyer publishes the first volume of The Mind of the Children
Francis Galton publishes Inquiries into Human Faculty and ItsDevelopment / The first laboratory of psychology in America is established at Johns Hopkins University / University authorities gave Wundt's Leipzig laboratory  formal recognition /

Wilhelm Wundt establishes Philosophische Studien to publish the results of his laboratory research

William James publishes What  is an emotion ? / John Dewey publishes The new psychology / French doctor Hipollyte Bernheim publishes On the Suggestion in the   hypnotic state
Herman Ebbinghaus publishes Memory: A contribution to experimental Psychology / The first laboratory of psychology in Italy is established  at the University of Rome / Francis Galton introduces tests batteries to arrive at a manysided assessment of abilities for a given person
James McKeen Cattell publishes The time taken up by cerebral operations / Ernst Mach publishes The Analysis of Sensations / V. Betcherev founds the first laboratory of psychology in Russian territory / Victor Horsley described early successful surgery for epilepsy to the Section on Surgery of the British Medical Association
The  Journal of American Psychology publishes the article "Dermal Sensitiveness to Gradual Presure Changes" written by Hall and the pioneer of psychology in Japan, Yuzero Motora
J. McKeen Cattell becomes America's first professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania / Yuzero Motora earns the first PhD degree in japanese with the thesis "Exchange: Considered as the Principles of Social Life"
The first laboratory of psychology in Canada is established at the Universityof Toronto /First International Congress of Psychology/ The first laboratory of psychology in France is established at the Sorbonne /Theodule Ribot is appointed Professor of Experimental Psychology at the College of France /First Chinese translation of a western psychology book, Mental Philosophy ,
of Joseph Raven, by Yan Yougjing
José Estelita Rodrigues inaugurates research about cognition with the work Psychology of thePerception and Representations / Veríssimo Dias de Castro publishes On Emotions / Benjamim Constant Reform introduces the notions of psychology in the
curricula of the
Normal Schools / William James publishes Principles of Psychology / J. M. Cattell publishes Mental tests and measurements /
Christian von Ehrenfels publishes About the qualities of the gestalt / Pierre Janet succeeds Charcot as head of the Psychological Laboratory at the Salpètriere / Gabriel Tarde publishes The Laws of imitation /Yuzero Motora  becomes Professor of Psychology at The Imperial University of Tokio
Odilon Goulart writes Psychoclinical studies of Aphasia / James M. Cattell moves to Columbia University as Professor of Psychology and administrative head of the department / The first laboratory of psychology in Belgium is established in Louvain
William James writes The stream of consciousness / The American Psychological Association is founded, having 42 members / Edward Titchener introduces structuralism in America / Christine Ladd Franklin completes the doctoral program in psychology, no
degree granted due to prohibition against womem /J. M. Baldwin publishes The psychological laboratory in the University
of Toronto


Ezequiel Cháves was named the first professor of psychology in Mexico / Oswald Külpe publishes Outline of Psychology / The first laboratory of psychology in Holland is established in Gronigen /The Laboratory of Experimental Psychology is established at the University of Iassy, Romania
Alberto Seabra publishes the first brazilian psychological study about memory: The Memory and the Personality / John Dewey publica  The ego as cause / Cattell and Baldwin found Psychological Review, Psychological Index and Psychological Monographs / Margaret Floy Washburn becomes the first woman to receive a PhD in psychology / The first laboratory of psychology in Austria is established at the University of Graaz / Philippe Tessié publishes an article in which he discusses the psychological and physiological aspects of bicycle racing / C. Lloyd Morgan develops his famous canon in the book Introduction to
Comparative Psychology


Mary Whiton Calkins receives a doctoral degree in psychology / J. M. Baldwin publishes Types of reaction / Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud publish Studies on Hystery / Gustave Le Bon publishes Psychologie de Foules /


John Dewey publishes in the Psychological Review his famous article The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology /Lightner Witmer establishes at the University of Pennsylvania a clinic of psychology, the first psychological clinic in America and perhaps inthe world / Benjamin Bourdon establishes the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Linguistics at the University of Rennes


Julio Afrânio Peixoto publishes Epilepsy and Crime / Norman Tripllet publishes The dynamogenic factors in pacemaking
and competition.
William Wundt publishes Outlines of Psychology /Laboratories of psychology are established at the Universities of Cambridge and of London / The first laboratory of psychology in Poland is established at the University
 of Cracow
/ Angelo Mosso publishes the book Physiology of Man in the Alps , in which he studies the psychological and physiological effects of mountain climb
Franco da Rocha establishes new services at the Central Asylum of Juqueri / Edward Titchener publishes The postulates of a Structural Psychology / E. L. Thorndike publishes Animal Inteligence / Baldin, Cattel & Jastrow publish Physical and mental tests / Horacio Pinero establishes a psychology laboratory in Buenos Aires /Norman Triplett conducts at the Indiana University  the first experiment in sport psychology / Emile Durkheim publishes Représentations individuelles et représentations
1899 H. S. Jennings publishes The Psychology of a Protozoan , later The Behavior of Paramecium / Helen Bradford Thompson receives a doctoral degree in psychology / W. Caldwell publishes The postulates of a structural psychology