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Strumenti di Lavoro (scaricabili gratuitamente)

Nazi Psychoanalysis (inserito il 15/6/2007) di Laurence Rickels
Excerpt 1 In 1994 a conference on "Psychoanalysis and Power" held at the New School for Social Research brought together analysts from Germany and New York only one doorway away from what appeared, at first sight, to be the centerpiece of the meeting, the reconstruction of a 1985 exhibit documenting the German history of psychoanalysis before and after 1933. What history was already slow to show in 1985 was first assembled for the International Association's Hamburg Congress to mark the spot everyone was in during this first return of International Psychoanalysis to postwar Germany

The Quest of Hologramic Mind (inserito il 15/6/2007) di Paul Pietsch
1. The Quest of Hologramic Memory 2. The Mind-Brain Conundrum 3. Holograms 4. Mimics of Mind 5. Shufflebrain 6. Shuffling the Hologramic Deck

The Human Nature of Violence (inserito il 15/6/2007) di Robin Fox
have been asked to put violence into some sort of scientific perspective, so that we might have a background against which to ask more specific questions. I shall try to do that, but with the usual caveat, so annoying to non-academic audiences, that this is only one scientific perspective and that others would look quite different. However, thatís how we do it with science. We push our modes of explanation (or paradigms, as it has become fashionable to call them) to the point where they wonít go any further, and then a bit more. When they start not to work, we know to change the paradigm; or at least our successors know to do it for us.

Focusing on the character of corporate leaders (inserito il 15/6/2007)
Abstract When a series of corporate scandals erupted soon after the collapse of the 1990’s bull market in equities, policy makers and reformers chiefly responded by augmenting and refining the checks and balances around publicly traded corporations. Through measures such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, securities regulations were intensified and corporate governance was tightened. In essence, reformers followed the tradition of modern political philosophy, with its insistence that pro-social conduct is best produced through institutional mechanisms that harness self-interest.

Psychology of Jesus (inserito il 15/6/2007) di Romano Guardini
PREFACE I. I.THE SETTING AND THE LIFE [1]. The Historical Situation [2]. The Kind of Life [3]. The Basic Figure II. II.ACTIONS, CHARACTERISTICS, ATTITUDES [1]. Introduction [2]. Jesus' Thought [3]. Jesus' Volition and Action

Urban School Restructuring and Teacher Burnout (inserito il 15/6/2007)
Urban School Restructuring and Teacher Burnout Understanding and Preventing Teacher Burnout Staff "Burnout" in Child Care Settings ANNI PRECEDENTI LA SINDROME DEL BURNOUT TRA GLI OPERATORI DELLA SANITÀ Il burnout (dal punto di vista spagnolo) Burnout en estudiantes universitarios Burn-Out in sanità: sindrome da stress o malattia professionale? PREVENIRE LA SINDROME DA BURNOUT

The new Political compass (scaricabile) (inserito il 15/6/2007) di Paul H. Ray
This longish paper shows a new way to picture political constituencies, as a political compass, with four directions, instead of our usual bankrupt left-right description. The new imagery says: east vs west, north vs south, and would allow us to describe any departure from where we now are as being at an angle, say northwest. This image of a compass heading pointsthe way to helpful redefinitions of who constituencies are, and what they stand for, and offers the possibility of a new democratic politics. It also has the symbolic value of pointing out that acompass is orienting us to what we need to see, rather than just labelling someone as right or left

The seven keys (inserito il 14/6/2007)
Knowing yourself Your Mind: Learning style Intelligences Your Heart: Temperament What you love

facilitation skills for interpersonal transformation (scaricabile) (inserito il 14/6/2007)

Il modello Herzeberg (inserito il 14/6/2007)

Il computo della felicità (4 pagg. / 1 scaricabile) (inserito il 14/6/2007)
The Happy Planet Index is an innovative new measure that shows the ecological efficiency with which human well-being is delivered around the world. It is the first ever index to combine environmental impact with well-being to measure the environmental efficiency with which country by country, people live long and happy lives. The results are surprising, even shocking, but there is much to learn from what they show.

Critical Theory (inserito il 14/6/2007)
Overview of Critical Theory Early Critical Theorists Realism Modernism Postmodernism Other Critical Theory Sites Online Michael Apple: Introduction to Michael W. Apple What Knowledge Should be Distributed in Schools Schools as Normalizing Institutions Social Stratification Progressive Education in Postmodernism Schools as Socialization Barracks Institutions and Cultural Capital Apple's Research Agenda

L'intelligenza del cuore (inserito il 14/6/2007) di Peter Shepherd
Heart Intelligence - intelligence of the heart - has its roots in the concept of 'social intelligence,' first identified by E.L. Thorndike in 1920. Psychologists have been uncovering other intelligences for some time now, grouping them mainly into three clusters: Abstract intelligence (the ability to understand and manipulate with verbal and mathematic symbols). Concrete intelligence (the ability to understand and manipulate with objects). Social intelligence (the ability to understand and relate to people).

Trauma Psychology in Namibia (scaricabile) (inserito il 14/6/2007) di Penelope Curling
Since March 2000 I have been working as a trauma psychologist in Namibia, helping to set up clinical programmes and assist in the running of the PEACE (People's Education, Assistance and Counselling for Empowerment) Center, a Namibian psycho-social healing center for all survivors of organised violence. With a background of experience working with refugees and survivors of traumatic experiences in the Netherlands, South Africa and Albania (during the Kosovo crisis), I was seconded by the Dutch development organisation, PSO, to PEACE, on a two year contract.

Classici: Psychology and History di Hugo Munsterberg - 1899 (inserito il 14/6/2007) di Hugo Munsterberg
A few years ago, at the Philadelphia meeting of our Association, the Presidential Address sketched the wonderful progress of our modern psychology and culminated in the statement: "We are past the time for systems of psychology; now handbooks of psychology are prepared." Psychology, indeed, since its declaration of independence, is eager to find out and to collect the special facts, without allowing the traditional interference of metaphysical philosophy, and that which brings us together in our Association ought to remain our common interest in the discovery of empirical psychical facts

What works in community involvement in area-base initiatives? (scaricabile) (inserito il 6/6/2007)
What works in community involvement in area-base initiatives? A systematic review of the literature

Bloom's taxonomy (inserito il 6/6/2007)
Misura le tue capacità prima e dopo la formazione Facilitation Skills for Interpersonal Transformation Bloom's taxonomy Sulla Formazione Universitaria degli Psicologi New horizons for learning Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age Teaching and Learning Strategies

Discorso sul metodo di Rene' Descartes (intero) (inserito il 4/6/2007)
I maggiori pensatori in sintesi Transhumanist Values Discorso sul metodo di René Descartes Storia della Filosofia Cinese EPITTETO (citazioni)

David McClelland motivational needs theory (inserito il 4/6/2007)
Focusing on the character of corporate leaders Stampa e Valuta le tue skills manageriali David McClelland motivational needs theory +100 Free Management & Business Articles Guida ai modelli di management

Measuring Trends in Leisure: The Allocation of Time over Five Decades(scaricabile) (inserito il 4/6/2007)
Gran parte della psicologia moderna è legata al lavoro come paradigma centrale della vita adulta. Molta psicologia dell'evo industriale è stata fondata sulla psicologia del lavoro e sulla psiclogia dell'organizzazione industriale.

stampa e prova a valutare le tue skills (inserito il 4/6/2007)
Stampa e prova a valutarti

New horizons for learning (inserito il 4/6/2007)
Misura le tue capacità prima e dopo la formazione Facilitation Skills for Interpersonal Transformation Bloom's taxonomy Sulla Formazione Universitaria degli Psicologi New horizons for learning Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age Teaching and Learning Strategies

The Real Role of HRD Professionals (inserito il 30/5/2007)
The Real Role of HRD Professionals In many capacities, whether they are conscious to the fact, HRD professionals are consultants - internal consultants - who need to possess and develop a unique set of behavioural as well as technical skills. HRD professionals often perform consulting roles within an organisation. The top human resources executive, for example, might work with management to develop a plan that will support a specific business strategy. Or the organisational development specialist might advise management on how to bring about change. And the compensation specialist might develop an incentive plan for a business unit head.

Groupwork Theory (inserito il 30/5/2007)
Theoretically we may look at groups from many different perspectives which are conceptually distinct. These perspectives can each add a different dimension to our understanding. What follows is a very brief summary of some of the different perspectives which have developed about groups.

Theory Building:Computer-Assisted Modeling Dynamic Social Systems (inserito il 30/5/2007) di Robert Hanneman
I am a professor in the Department of Sociology in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the University of California, Riverside. I work mostly in statistical and mathematical sociology, social networks, simulation and theory construction, economic, political, and military sociology. The links to the left will take you to more detailed information.

Understanding and Preventing Teacher Burnout (inserito il 30/5/2007) di Teri Wood, Chris McCarthy
Many teachers find the demands of being a professional educator in today's schools difficult and at times stressful. When work stress results in teacher burnout, it can have serious consequences for the health and happiness of teachers, and also the students, professionals, and families they interact with on a daily basis.

Chasing Progress Beyond measuring economic growth: the power of well-being (e-book) (inserito il 13/12/2006)
Chasing Progress Beyond measuring economic growth: The power of well-being (Fonte) Every society clings to a myth by which it lives; ours is the myth of economic progress. That’s why the year-on-year performance of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to dominate national policy and fascinate the media. But a new composite Measure of Domestic Progress (MDP) – designed to factor in the environmental and social costs of growth – highlights how far off-track we might be in our relentless pursuit of GDP (Figure 1). The results are salutary: • GDP has soared in the last 50 years; but MDP has struggled to take off at all. • The divergence is especially transparent over the last 30 years: GDP increased by 80 per cent, but MDP fell sharply during the 1980s and has not yet regained its 1976 peak.

enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age (inserito il 13/12/2006)

The Myth Of Sisyphus (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Albert Camus
The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor. If one believes Homer, Sisyphus was the wisest and most prudent of mortals. According to another tradition, however, he was disposed to practice the profession of highwayman. I see no contradiction in this. Opinions differ as to the reasons why he became the futile laborer of the underworld. To begin with, he is accused of a certain levity in regard to the gods. He stole their secrets. Egina, the daughter of Esopus, was carried off by Jupiter. The father was shocked by that disappearance and complained to Sisyphus. He, who knew of the abduction, offered to tell about it on condition that Esopus would give water to the citadel of Corinth. To the celestial thunderbolts he preferred the benediction of water. He was punished for this in the underworld. Homer tells us also that Sisyphus had put Death in chains. Pluto could not endure the sight of his deserted, silent empire. He dispatched the god of war, who liberated Death from the hands of her conqueror.

Energy and Equity (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Ivan Illich
This text was first published in Le Monde in early 1973. Over lunch in Paris the venerable editor of that daily, as he accepted my manuscript, recommended just one change. He felt that a term as little known and as technical as ``energy crisis'' had no place in the opening sentence of an article that he would be running on page 1. As I now reread the text, I am struck by the speed with which language and issues have shifted in less than five years. But I am equally struck by the slow yet steady pace at which the radical alternative to industrial society---namely, low-energy, convivial modernity---has gained defenders. In this essay I argue that under some circumstances, a technology incorporates the values of the society for which it was invented to such a degree that these values become dominant in every society which applies that technology. The material structure of production devices can thus irremediably incorporate class prejudice. High-energy technology, at least as applied to traffic, provides a clear example

The psychology of revolution (e-book) (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Gustave le Bon

Vices are not crimes - A vendication of moral liberty (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Lysander Spooner
Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons. In vices, the very essence of crime - that is, the design to injure the person or property of another - is wanting. It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. But no one ever practises a vice with any such criminal intent. He practices his vice for his own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others.

Tributo a Lysander Spooner (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Benjamin Tucker
Pressoché ogni giorno, escluso domenica, per tanti anni quanto chi scrive ricordi, un frequentatore della Biblioteca Atheneum di Boston, tra le nove e le tre, avrebbe potuto notare, in una delle nicchie che dominano Tremont Street attraverso il cimitero dell’Old Granari, la figura curva di un anziano, piegato su di uno scrittoio zeppo di polverosi volumi di storia, giurisprudenza,, scienze politiche e leggi costituzionali, ed attivamente assorto nello studio e nella scrittura. Se il vecchio avesse sollevato per un momento la testa, il visitatore avrebbe visto, incorniciato da una lunga capigliatura e una barba candida, uno dei volti più fini, miti, dolci, forti e grandi che mai abbiano allietato occhio umano. Ma, per quanto impressionati dalla visione, pochi avrebbero intuito di aver avuto il privilegio di intravvedere una di quelle sublimi forze dell’intelligenza la cui sincerità ed onestà di intenti, ed il cui cuore schietto e caldo lo avrebbero reso caro alle seguenti generazioni; ancora meno quanti avrebbero sospettato che ogni frase quietamente uscita dalla penna stretta da dita lentamente intorpidentisi era un potente contributo all’avanzare irresistibile di un torrente di logica e di collera sdegnata destinato ad inghiottire la struttura malata dalle fondamenta di una falsa società.

Jungian Psychology - Returning the archetypal King (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Bonnie McCarson
just received the DVD of the second movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and am preparing to go to the theater to see the last, “The Return of the King.” The popularity of this work of fantasy stirs some thoughts with me about the archetypal themes that play out in the story. It struck me as I heard the third movie advertised that the very title is archetypal. Since prehistoric times in one way or another, in various cultures and religious practices, mankind has looked for the return of the king that would restore peace, order and goodness to the realm. We need only to hearken back to the legends of the fisher king or to the customs of ancient Egypt to be reminded of the archetypal significance of the king. And perhaps at this period in history when kings as actual rulers are a bit out of fashion, we turn to fantasy to fulfill some need for an archetypal experience.

Il modello Graves 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (inserito il 13/12/2006)
What the Research of Clare W. Graves Says a Model of Healthy Mature Psychosocial Behavior Should Represent 1. That the human being, though but one biological organism, has developed to date, seven Exiting, seven Nodal, and eight Entering progressively developing psychosocial systems because it is an almost infinite psychological being which changes systematically as the world changes in the course of living. 2. That these nodal systems are, normally, hierarchically ordered, prepotent and upwardly spiraling. 3. That these systems alternate their mental focus in a cyclic, oscillating, dominant fashion.

What is dynamic facilitation (inserito il 13/12/2006)
Although Jim Rough and Associates, Inc. has been teaching public seminars in Dynamic Facilitation Skills since 1990, it is still new. It's a social invention that is just now beginning to take off! It's a way that time-constrained managers, ordinary citizens in public meetings, conflicted employees in team meetings, or students in a high school can speak their minds and hearts in a meeting, without being specially trained, and have it work out great. The facilitator structures the dynamic flow of conversation so each comment becomes an asset to the group and builds to a breakthrough. With Dynamic Facilitation skills you empower people to solve impossible-to-solve issues because you bring out a quality of thinking where people operate at their best.

The Ideal Collaborative Team (inserito il 13/12/2006) di vari
New Survey Suggests that Attitude is More Important than Experience in Collaborative Work A recent survey conducted jointly by Mitch Ditkoff and Tim Moore of Idea Champions, Carolyn Allen of Innovation Solution Center and Dave Pollard of Meeting of Minds reveals that most people would rather have inexperienced people with a positive attitude than highly experienced people who lack enthusiasm, candor or commitment, on a collaborative work team. A total of 108 people responded to the survey, which asked participants to rate 39 criteria for selection of collaboration teammates on a scale of 1 (not relevant) to 5 (indispensable).

701 e-learning tips (e-book) (inserito il 13/12/2006)
Chapter 1: Getting Started: The ABC’s of “e” Chapter 2: Strategic Planning vs. Leading Willy Nilly Chapter 3: So Many Choices, So Little Time- Contract, Procurement & Negotiation Chapter 4: Content, Content (Not To Mention Content)…How To Best Design & Deliver It. Chapter 5: The Learning Tools & Technology Tsunami – Will You Sink Or Swim? Chapter 6: Global & Cultural Perspectives - How NOT To Get Lost In Translation Chapter 7: Still Learning After All These Years (and So You Should Be!) Chapter 8: In Recognition & Rewards We Trust Chapter 9: Testing Here, External Testing There,Quality Assurance Everywhere

Experiential Learning Cycles (inserito il 13/12/2006)
'Experiential learning' can apply to any kind of learning through experience. 'Experiential learning' is often used by providers of training or education to refer to a structured learning sequence which is guided by a cyclical model of experiential learning. Less contrived forms of experiential learning (including accidental or unintentional learning) are usually described in more everyday language such as 'learning from experience' or 'learning through experience'.

Centinaia di audio educativi gratuiti (inserito il 13/12/2006)

The facilitative manager (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Rowena Chapman
In todays business environment there is an increasing demand for facilitation skills. The volatility and competitiveness of the market, shifting consumer allegiances, and the need to respond effectively to a range of new challenges such as new technology, has provoked a variety of responses from large companies. These have included massive downsizing, de-layering and restructuring to far reaching cultural and change management programmes.

Hidden psychosocial roots of terrorism and nuclear threat (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Francesco Tullio
Contents 1. Einstein’s and Freud’s debate on war, international law and the use of force 2. The concept of terrorism, the risks of anti-terrorism and of states terror 3. Different meanings and levels of security 4. Postulates for a systemic approach to human security 5. Psychosocial aspects of conflict 6. Biological and psychosocial factors of violence 7. The intermesh of institutions, violence and the nuclear threat 8. Specular violence and “management” of death anxiety 9. The visceral mind and collective pathology 10. The leader/mass relationship in situations of belligerant polarisation 11. Relationship between economic crisis and psychic crisis 12. Implications for human security 13. Democratic consolidation of the international institutions

The City of God and the Global City (inserito il 13/12/2006) di Warren Magnusson
Augustine's famous distinction between the City of God and the City of Man has been re-worked in many ways. George Bush and Tony Blair certainly are not the only ones to think that we are caught up in a global struggle between good and evil, or to suppose that this transcendent struggle is immanent in everyday life. Nor is such thinking confined to the religiously minded. Since the eighteenth century, the great secular ideologists of modernity -- liberal and socialist, progressive and conservative, anarchist and statist, humanist and post-humanist -- have posed the most urgent problems within an Augustinian frame.[1] They tell us that there is an immanent, widely suppressed, but potentially transcendent "good," faced with an omnipresent evil that can somehow be overcome or contained by those who commit themselves to the struggle against it.

How people learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School (e-book) (inserito il 13/12/2006)
Notice and Title Committee Acknowledgments Executive Summary Part I Introduction 1 Learning: From Speculation to Science Part II Learners and Learning 2 How Experts Differ from Novices 3 Learning and Transfer

Handbook for Bloggers and Cyberdissidents (inserito il 6/12/2006)
I Cittadini interessati possono scaricare l'intero testo da qui

Interessante riflessione su terrorismo e fiction (inserito il 6/12/2006) di Samuel Nunn
We want to know things before they occur. Anticipate, react, prevent. This idea is embedded not only in counter-terrorism policy, but in the cultural narratives produced by television and cinema. Television programs such as ~24~ or ~CSI~, and movies such as ~The Conversation~, ~The End of Violence~, ~Minority Report~, and ~The Siege~ are self reflexive mirrors of the U.S. war on terror. Through tricky technology systems like the Multi-State Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX) and Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA) and Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) and TIPOFF and AFIS and VICAP, America seeks policies and programs -- read this as machines and software -- that will anticipate terrorist attacks in order to stop

The Foundations of Personality (e-book) (inserito il 6/12/2006) di Abrahan Myerson

Il modello di A.Maslow da 5 stadi (originale) a 8 stadi (inserito il 6/12/2006)
What is Dynamic Facilitation Il modello di A.Maslow da 5 stadi (originale) a 8 stadi Maslow test Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations The Foundations of the Person-Centered Approach (Carl R. Rogers) Kaoru Ishikawa: One Step Further Salute organizzativa (recensione)

Group Work in the Classroom: Types of Small Groups (inserito il 6/12/2006)
One way to change the pace in your classroom is to do a small group activity. But what type of small group should you use? It depends on the size of your class, the length of time you have available, the physical features of the classroom, and the nature of the group task. Here are several options you could try. Consult the TRACE Tips Sheet "Group Work in the Classroom: Small-Group Tasks" for task ideas.

Conflict, Social Change and Conflict Resolution. An enquiry (inserito il 6/12/2006) di Cristopher R. Mitchell

Imperdibile: Confronting the Evidence (in italiano) (inserito il 6/12/2006)
Un'eccezionale inchiesta proposta e finanziata da Jimmy Walter, uno straorninario individuo che ha dato il suo tempo, le sue ricerche e i SUOI SOLDI per lavorare in una positiva e significativa causa: rimettere in discussione tutto quello che si sapeva, o si pensava di sapere, sui tragici eventi dell'11 settembre 2001. Questo coraggioso documentario, finalmente sottotitolato in italiano, getta una nuova luce sui drammatici eventi che sono seguiti a quel drammatico giorno e pone nuove ma evidenti domande a cui le fonti ufficiali e i media non hanno mai prestato troppa attenzione.

Assessing knowledge assets (inserito il 6/12/2006) di Nick Bontis
INTRODUCTION By the year 2010, all of the world’s codified knowledge will double every 11 hours. Dr. Nick Bontis, Ph.D. The quote above was received with a stir from the audience at KM World. It seems that cognitive psychologists are speaking with library scientists and they are both trying to warn us about some pending doom. If individuals are being bombarded by information now, they haven’t seen anything yet. The exponential velocity with which this rate of bombardment is increasing is unfathomable. Although society as a whole should benefit from the by-product of increased technology, the average business manager may not be prepared to take advantage of this truly knowledge-intensive world.

Social Skills Group Assessment Questionnaire (inserito il 1/12/2006) di Goldstein & Pollock
Directions: Listed below are a list of social skills which are important for social competence. Please read the description of each skill and circle the answer which best describes your opinion of this child's ability. Please use the space at the end of the questionnaire if you feel ther are additional social related problems which this child exhibits.

Natural Capitalism (inserito il 1/12/2006)

Maslow Test (inserito il 1/12/2006)

Critical Thinking for Sustainable Community Decision-Making (inserito il 1/12/2006)
Communities are shaped by decisions made over decades. Though some of these choices are made with full knowledge of possible consequences, those made with insufficient thought and information can leave communities with unfortunate and unanticipated outcomes—some felt immediately, some delayed many years. This tool supports better informed decisions. Community leaders faced with an important decision can use it to discover many aspects of a proposed action that might otherwise be missed

Collective Intelligence, The Invisible Revolution (inserito il 1/12/2006)

Confucius and Socrates - The Teaching of Wisdom (inserito il 1/12/2006) di Sanderson Beck
Life of Confucius Attitudes of Confucius How Confucius Taught Effort in Learning Individualized Instruction Questions and Answers Correct Use of Language Metaphors and Poetry Human Examples Cogent Sayings What Confucius Taught Subjects of Study The Classics Poetry and Music Propriety Politics Religion Virtue Character Development and Self-improvement Goodness The Gentleman

Donald L Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model - the four levels of learning evaluation (inserito il 1/12/2006)

Natural Law or The Science of Justice (inserito il 1/12/2006) di Lysander Spooner
NATURAL LAW. PART FIRST. CHAPTER 1.THE SCIENCE OF JUSTICE. Section I. The science of mine and thine --- the science of justice --- is the science of all human rights; of all a man's rights of person and property; of all his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is the science which alone can tell any man what he can, and cannot, do; what he can, and cannot, have; what he can, and cannot, say, without infringing the rights of any other person.

Leisure, Culture and Lifestyle (inserito il 29/6/2006) di Anthony J. Veal
This paper examines the place of the concept of lifestyle in leisure studies in the light of three recent publications. In Leisure and Contemporary Society Ken Roberts (1999) concludes that lifestyle is not a key concept for leisure studies because it has not replaced factors such as age, gender and social class in providing individuals with a sense of identity. In Leisure and Culture, Chris Rojek (2000) reviews the distinctive features of the dominant theoretical paradigms of leisure studies/leisure sociology over the last thirty years, and suggests that, while cultural studies has had a major influence on leisure studies, in practice it has been preoccupied with class. He therefore suggests that a renewed focus on culture could provide a way forward for leisure studies/leisure sociology. Steven Miles (2000), in Youth Lifestyles in a Changing World, argues that the concept of subculture, traditionally used in studies of youth, has been compromised by its association with the structural, neo-Marxist paradigms of the cultural studies tradition of the 1980s and 1990s, and that therefore the term lifestyle is a more suitable concept for studying the lives of young people today. In the light of these and other recent contributions to leisure theory, the paper therefore argues that the concept of lifestyle remains a useful concept which can make a significant contribution to the development of leisure studies.

Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations (inserito il 29/6/2006) di Fred Kofman & Peter M. Senge
The Center for Organizational Learning based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been studying the phenomenon of the learning organization as a management goal and process since 1990. A learning organization is one that continuously adapts to a changing and interdependent environment. The Center's research shows that building learning organizations requires basic changes in thinking and behavior that overturn conventional and reactionary beliefs. Shifting from a fragmented, competitive and reactive organization to one that is systemic, cooperative and creative also requires a 'Galilean shift' toward building 'communities of commitment.' In this regard, commitment goes beyond personal loyalty to include a commitment to societal changes through one's organization. Through its ground-breaking research, the Center continues to transform management by focusing on the need to develop leadership communities that foster learning organizations

Narcissism Book of Quotes 1 (inserito il 29/6/2006) di G.P. Leoni
Questo libro trae la sua origine da un corso di sensibilizzazione psichiatrica che si è tenuto negli undici comuni della Valceresio, del cui servizio psichiatrico ero il responsabile, nel periodo dal maggio 1999 al settembre 2000. L’avevo allora chiamato “Corso di psichiatria di base” perché intendevo fornire, in tal modo, quegli strumenti minimali, appunto “di base”, necessari ma anche sufficienti per potersi a grandi linee orientare in un mondo molto complesso come quello delle malattie e dei disturbi psichici. Si trattava di un classico esempio di lavoro nel Territorio, in un’epoca nella quale il lavoro nel Territorio conservava ancora una certa importanza nella psichiatria lombarda, anche se importanza ridotta rispetto ad alcuni anni prima. quando si riteneva che compito primario di un servizio psichiatrico territoriale fosse quello di agire come un volano che mettesse in moto forze che lo travalicassero

Psychopolitical Literacy for Wellness and Justice (inserito il 29/6/2006) di I. Prilleltensky & D. Fox
Wellness and justice have attracted recent attention in psychology. Both within our discipline and within society at large, more needs to be done to elucidate the link between the two while taking into account the role of power and context. We suggest that wellness is achieved by the balanced and synergistic satisfaction of personal, relational, and collective needs, which, in turn, are dependent on how much justice people experience in each domain. We explore how affective, polarized, acquired, situated and invested cultural distortions misrepresent the two realms as isolated from each other. To help counter these negative outcomes, we propose psychopolitical literacy and psychopolitical validity. The more youth are exposed to these antidotes, the better equipped they will be to resist cultural distortions and enhance both wellness and justice.

John Zerzan antology (inserito il 29/6/2006)
Work & Bio The Mass Psychology Of Misery Whose future? The Imperialism of Everyday Life The Modern Anti-World

Core Abilities (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Judith Neill
Core abilities are essential workplace skills that cut across occupational and academic titles. Identifies as such by Wisconsin Technical College System, the core abilities align with other abilities, skills, or outcomes identified in Worplace Basics: The Skills Employers Want, the SCANS Report, and other other studies. They are broad, common abilities that students must possess to be prepared for the work force. They are "the broadest outcomes, skills, or purposes that are addressed throughout a course." (Neill)

Core concepts in the work of Ken Wilber (inserito il 28/6/2006)
THE TWENTY TENETS In Sex, Ecology, Spirituality Wilber describes the "Twenty Tenets" of holonic philosophy that are common to evolving or growing systems wherever we find them (there are actuallly 19, but who cares?) THE PRE TRANS FALLACY The most important theoretical contribution of Wilber to the understanding of the nature of spiritual development, is the so called "pre trans fallacy". We tend to confuse prepersonal and transpersonal states because both are non-personal.

Is leisure theory needed for leisure studies? (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Mark Searle
Studying leisure has been the subject of interest by a wide range of scholars representing a wide range of disciplines. In so doing, these scholars have largely used leisure instrumentally as means to test some aspect of their own discipline such as psychological, sociological, or economic concepts. Over the last couple of decades there has been a sustained number (and occasional decline) in university departments dedicated to the study of leisure and to various applications in leisure services. There has been a corresponding number of researchers who have, as their primary interest, the study of leisure and leisure services.

Esoteric Psychology 2 (inserito il 28/6/2006)
La psicologia è la scienza principe dell'immateriale e dunque è la disciplina destinata ad assumere a leadership dell' Evo Immateriale nel quale stiamo entrando. Già la seconda metà del secolo XX ha visto una proliferazione delle Psicologie che si sono molitplicate fino a coprire tutti i meandri della vita quotidiana.

Human Rights for the Third Millennium (inserito il 28/6/2006)
Inspired by the Proclamation of the Great Green Charter for Human Rights on 12th June, 1988, the first Human Rights Charter to be issued by the people gathered in popular congresses, signalling the end of the era of the republics and the dawn of the era of the masses, as well as a new advancement in the definition of human rights; Motivated by the Green Book , a guide for the total deliverance from the power of individuals, classes, clans, tribes or parties, and the path towards the establishment of a civil society where all human beings are free and equal in the exercise of power and in the possession of wealth and arms.

The Foundations of the Person-Centred Approach (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Carl. R. Rogers

Karl Marx and Wilhelm Dilthey on the socio-historical conceptualization of the mind (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Thomas Teo
Abstract This paper focuses on scientific alternatives to experimental psychology by analyzing the conceptualization of the socio-cultural mind as outlined by Marx and Dilthey and suggesting that psychology’s move to natural science was premature. Commonalties and differences between Karl Marx’s (1818-1883) and Wilhelm Dilthey’s (1833-1911) conceptualizations of the mind are discussed. While both agreed upon the socio-historical character of the mind and its embeddedness in human life activity, these thinkers did not agree upon the concepts of society, history, and action. Similarly, whereas both shared a basic methodological perspective their concrete methods differed in important respects.

Depression FAQ - 2 (inserito il 28/6/2006) di G.P. Leoni
Summary: The following Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) attempts to impart an understanding of depression including its causes; its symptoms; its medication and treatments--including professional treatments as well as things you can do to help yourself. In addition, information on where to get help, books to read, a list of famous people who suffer from depression, internet resources, instructions for posting anonymously, and a list of the many contributors is included.

Gestalt Group Process (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Elaine Kepner
Foreground In this chapter I describe what I call "Gestalt group process," which integrates the principles and practices of Gestalt therapy and group dynamics. It is a model in which the leader wears bifocal lenses, paying attention to the development of the individuals in the group and to the development of the group as a social system. From this perspective, the group is regarded not just as a collection of individuals, but as a potent psychosocial environment which profoundly affects the feelings, attitudes and behaviours of the individuals in that system, and conversely, is profoundly affected by the feelings, attitudes and behaviours of the individual in that system. The chapter is divided into two sections: The first part deals with some personal and historical antecedents, and the second part with the theory and practice of this bifocal approach to personal development in groups.

Tips for Team Facilitators - Teaching Tips (inserito il 28/6/2006)

UK Evaluation Society Good Practice Guidelines (inserito il 28/6/2006)
These guidelines have been developed by the UKES to support the work of evaluators, commissioners of evaluation, evaluation participants and those involved in self-evaluation. They are divided into four sections, each of which applies to one of four key interest groups. Whilst there is some crossover of good practice issues, they are addressed individually to ensure clarity and appropriateness to each one. You will find in these guidelines the embodiment of much discussion, debate and practice in the field of evaluation.

From Chaos to Order: Exploring New Frontiers in Conflict Management (inserito il 28/6/2006)
Abstract Key words: Conflict management, chaos theory, complexity theory, interpersonal conflict, new sciences, quantum mechanics, quantum skills, quantum organizations Twenty-first century organizations are bombarded with continuous change, and change, whether personal or organizational, often generates conflict. This theoretical paper examines conflict through the lens of the new sciences, specifically the scientific theories of chaos, complexity, and quantum mechanics. These scientific theories provide a new conceptual metaphor for viewing conflict as necessary for both individual and organizational evolution. The authors present not only a new conflict paradigm, they propose a new skill set as well and suggest that these skills can be used by managers and organization development practitioners to create quantum organizations— organizations that embrace conflict and use it for continuous transformation.

The return od Subjectivity (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Salgado & Hermans
Abstract Psychology has ben increasingly recognising the consciousnes. Consequently, personal identity is multiplicity of the self. However, this recognition raises the problem of explaining how a sense of self-identity is achieved within a multiplicity of selves. Two theoretical orientations playing a major role in the study of the self: the social-cognitive perspective, in which self is studied as an information-processing device, and the social constructionist framework, in which self is considered nowadays as multiple, varied, understood as a matter of social and linguistic negotiation. Nevertheless, it is argued that these orientations are still trapped in several epistemological problems and the final leaves no space for subjectivity. Dialogism and the dialogical view of the self are presented as possible the solutions for those problems. Conceiving self as a result of the dialogicality, unity and multiplicity appear as two contrasting, but united poles of a dialogical (inter)subjective self.

Journal of Leisure Research (inserito il 28/6/2006)
Journal of Leisure Research is an academic publication providing coverage and analysis of social and political science. Erratum In an article published in 2004 (Volume 36, Number 4) by Richard Stedman, Tom Beckley, Sara Wallace, and Marke Armbard, the following statement was inadvertently ...

Depression FAQ - parte 1 (inserito il 28/6/2006) di G.P.Leoni
Questo libro trae la sua origine da un corso di sensibilizzazione psichiatrica che si è tenuto negli undici comuni della Valceresio, del cui servizio psichiatrico ero il responsabile, nel periodo dal maggio 1999 al settembre 2000. L’avevo allora chiamato “Corso di psichiatria di base” perché intendevo fornire, in tal modo, quegli strumenti minimali, appunto “di base”, necessari ma anche sufficienti per potersi a grandi linee orientare in un mondo molto complesso come quello delle malattie e dei disturbi psichici. Si trattava di un classico esempio di lavoro nel Territorio, in un’epoca nella quale il lavoro nel Territorio conservava ancora una certa importanza nella psichiatria lombarda, anche se importanza ridotta rispetto ad alcuni anni prima. quando si riteneva che compito primario di un servizio psichiatrico territoriale fosse quello di agire come un volano che mettesse in moto forze che lo travalicassero

A Lewinian Taxonomy of Psychiatric Disorders (1 e 2) (inserito il 28/6/2006) di Matthew Maibaum
Kurt LEWIN wrote briefly, but with considerable depth, about his conjectural ideas about mental disorder, termed ”Unreality”, and primarily from a developmental point of view. This paper, based upon this author‘s studies of LEWIN and his theorizing about the growth of levels of reality, and boundaries, will discuss some theorized bases of major mental disturbances as they would be explained, and explainable, according to Lewinian field theory. To some degree comparison will be made with other major theories about the development of these disorders. A topological psychology perspective of the major features of select mental disorders from DSM IIIR will be presented, and with this the postulated central features of those disorders according to a Lewinian analysis. Some special attention will be paid to disorders that have been elusive to both etiology explanation, and cure, in traditional viewpoints in psychiatry and clinical psychology. By way of conclusion it will be suggested that, and where, classical Lewinian field theory may have a whole other analysis available to the study of mental disorders and to some specific conditions that have been elusive according to other, historically ”clinical” theories. Printed and projected pictures of Lewinian figures will accompany the talk if/where possible).

L'intelligenza collettiva applicata al danaro! (inserito il 28/6/2006) brings together those who want to develop Collective Intelligence in order to build a fair world. This is a wiki, i.e. a public participative website made by its visitors

Evaluation Handbook (inserito il 28/6/2006)
Evaluation Handbook Philosophy and Expectations W.K. Kellogg Foundation Part One: W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Philosophy and Expectations . . .1 Chapter 1: Where We Are: Understanding the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Framework for Evaluation . . . . 2 Chapter 2: How We Got Here: A Summary of the Evaluation Landscape, History, Paradigms, and Balancing Acts . . . . . .4 The Evaluation Landscape . . . . . .. . . .4 Historical Context of Evaluation in Human Services . . . . . . .. . .4 The Scientific Method as the Dominant Evaluation Paradigm . . . .5 Balancing the Call to Prove With the Need to Improve . . . . . . . .6 Recommendations for a Better Balance 9

The Idle Theory of Evolution (inserito il 28/6/2006)
The Survival of the Idlest All living creatures have to work to stay alive. Some have to work harder than others to stay alive. Those creatures that need do little work to stay alive are more likely to survive periods of difficulty than those that must work longer. The Idle Theory of Evolution is a slight variant of the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Darwin's struggle for existence becomes simply hard work. The fittest are the most idle creatures, not the strongest or fastest or most rapidly reproducing

HIV-AIDS Education (inserito il 28/6/2006)

The quantum skills model in management (inserito il 28/6/2006) di C.K. Shelton e J.R. Darling
The traditional management skills of planning, organizing, directing and controlling are inadequate in the fast-paced, constantly changing, highly complex world of twenty-first century organizations. This article uses concepts from quantum mechanics and chaos theory as metaphors for a new management skill set that can enable managers to actualize more of their leadership potential. The seven quantum skills are ancient and futuristic, scientific and spiritual, simple and complex. Together they form a model that balances the traditional left-brain management skills with new skills that more fully utilize both hemispheres of the brain. As managers master these skills, they transcend the limitations of mechanistic, deterministic, reductionistic thinking and become authentic change masters, changing themselves and their organizations at depth.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (inserito il 11/4/2006) di Max Weber

How well connected are you? (Questionario) (inserito il 6/4/2006) di Wendell Berry
Answer our questionnaire and find out. ‘If we could think locally, we would take far better care of things than we do now. The right local questions and answers will be the right global ones. The Amish question, “What will this do for our community?’ tends toward the right answer for the world.’

Leisure and Vocational Psychology (inserito il 6/4/2006) di Andrew D. Carson
This essay explores aspects of leisure and vocational psychology. It very much a work in progress; I would very much appreciate comments from readers as I refine it. On the one hand, I want to develop some ideas related to defining leisure in relation to work and play. (Is leisure merely a complement to work, to help us satisfy our needs? Or does it have--perhaps like play--its own and perhaps higher sphere of importance, which work in at least some measure serves?) On the other hand, I want to report where the field is, and what vocational psychologists interested in the topic are doing. I would like to extend the coverage of such research and researchers, as well as introducing some evidence that support for many vocational theories (especially person-environment fit theories) may actually be higher in the leisure than the work sphere.

Focus Groups (inserito il 6/4/2006)
Focus groups are "small groups of unrelated individuals that are formed by the researcher and then led in a group discussion of a topic" (Schutt, 1999: 308). Focus groups are similar to interviewing people one-on-one but there are important differences. When conducting an individual interview the researcher is trying to learn about biographical details, political opinions, product preferences, etc., and how the individual interprets aspects of the social world.

Tutto sugli UFO (inserito il 6/4/2006)
THE NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER Dedicated to the Collection and Dissemination of Objective UFO Data REPORT A UFO On-Line UFO Report Form Hotline: 206-722-3000 (use only if the sighting has occurred within the last week.)

La teoria della relatività di Einstein (inserito il 6/4/2006)
La teoria della relatività di Einstein in inglese, con browser per leggere e navigare.

The Developmental Psychology of Psychopathology (inserito il 6/4/2006)
The Narcissistic Parent Question: Is there a "typical" relationship between the narcissist and his family? Answer: We are all members of a few families in our lifetime: the one that we are born to and the one(s) that we create. We all transfer hurts, attitudes, fears, hopes and desires – a whole emotional baggage – from the former to the latter. The narcissist is no exception.

Future Survey (inserito il 6/4/2006)
I. TOP TEN TRENDS from FUTURE SURVEY, Fall 2004 The following trends from the July, August, and September issues of Future Survey have been selected by editor Michael Marien as authoritative statements on important issues shaping the future: • ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT GROWING. "The human ecological footprint is still increasing despite progress made in technology and institutions…many crucial sources are emptying or degrading, and many sinks are filling up or overflowing…we are much more pessimistic about the global future than we were in 1972." —Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows in Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update (FS 26:7/301)

The Secret to Happyness (inserito il 21/12/2005)
Watch television, and you’ll learn that the good life is in a new car, a cold beer, or a new drug. Look at surveys, and Americans say they want more money. But look inside at what actually gives you joy, and the good life may be closer than you thought What is the good life? The old American Dream offers an answer: It’s individually achieved affluence. It’s the indulgences promised by magazine sweepstakes: a 40-foot yacht, a deluxe motor home, a personal housekeeper. (“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness isn’t spending it right,” proclaims a Lexus ad.) In a phrase, it’s life, liberty, and the purchase of happiness.

Glossary of Terms - Communities of the Future (inserito il 21/12/2005)
Capacities For Transformation ] [ Chaos/Complexity Theory ] [ Citizens Congress ] [ Citizens Forum ] [ The Common Good/The Common Best ] [ Community-Based Process ] [ Community Buy-In ] [ Community Information Infrastructure ] [ Community Transformation ] [ Connected Individuality ] [ Consensus Democracy ] [ Core Group ] [ Demonstration Process ] [ The Knowledge Economy ] [ Edutainment ] [ Futures Context/Framework For The Future ] [ Futures Downtown ] [ Infrastructure For The Future ] [ Institutionalize ] [ Integrated Synthesis ] [ Interactive Futures Conference ] [ Learning Community ] [ Multimedia ] [ Paradigm ] [ Process Leader ] [ Process Projects ] [ Process Steering Committee ] [ Rebuilding Civil Society ] [ Resource Partners ] [ Shared Vision ] [ Systemic Process ] [ Systems/Systems Thinking ] [ Sustainability ] [ Transformational Learning ] [ Wired ]

Promoting health and safety in European small and medium-sized enterprises (inserito il 21/12/2005)
EUROPEAN BODIES Involving workers - the experience in different EU countries (The European Trade Union Confederation) 15 PREVENTISME . a byword for European good practice (UEAPME) 18 Adopting SMEs . the godfather principle (Euro Info Centre du Luxembourg belge) 22 European social partners focus on construction (Europaische Foderation der Bau- und Holzarbeiter) 25

A prescription for leading in cynical times (inserito il 21/12/2005) di James M. Kouzes
Charles Dickens wrote these words over 100 yearsago, but they could easily be parts of today's chorusof confusion. While the only constant that we canhold onto these days is that "things will change,"the platform on which we are building the future isbeing undermined. We see the evidence in thealmost-daily newspaper headlines and mediareminders of corporate scandals and excesses.

The vision for general practice into the 21st century (inserito il 15/12/2005)
Dovrebbe esistere A GUIDE FOR THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE La musica delle piante Enciclutopie - Enciclopedia delle utopie Deep impact The Natural Economic Order Cervelli in fiore US Air Force 2025 - Presentazione US Air Force 2025 - Letture LETTURE SUL FUTURO Auto ad aria !!!!

Life Without Principle (inserito il 12/10/2005) di Henry David Thoreau
AT A LYCEUM, not long since, I felt that the lecturer had chosen a theme too foreign to himself, and so failed to interest me as much as he might have done. He described things not in or near to his heart, but toward his extremities and superficies. There was, in this sense, no truly central or centralizing thought in the lecture. I would have had him deal with his privatest experience, as the poet does. The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer. I am surprised, as well as delighted, when this happens, it is such a rare use he would make of me, as if he were acquainted with the tool. Commonly, if men want anything of me, it is only to know how many acres I make of their land - since I am a surveyor - or, at most, what trivial news I have burdened myself with. They never will go to law for my meat; they prefer the shell. A man once came a considerable distance to ask me to lecture on Slavery; but on conversing with him, I found that he and his clique expected seven eighths of the lecture to be theirs, and only one eighth mine; so I declined. I take it for granted, when I am invited to lecture anywhere - for I have had a little experience in that business - that there is a desire to hear what I think on some subject, though I may be the greatest fool in the country - and not that I should say pleasant things merely, or such as the audience will assent to; and I resolve, accordingly, that I will give them a strong dose of myself. They have sent for me, and engaged to pay for me, and I am determined that they shall have me, though I bore them beyond all precedent.

Safe and Drug-Free Schools (inserito il 12/10/2005)
The entire approach and philosophy of Positive Action supports the reduction of school violence, including handgun violence, gang violence, teen dating violence, bullying, threats, fights, assault, harassment, and discipline problems. All the lessons and climate materials strive to create a safe and productive climate by increasing positive behaviors and decreasing negative behaviors. While no program can address every issue that adolescents might face, the Positive Action K-12 curriculum and climate and family programs cover a broad range of issues and equip students with a system for handling any given situation. They learn these methods through the six focus units; each one has important implications toward reducing violent behaviors in schools.

La fisica semplice per non fisici (inserito il 12/10/2005)
Chaos Theory in Simple Terms (Fonte) Chaos theory is the theory of the unpredictable behaviour that can arise in systems obeying deterministic laws as a result of their sensitivity to variations in the initial conditions or to an excessive number of variables. Although deterministic laws enable the condition of a system to be predicted at any time in the future, to do so often depends on an ability to specify with great precision a set of parameters at an exactly specified moment. An example of chaos theory occurs in long-term weather forecasting. T'he meteorological laws may be well understood, but obtaining exact parameters to use with them may not be possible. In the butterfly effect, for example, it is postulated that the flap of a butterfly's wings can so upset the sensitive meteorological dynamics that an unforecast tornado may be set off by it.

The Great Divide: Prospects for an Integral Culture (inserito il 12/10/2005) di Paul Ray
All the ingredients are in place for a new "integral" culture, according to researcher Paul Ray. Some 44 million in the US alone are people Paul Ray has identified as "Cultural Creatives," through his public opinion research. This article is adapted from his report to the Fetzer Institute and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and from an article on the report that appeared in the Noetic Sciences Review. Looking at the decline in incomes for North Americans, or at the perilous state of the environment around the planet, many of us quite reasonably feel that this time in our history is one of unparalleled danger. It is not hard to see how a series of disasters superimposed on each other could lead to a decline in civilization.

The Psychology of Shopping (inserito il 12/10/2005)
The 1970s giants of retailing made it their business to 'pile it high, sell it cheap'. Organisations such as Tesco and Walmart made their names by following this policy. The thinking was that consumers would buy as long as they believed they were getting cheap prices and that the goods were of reasonable quality.

Sleep myths (inserito il 10/10/2005)
Myth: Since we feel rested after sleep, sleep must be for resting. Ask anyone, even a student of medicine: What is the role of sleep? Nearly everyone will tell you: Sleep is for rest. Fact: Sleep is for optimizing the structure of memories. If it was for rest or energy saving, we would cover the saving by consuming just one apple per night. To effectively encode memories, mammals, birds and even reptiles need to turn off the thinking and do some housekeeping in their brains. This is vital for survival. This is why the evolution produced a defense mechanism against skipping sleep. If we do not get sleep, we feel miserable. We are not actually as wasted as we feel, the damage can be quickly repaired by getting a good night sleep. Our health may not suffer as much as our learning and intelligence. Feeling wasted in sleep deprivation is the result of our brain dishing punishment for not sticking to the rules of an intelligent form of life. Let the memory do restructuring in its programmed time

What is Community ? Exercise (inserito il 10/10/2005)
Exercise Before you read this section write down what you think community is on a piece of paper. Do this again after you have read and thought about this section. Is there any difference? There has been a lot of discussion by social scientists about what community is, but we can ask: who defines community? Should the people who belong (or might belong) to a community decide what it is and whether they are in or out? Or is it social scientists and professional people who really decide who is part of a community?

Affective computing (inserito il 10/10/2005)
Affective Learning Companion Developing learning experiences that facilitate self-actualization and creativity is among the most important goals of our society in preparation for the future. To facilitate deep understanding—learners must have the opportunity to develop multiple and flexible perspectives. The process of becoming an expert involves failure, understanding failure, and the motivation to move onward. Meta-cognitive awareness and personal strategies can play a role in developing an individual’s ability to persevere through failure and combat other diluting influences. This research develops theory and a new system for using affective sensing and appropriate relational-agent interactions to support learning and meta-cognitive strategies for perseverance through failure. We are investigating, designing, building, and evaluating relational agents that may act as intelligent tutors, virtual peers, or a group of virtual friends to support learning, creativity, playful imagination, motivation, and to pursue the development of meta-cognitive skills that persist beyond interaction with the technology.

21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs (inserito il 30/6/2005)
Table of Contents Executive Summary The Changing Economy Changing Skill Requirements for Existing Jobs Changing Skill Requirements for New Jobs Employers and Workers Benefit from Investing in Education and Training Employers Benefit from a Skilled Workforce Employees Benefit from Education and Training Foreshadowing the Challenges Education and Training of the Workforce Providers of Workforce Education and Training Educational Institutions

Leadership skills (inserito il 30/6/2005)
UNDERSTANDING THE NEEDS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POST Each individual participant of the group has certain needs and characteristics. 1. A leader should understand his or her own needs and characteristics. 2. A leader should understand the needs and characteristics of each participant of the group. This helps the leader to deal with each person as an individual, to treat that individual with respect, and to help the person grow. 3. This understanding helps in planning the program and in getting things done. 4. This understanding creates trust and builds confidence among group participants. Through conversation and informal surveys of post participants, try to .nd out: • Why they joined your post • What they expect from the post’s program • What their major interests are • What their plans for the future are

Inventing enemy (inserito il 30/6/2005) di Dave Stratman
It used to be said during the Cold War that, "If the Communist threat did not exist, the US would have to invent it." The threat of nuclear war and the notion of a Communist (or capitalist) under every bed provided American and Soviet ruling elites excellent means to frighten and control their own citizens, justify enormous arms expenditures, and legitimize power projection abroad in the name of saving the world from Communism (or capitalism).

Rapporto sulla corruzione nel mondo (inserito il 30/6/2005)
The Transparency International (TI) Global Corruption Barometer 2004 is a public opinion survey that was carried out in 64 countries among more than 50,000 people to assess perceptions about corruption, experience of corruption, and expectations concerning corruption levels in the future.1 It compares petty and grand corruption (and compares corruption with other problems in society), evaluates the extent to which public and private institutions are considered corrupt, determines where the public believes corruption’s impact is greatest, and asks about bribery and prospects for future levels of corruption.

Children, media & education in times of a disaster (inserito il 30/6/2005)
The horrible images of death and destruction following the earthquake and tsunami that has devastated tens of thousands of communities in Asia and eastern Africa --and killed more than 140,000 people--are having an impact on America's children as well. Concerned about the emotional well-being of their children, many parents, teachers, grandparents and mentors are looking for advice on how to respond to questions from children about unsettling and upsetting events taking place in Asia .

Rotter's Locus of Control Scale (misura il tuo LoC) (inserito il 30/6/2005)
1. a. Children get into trouble because their patents punish them too much. 1. b. The trouble with most children nowadays is that their parents are too easy with them. 2. a. Many of the unhappy things in people's lives are partly due to bad luck. 2. b. People's misfortunes result from the mistakes they make. 3. a. One of the major reasons why we have wars is because people don't take enough interest in politics. 3. b. There will always be wars, no matter how hard people try to prevent them

Cooperative Learning: Changing Paradigms of College Teaching (inserito il 30/6/2005) di Anita Lie, Ed.D., Petra Christian University Surabaya, Indonesia
The failure of colleges and universities to involve students actively in the learning process has been closely associated with the inability of the students to engage in a continuing acquisition of knowledge and understanding. The continuing acquisition of knowledge requires students to be active participants in a community of learners. Cooperative learning provides the opportunity for students to maximize their own and each other's learning. Carefully structured cooperative learning ensures that students are actively involved in constructing their own knowledge while at the same time encouraging each other to achieve their learning goals.

The Communitarian Network (inserito il 30/6/2005)
Preamble American men, women, and children are members of many communities--families; neighborhoods; innumerable social, religious, ethnic, work place, and professional associations; and the body politic itself. Neither human existence nor individual liberty can be sustained for long outside the interdependent and overlapping communities to which all of us belong. Nor can any community long survive unless its members dedicate some of their attention, energy, and resources to shared projects. The exclusive pursuit of private interest erodes the network of social environments on which we all depend, and is destructive to our shared experiment in democratic self-government. For these reasons, we hold that the rights of individuals cannot long be preserved without a communitarian perspective.

The Chaos of Jung's Psyche (inserito il 30/6/2005)
PART I Introduction What is a Complex System? A Brief History of Chaos Theory A Brief History of Complexity Theory A Brief Biography of C. G. Jung Chaos and the Psyche Attractors Bifurcations Equilibrium Entropy Feedback Loops Information Theory Irreversibility Phase Locking Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions Synergetics

Interpersonal Communication (inserito il 11/4/2005)
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Table of Contents General Contexts Intrapersonal Communication (Persuasion) Interpersonal Communication Small Group Communication Organizational Communication Intercultural Communication Mass Communication

Vernacular Values (inserito il 11/4/2005) di Ivan Illich
Part 1: The Three Dimensions of Social Choice Part 2: The War Against Subsistence Columbus Finds The Nightingale Nebrija Engineers The Artifact: August 18, 1492 Empire Needs "Language" As Consort Castilian Passes Through Its Infancy Language Now Needs Tutors A Loose And Unruly Language

A prescription for burnout (il burnout in sintesi) (inserito il 11/4/2005) di Andreas Gehmeyr
Definition: According to New York psychologist Herbert J. Freudenberger, Ph.D., who coined the term, burned is a state of fatigue or frustration brought about by a devotion to a cause, a way of life, or a relationship that failed to produce the expected reward. Etiology: Burnout is a problem born of good intentions, because it happens when people try to reach unrealistic goals and end up depleting their energy and losing touch with themselves and others.

Action research for professional development: concise advice for new action researches (inserito il 11/4/2005) di Jean Mc Niff
The text presented here originally took the form of a small booklet. The First Edition was published in 1995, and since then the booklet has travelled far, appearing in professional education courses in universities, schools and workplaces around the world. I am placing the work here in celebration of two special events. The first event is that I have (finally!) succeeded in establishing a web site. The second event is that this year marks the twenty-first anniversary of my learning partnership with Jack Whitehead. This text is as much Jack’s as mine. For the last 21 years, Jack has been a major influence in my life of education.

Developments in work psychology: Emerging issues and future trends (inserito il 11/4/2005) di Fiona Patterson
The discipline of work psychology has accomplished a great deal in a short space of time, and is thriving. The . eld has undoubtedly evolved to perform a valuable role in society and in promoting the well-being of employees at work. This advancement can be attributed partially to the growing appreciation of the utility of work psychology in enhancing individual and organizational prosperity. The expertise of both academic and practitioner work psychologists has had an enormous influence in the way many organizations operate, ranging from multinational commercial organizations, through to public-owned companies and the voluntary sector. The review articles presented in this centennial special issue attest to this proposition, and demonstrate the achievements of work psychology over the past few decades.

Cooperative Learning in Post Secondary Education (inserito il 11/4/2005)
MATERIALI DI LAVORO PER FORMATORI PROFESSIONISTI Pagine 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Parole chiave della Formazione SPUNTI PER UNA RIFLESSIONE SULL'APPRENDIMENTO Learning theory Group Mandala -Description of a Group Dynamics Exercise

Chaos Theory: interface with Jungian psychology (inserito il 11/4/2005) di Gerald Schueler
One of the important findings of modern chaos theory is that seeds of order seem to be embedded in chaos, while seeds of chaos are apparently embedded in order. Systems that are stable in relation to their environment can become unstable. Systems that are unstable can return to stability. Another important finding is that the behavior of a system in stability and its behavior after becoming unstable are acausal. These findings can be transposed to Jungian psychology by assuming the psyche to be a dynamic dissipative system as defined in chaos theory. The psyche functions in our causal space-time continuum via the conscious ego, but also functions in a psychic continuum which is wholly unconscious to the ego. Events that intercept both continuums are acausal and are said to be synchronistic. This paper investigates the relationship between the conscious ego (order) and the personal and collective unconscious (chaos). It proposes that Jung's personal unconscious is a psychological 'edge of chaos,' a psychic region of complexity bridging the acausal gap between the collective unconscious and the conscious ego.

American and world rape statistics (inserito il 7/4/2005)
In 1995, 354,670 women were the victims of a rape or sexual assault. (NationalCrime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.) Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault. (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S.Department of Justice, 1996.) The FBI estimates that 72 of every 100,000 females in the United States wereraped last year. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996.)

An integral theory of consciousness. Sport of psychology. Psychosocial care and protection of Tsunami affected children (inserito il 7/4/2005)
Queste pagine si chiamano PSYCHOSPHERE perché vogliono raccogliere e divulgare la "nuova" psicologia in tutte le sue più svariate dimensioni. La psicologia è la scienza principe dell'immateriale e dunque è la disciplina destinata ad assumere a leadership dell' Evo Immateriale nel quale stiamo entrando. Già la seconda metà del secolo XX ha visto una proliferazione delle Psicologie che si sono molitplicate fino a coprire tutti i meandri della vita quotidiana.

Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education (inserito il 7/4/2005)
Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education There is no single script for effective character education, but there are some important basic principles. The following eleven principles serve as criteria that schools and other groups can use to plan a character education effort. They can be used in conjunction with CEP's Character Education Standards to evaluate available character education programs, books, and curriculum resources. (I Cittadini di PSICOPOLIS possono scaricare l'intero testo da fondo pagina)

Introduction to Community Action Research (inserito il 7/4/2005)

Understanding (inserito il 7/4/2005)

Le pagine per riflettere

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ART (inserito il 7/4/2005)
Some Ideas of an Art Psychology Freud's Theory of Art and Creativity The origins of creativity, neurosis and the artist Psychology and The Teaching Art History of Music Psychology - Timeline

Contributi dall'altra America (inserito il 7/4/2005)

FACILITATING Action Research in China (inserito il 7/4/2005)

GROUP DYNAMICS Volume 8,Issue 3 (estratti) (inserito il 7/4/2005)
Group Dynamics Volume 8, Issue 3

THE LAWS OF CHAOS MAGIC (inserito il 7/4/2005)

Articoli sul conflitto e le sue possibili soluzioni (inserito il 7/4/2005)
Transformative Approaches to Conflict

Letture su Energy Psychology (inserito il 24/1/2005)

Memory and Learning: Myths and Facts (inserito il 24/1/2005)
Myth: It is possible to produce everlasting memories. Even reputable researchers use the term permastore (see: Prof. Harry Bahrick). It is a widely-held belief that it is possible to learn things well enough to protect them permanently from forgetting. Fact: It is possible to learn things well enough to make it nearly impossible to forget them in lifetime. Every long-term memory, depending on its strength, has an expected lifetime. When the memory strength is very high, the expected lifetime may be longer than our own lease on life. However, if we happened to get extra 200 years to live, no memory built in present life would remain safe without repetition

Motivating Students (inserito il 24/1/2005) di Barbara Gros Davis
Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need-or expect-their instructors to inspire, challenge, and stimulate them: "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability ... to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place" (Ericksen, 1978, p. 3). Whatever level of motivation your students bring to the classroom will be transformed, for better or worse, by what happens in that classroom.

Knowledge management as a doughnut: Shaping your knowledge strategy through communities of practice (inserito il 24/1/2005) di Etienne Wenger
Debate about the utility of knowledge management continues today. This author, a recognized authority on the discipline, suggests that as long as we adopt a good model for managing knowledge, in this case, a doughnut, its practice can give a company a decided advantage

A prescription for leading in cynical times (inserito il 24/1/2005)
While there is nothing inherently wrong in a CEO's command to "Just believe me," there may be something horribly wrong with the CEO -for example, a lack of honesty, credibility or even competence. These authors, noted experts who have written several books on leadership, offer a prescription for restoring damaged leaders to health-and for turning cynics into believers.

Action Research Electronic Reader (inserito il 24/1/2005) di Dr. Ian Hughes
The Action Research Electronic Reader is a book in progress. There is an on-line discussion space where you can read, respond to and add comments, or make suggestions for improvement. To contribute to discussion and debate, read any chapter then click here for the community of knowledge.

Use of Teams in Classes (inserito il 24/1/2005) di Jim Morgan
Table of Contents "Use of Teams in Classes" Who and When? Use of Teams Why Use Teams ? What Employers Want: A Summary

Learning to Learn (inserito il 24/1/2005)
"Once neighbour began meeting neighbour, they learned that many answers to their questions were available right there in Ozone. They didn't need experts. They just needed to start talking to each other (Adams 1975)." Why bother? The fact that you are reading this guide shows that you are already pretty good at learning. You have obviously learned to read. During your life you have learnt all manner of things, including expertise in a particular field which brings you to this course

The green book (teoria politico-sociale di M.Gheddafi) (inserito il 24/1/2005)
La teoria politico-sociale di un regime tanto discusso quanto sconosciuto (se vuoi leggere il testo online clikka qui / se vuoi scaricarlo vedi fondo pagina

Quanto siamo andati vicino alla mezzanotte del pianeta (cronologia) (inserito il 24/1/2005)
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has informed the world what time it is since 1947, when its now-famous "Doomsday Clock" first appeared of the cover of the magazine. Since then, the minute hand of the clock has moved forward and back to reflect the global level of nuclear danger and the state of international security.

Notes on 4 Archetypes and Wildcards (inserito il 24/1/2005)
Four Images -> Four Systems Dator's four images of the future can be reformulated as the four different potential outcomes of any given system: 1) The system continues unrestrained 2) The system crashes 3) The system slows, necessitating greater feedback and control. 4) The system gives way to a new system

Psychographics and it's effect on Group Dynamics (inserito il 24/1/2005)
Introduction In this type of psychographic categorization, we take all humans and first divide them into conformists vs. non-conformists, and then them into aggressive and non-aggressive, so we end up with four different groups of people. In my estimation, the first and largest group are the non-aggressive conformists, which I will refer to as sheep. Next is size are the non-aggressive non-conformists, who I shall refer to as beavers. Next are the aggressive conformists which will be referred to as the wolves, and finally the smallest group are the aggressive non-conformists, which are going to be the tigers. The labels really don't matter, you can refer to them as non-something somethings if you like.

The ten Commandments of Community (inserito il 24/1/2005) di Richard D. Lamm
We are sailing into a new world of public policy -- a world as strange and new as Columbus discovered. It is a world where infinite government demands have run straight into finite resources. It is an America made up increasingly of diverse people. At current immigration patterns, by 2040, there will not be a dominant ethnic group in America. We will all be minorities. We are the only country in history that ever deliberately changed its ethnic makeup, and history has few examples of "diversity" creating a stable society.

Getting a Group to Think Like a Genius (inserito il 24/1/2005)
Wouldn’t it be great to have an Edison or Einstein, or Mozart at your next meeting? If youhad a genius at your meeting, do you think you might come up with better results? Let me bethe first to tell you that those people won’t be at your next meeting. But there are somethings you can do as a facilitator - some techniques and tactics that you can use with thegroup that will help them work better. In this article you will learn some of the strategies of geniuses (adapted from Thinking Like a Genius, by Michael Michalko in the May 1998 issue ofThe Futurist), and how to apply them within any group you are working with.

DISCIPLINE parte 1 | parte 2 (inserito il 24/1/2005) di M. Faucault
3. Panopticism The following, according to an order published at the end of the seventeenth century, were the measures to be taken when the plague appeared in a town. First, a strict spatial partitioning: the closing of the town and its outlying districts, a prohibition to leave the town on pain of death, the killing of all stray animals; the division of the town into distinct quarters, each governed by an intendant. Each street is placed under the authority of a syndic, who keeps it under surveillance; if he leaves the street, he will be condemned to death. On the appointed day, everyone is ordered to stay indoors: it is forbidden to leave on pain of death.

Transformative Approaches to Conflict (inserito il 21/1/2005) di H. Burgess & G. Burgess with T.Glaser & M. Yevsyukova
What it is Key Concepts: Empowerment Key Concepts: Recognition Comparison of transformative mediation and problem solving mediation Hall marks of transformative mediation Transformative Mediation and Alternative World Views

Virtual communities (articoli) (inserito il 21/1/2005)
Many of the presentations from the 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 and the 1998 conferences are currently available online

Piu' suicidi che morti per armi da fuoco negli Usa (inserito il 21/1/2005)
Suicide took the lives of 29,199 Americans in 1999. • More people die from suicide than from homicide. In 1999, there were 1.7 times as many suicides as homicides. • Overall, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death for all Americans, and is the third leading cause of death for young people aged 15-24. • Males are four times more likely to die from suicide than are females. However, females are more likely to attempt suicide than are males.

Premiate macellerie (inserito il 21/1/2005)
In April, 2003 an intergenerational team of Niko Matsakis of Boston, MA and Elias Vlanton of Takoma Park, MD created After maintaining it on their own for the first year, they gave it to the National Priorities Project to contribute to their ongoing educational efforts.

La teoria FIRO di Schutz 1 e 2 (inserito il 21/1/2005) di Henry L. Thompson, Ph. D.
In a 1976 survey of seventy-five of the most widely used training instruments, including the MBTI, Pfeiffer and Heslin concluded that "the FIRO-B™ was the most generally usable instrument in training." The popularity of the FIRO-B began to wane as the MBTI became one of the instruments of choice in business. In the last few years, however, the interest in FIRO has been renewed, especially in the Type community. Roger Pearman, Bob McAlpine, Margaret Hartzler and I created a FIRO-B Qualifying program for Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc., in 1997. Geno Schnell and Judy Waterman have written booklets on FIRO-B. Susan Scanlon reviewed FIRO theory in the Type Reporter, and Pierre Ferrand did a review of FIRO-B in the year-end issue of the Bulletin. With all of these "new" writings, why another one?

Knowledge management overview (inserito il 21/1/2005)
What Is KM? The word knowledge can be defined as an understanding that is acquired through personal experience or the study of factual information. Knowledge Management is a concept in which an enterprise gathers, organizes, shares, and analyzes the knowledge of individuals and groups across the organization in ways that directly affect performance. It is about helping people communicate and share information. Knowledge Management envisions getting the right information, in the right context, to the right person, at the right time, for the right business purpose. [1]

Velocity and Viscosity (inserito il 9/11/2004) di Davenport T, Prusak L.
Velocity - the speed with which knowledge moves through an organization. Viscosity - the richness or thickness of the knowledge transferred. -- Davenport and Prusak (1998) Mobil Oil's engineers developed some sophisticated ways of determining how much steam is required to drill under certain conditions. When they applied their techniques, they found they could reduce the amount of steam they generated themselves and bought from outside sources. Since they knew the precise amount needed, the potential savings were huge. So they embedded the technique in an intelligent system, with the main focus being the knowledge's velocity in order to quickly get the information out to the field. This was done by sending a memo to all the drilling operations detailing the calculations and benefits. They assumed other sites would quickly adapt the innovation. Nothing happened. The effective viscosity level was zero.

Smart Mobs:The Next Social Revolution ed altro (inserito il 9/11/2004) di H. Rheingold
The Mobile Internet The War Over Innovation Wearable Computing Meets Virtual Community From the Screen to the Streets: On Political Smart Mobs Why Can't We Use Technology To Solve Social Problems? Moblogging and Journalism Benefits of Online Social Networks Amish Technology Practices Speech to BBC Online about the public sphere My Experience With Electric Minds

Emotions Universe (inserito il 9/11/2004)
Emotions Universe I propose a new Universe model to you, the Universe of Emotions, that establishes the appropriate Physics and Mathematics bases, to be able to measure and to explain many daily phenomena, which Conventional Physics has given the back up until now, such as Intelligence, Will, Desire, Love, Memory, Curiosity, or the Emotions. From this model o­n we will get beyond of which we have never arrived in the way of comprehension of what we are, where we go and from where we come from

The Knowledge Spiral (inserito il 9/11/2004)
The Knowledge Spiral (Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk) Nonaka and Takeuk's highly influential book, The Knowledge Creating Company (1995) is released. Their "spiral process" theory of knowledge creation is based upon a spiral movement between explicit and tacit knowledge.

Psychology Learning and Teaching (inserito il 9/11/2004)
This publication aims to inform and encourage good practice in the teaching and learning of Psychology within Higher Education. It is circulated free to all lecturers in UK HE who wish to receive a copy, and in consequence its content is aimed at the general reader. It will primarily be a publication for practitioners, although naturally we wish to encourage the dialogue between research and practice. We see the journal as complementary to the existing journal of the BPS Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology, Psychology Teaching Review.

Letture sulle droghe e la prevenzione (inserito il 4/11/2004)
Walking A Good Path, 2002 Indian Country Calendar Marijuana: Facts For Teens (Spanish Version also available) Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know (Spanish Version also available) Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents (Spanish Version also available)

Citazioni sull'educazione (inserito il 4/11/2004)
"To me the worst thing seems to be a school principally to work with methods of fear, force and artificial authority. Such treatment destroys the sound sentiments, the sincerity and the self-confidence of pupils and produces a subservient subject." -Albert Einstein "Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career." -Albert Einstein

The Presentation of Self in Electronic Life: Goffman on the Internet (inserito il 4/11/2004)
The Presentation of Self in Electronic Life: Goffman on the Internet Hugh Miller, Department of Social Sciences, The Nottingham Trent University Paper presented at Embodied Knowledge and Virtual Space Conference Goldsmiths' College, University of London, June 1995

Tests on line (inserito il 4/11/2004)
Site Features: Enneagram Tests, Myers-Briggs-Jung Tests, Big Five Tests, Personality Disorder Test, Compatibility Test, Career Test, Eysenck Personality Test, Word Association Test, Ask The Oracle, Famous Leader Test, Search Minds (Find others who score like you), Personality Type Articles, Discussion Forum

Large group interventions (inserito il 4/11/2004)
Introduction This page informs you about 'Large Group Interventions'. A Large Group Intervention (LGI) is a name for a broad range of methods that can be used to facilitate and manage organizational change. Characteristic for LGI is that the whole organization (or a representation of the organization) is involved in the change process. Also it is not uncommon for a LGI that other stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, financiers, and governments participate in the process. The number of participants of a LGI can vary from 10 to 3000 participants.

Mix it up: educazione alla tolleranza (inserito il 7/10/2004)
The Mix It Up program supports the efforts of students who are willing to take on the challenge of identifying, questioning and crossing social boundaries in their schools and communities. On November 21, 2002, more than 200,000 students across the country took a step toward breaking down those barriers, when they participated in the first Mix It Up at Lunch Day. They sat somewhere new, with someone new in their school cafeterias.

The Milgram Experiment (inserito il 7/10/2004)
The aftermath of the Holocaust and the events leading up to World War II, the world was stunned with the happenings in Nazi German and their acquired surrounding territories that came out during the Eichmann Trials. Eichmann, a high ranking official of the Nazi Party, was on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The questions is, "Could it be that Eichmann, and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?"

FIR0 Theory of Needs (inserito il 7/10/2004) di William Schutz
Imagine that you're taking a course in communication research. The instructor has randomly divided the class into research teams to work on a joint project that will constitute your entire grade for the term. You warily eye the other three students in your group and wonder what to expect in the weeks to come. Will you fit in? Who will take the leadership role? Is this going to be strictly business or will you get close to someone?

Selected Portions from the Neotech Discovery (inserito il 7/10/2004) di John Flint e Eric Savage
What is the Bicameral Mind? The bicameral mind is a human mind functioning in a particular, unconscious mode or the manner intended by nature. While the bicameral mind [ 1 ] exists in all people, it can be controlled or dominated by a special mode of consciousness developed not through mother nature but volitionally by each individual being. That mind control or domination can be exercised by an individual over himself and others. Or an individual can allow that mode of consciousness in others to control or dominate his or her bicameral mind

Center for Integral Science (inserito il 7/10/2004)
Science, in the sense of knowing fully, cannot be restricted to objective material, but must, as well, be open to other possibilities of awareness. --Franklin Merrell-Wolff (1994), p. 305-306. Science comes from the Latin word to know. Integral means to be whole, comprehensive, and complete. The term Integral Science, thus, refers to a comprehensive method and scope of knowledge.

Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice (inserito il 7/10/2004)
ARTICLES Affective Reactions to Cross-Functional Teams: The Impact of Size, Relative Performance, and Common In-Group Identity by George B. Cunningham and Packianathan Chelladurai Goal Interdependence and Applying Abilities for Team In-Role and Extra-Role Performance in China by Dean Tjosvold and Zi-you Yu

Group Mandala -Description of a Group Dynamics Exercise (inserito il 7/10/2004) di James Neill
Allows symbolic exploration of group structure and dynamics, and revealing of personal feelings towards others Each person is represented by an object they choose themselves; objects are then "caste" like dice

Learning How to Learn:A Model for Learning and Organization Development (inserito il 7/10/2004) di Rhotman Connolly
The Sonoma State University Master’s Program in Organization Development is a two-year cohort model incorporating theory, extensive practice, and intensive personal development to train process consultants. The purpose of this study was to identify the effective characteristics and frameworks of the teaching methods and learning used in the Program and how they could be applied in organization development work. The qualitative study consisted of interviews with many of the current and former faculty, the program director, and 16 graduates of the program including the author. The conclusion included three over-arching themes: 1) Nurturing relationships are the foundation for learning, 2) Modeling is important for personal growth, and 3) Learning how to learn is an essential skill for creating effective, long-lasting change

Torture (inserito il 9/9/2004) di M. Foucault
I. Torture. 1. The Body of the Condemned On 1 March 1757 Damiens the regicide was condemned "to make the amende honorable before the main door of the Church of Paris", where he was to be "taken and conveyed in a cart, wearing nothing but a shirt, holding a torch of burning wax weighing two pounds"; then, "in the said cart, to the Place de Grève, where, on a scaffold that will be erected there, the flesh will be torn from his breasts, arms, thighs and claves with red-hot pincers, his right hand, holding the knife with which he committed the said parricide, burnt with sulphur, and, on those places where the flesh will be torn away, poured molten lead, boiling oil, burning resin, wax and sulphur melted together and then his body drawn and quartered by four horses and his limbs and body consumed by fire, reduced to ashes and his ashes thrown to the winds" (Pièces originales..., 372-4).

The educational encyclopedia (inserito il 9/9/2004)
World population and statistical data 2000 world population data sheet contains the latest population estimates, projections, and other key indicators for all geographic entities with populations of 150,000 or more and all members of the United Nations Atomic clock what time is it? City population Countries of the world area, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, climate birth rates, ...

Letture sul conflitto e le diverse possibili soluzioni (inserito il 9/9/2004)
Nature of Intractability Characteristics of Intractable Conflicts Settlement, Resolution, Management, and Transformation: An Explanation of Terms Stable Peace Conflicts and Disputes Conflict Stages

Attività per la prevenzione del crimine (inserito il 9/9/2004)
Adults Numerous studies show that children who spend time with caring adults are more likely to become productive, well-adjusted members of society. You already have what it takes to be a caring adult. You don't need special skills or talents, years of education or a degree in child psychology. All you need is the commitment to spend quality time with a child.

Six Steps To The Future: How Mass Customization Is Changing Our World (inserito il 9/9/2004) di Edward J. Fern, MS, PMP
1. What is Mass Customization? In 1980, Toffler1 made the first reference to “de-massified production.” At that time, few of the technologies required for mass customization had developed to the extent required. By 1992, Davidow and Malone2 described the structure of an enterprise capable of supporting the new business model. In 1993, Pine3 coined the name “Mass Customization.” Mass customization is the ability to satisfy the particular needs and wants of individual customers at prices below those of mass produced products and services that only approximate the wishes of many customers in large market niches. Mass customization requires six core competencies: 1. Eliminating Customer Sacrifice 2. Modular Design and Integration 3. Supply Chain Management 4. Lean Production 5. Process Organization 6. Multi-project Management

SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION (inserito il 9/9/2004)
List of Representative Theories Adaptive Structuration Cohesion Constellation Model (Beebe & Masterson) Decision Emergence Theory Decision Mapping (Stephens) Developmental Models

Il modello PEN (inserito il 9/9/2004)
PEN Model The PEN model is comprised of three personality dimensions based on psychophysiology: Psychoticism, Extraversion, and Neuroticism. As dimensions of temperament, the three dimensions are related to Basic Emotions. A competing model of personality structure is the Five-Factor Model

Learning Theory (inserito il 9/9/2004) di Smith M.K.
What is learning? Is it a change in behaviour or understanding? Is it a process? Here we survey some common models. contents: introduction | learning as a product | task-conscious or acquisition learning, and learning-conscious or formalized learning |learning as a process | the behaviourist orientation to learning | the cognitive orientation to learning | the humanistic orientation to learning | the social/situational orientation to learning | further reading | how to cite this article

Truth, Power, Self: An Interview with Michel Foucault (inserito il 9/9/2004) di Martin L.H.
I came to try to explain more precisely to some people what kind of work I am doing, to know what kind of work they are doing, and to establish some permanent relationships. I am not a writer, a philosopher, a great figure of intellectual life: I am a teacher. There is a social phenomenon that troubles me a great deal: Since the 1960s, some teachers are becoming public men with the same obligations. I don't want to become a prohet and say, "Please sit down, what I have to say is very important." I have come to discuss our common work.

Truth, Power, Self: An Interview with Michel Foucault (inserito il 9/9/2004) di Martin L.H.
I came to try to explain more precisely to some people what kind of work I am doing, to know what kind of work they are doing, and to establish some permanent relationships. I am not a writer, a philosopher, a great figure of intellectual life: I am a teacher. There is a social phenomenon that troubles me a great deal: Since the 1960s, some teachers are becoming public men with the same obligations. I don't want to become a prohet and say, "Please sit down, what I have to say is very important." I have come to discuss our common work.

The functions of Groups (inserito il 8/9/2004) di Donelson R. Forsyth
Man is by nature a social animal, and an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something in nature that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. . . . . . . .. . . . Aristotle, 384-322 B.C

Le dimensioni emotive nei processi di problem solving (inserito il 8/9/2004) di B. Hll, L.Lippitt, K. Serkownek
I processi e le procedure del problem-solving costituiscono una importante preoccupazione per chi lavora con gruppi e organizzazioni. E' stata rivolta una certa attenzione alle fasi e ai passi che esso comporta. Gli autori riferiscono che durante un processo generico di problem-solving si manifestano prevedibili risposte affettive: nella fase di valutazione dei bisogni si evidenziano sentimenti di fiducia e l'atmosfera appare piena di energia; nella fase di determinazione dell'obiettivo sono manifestati sentimenti di confusione e insoddisfazione; nella fase di pianificazione dell'azione sentimenti di coinvolgimento e realizzazione; nella fase di attuazione paura e gioia; nella fase di valutazione sentimenti di orgoglio e tristezza.

Being Nothing: George W. Bush as Presidential Simulacrum (inserito il 8/9/2004) di Carol V. Hamilton
Nobody likes to see dead people on their television screens. (George W. Bush, April 13, 2004) I. Flat Personality for the Age of Simulation In Jerzy Kozinsky's 1970 novel _Being There_, a character named Chance the Gardener, whose entire existence has been restricted to watching television shows and tending a walled garden, is suddenly thrust into the outside world. Here he acquires admirers who rename him Chauncey Gardiner, mistake his ignorance for profundity, and take his horticultural allusions for zenlike koans. His intellectual limitations and personal inadequacies become social and political virtues

Psychohistory (inserito il 8/9/2004)
Iakov Levi on the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict. From the Assassination of Moses to the Murder of Rabin. The Real Meaning of the Jewish Temple. Freud and Reik on Moses the Egyptian. From Exile to Monotheism and a Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Biblical Stories. Talking Socrates and Jesus. Without Borders: the Borderline Case of the European Union. Hatred for Women and Islamic Terror. The Psychogenic Theory of History and the Tale of Pinocchio. Medusa, the Female Genital and the Nazis. Three Women: the Penis. Caravaggio and Clitoridectomy. Why is the Lady so Sexy?

The Spectrum of Prevention:Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Injury Prevention (inserito il 7/7/2004) di Larry Choen, Susan Swift
Objective – The purpose of this paper is to describe the Spectrum of Prevention, a framework for developing multifaceted approaches to injury prevention. The value of the tool is that it can help practitioners develop and structure comprehensive initiatives.

The Initial Stage of Group Development (inserito il 7/7/2004)
Questions Members Often ask Themselves Will I be accepted or rejected hers? How will this group be different from my daily interactions? What exactly will theses sessions be like? What risks will I take in here? How am I like other people here? Different? Will I feel pressured and pushed to perform in some way? How important will I be? Who will be the real leaders here? What can be achieved here?

Group Relations: an introduction (inserito il 7/7/2004) di D.Armstrong, W. Gordon Lawrence, R.M. Young
The group relations tradition developed by W. R. Bion, A. K. Rice and others at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London is surprisingly short of introductory works. One reason for this is that it is a particularly experiential form of learning. Another is that it is not at all easy to express what one has learned in group relations events, and assimilation of these experiences can take many years.

scheda per la valutazione del comportamento cooperativo (inserito il 7/7/2004)
Research and Gather Information Does not collect any information that relates to the topic. Collects very little information--some relates to the topic. Collects some basic information--most relates to the topic. Collects a great deal of information--all relates to the topic.

Tools for conviviality (inserito il 4/6/2004) di Ivan Illich
The year 1913 marks a watershed in the history of modern medicine. Around that year a patient began to have more than a fifty-fifty chance that a graduate of a medical school would provide him with a specifically effective treatment (if, of course, he was suffering from one of the standard diseases recognized by the medical science of the time). Many shamans and herb doctors familiar with local diseases and remedies and trusted by their clients had always had equal or better results.

Learning styles and strategies (inserito il 4/6/2004)
Active learners tend to retain and understand information best by doing something active with it--discussing or applying it or explaining it to others. Reflective learners prefer to think about it quietly first. "Let's try it out and see how it works" is an active learner's phrase; "Let's think it through first" is the reflective learner's response. Active learners tend to like group work more than reflective learners, who prefer working alone. Sitting through lectures without getting to do anything physical but take notes is hard for both learning types, but particularly hard for active learners.

Adult learning in groups (inserito il 4/6/2004) di Susan Imel
The use of groups has deep historical roots in adult education, and, if asked, most adult educators would say that learning in groups is a fundamental principle of the field. Adult educators use groups frequently in structuring learning experiences, and groups also form the basis for much informal adult learning both within and outside institutional boundaries. Although group theory once played a major role in shaping the field, the topic of learning in groups has been relatively unexamined in the recent literature.

Building the future (inserito il 4/6/2004)
Chapter I. Leadership skills Effective Leadership Leadership for the Situation Motivation and Leadership Working with Volunteers

The Leisure Party Manifesto (inserito il 30/3/2004)
A specter is haunting the world - the specter of leisure. All the great powers have conspired against it: Popes and presidents, bankers and unionists, hamburger chains and environmentalists. But, mighty as they are, they will soon fail. Machines may exist solely to produce, but humans are awakening from a dark eon of drudgery to the dawning realization that there is more to life than work.

A system Model of Human Behavior (inserito il 30/3/2004) di W. Huitt
A model is a critical component of one's vision as it defines the important variables to consider and the relationships among those variables. There are a number of different philosophical positions that provide a foundation for organization and interpretation of empirical data into models. One of those positions is that everything can be reduced to a simple entity and if we want to know about multiple entities we can study the entities one at a time and then aggregate our knowledge for an understanding of the whole. This is the foundation of Newtonian physics and the position that forms the foundation for much of the research in psychology. One assumption of this belief is that the interaction of entities can be studied by adding and subtracting them in multiple variations. For example, if we want to study the relationship of thinking and emotional development, we can study each separately and then we can study them together by first introducing one factor, then removing it and introducing another factor. If we want to study what makes for an effective school, we can introduce factors one at a time to see which one has the greatest impact

A system Model of Human Behavior - 2 (inserito il 30/3/2004) di W. Huitt
A model is a critical component of one's vision as it defines the important variables to consider and the relationships among those variables. There are a number of different philosophical positions that provide a foundation for organization and interpretation of empirical data into models. One of those positions is that everything can be reduced to a simple entity and if we want to know about multiple entities we can study the entities one at a time and then aggregate our knowledge for an understanding of the whole. This is the foundation of Newtonian physics and the position that forms the foundation for much of the research in psychology. One assumption of this belief is that the interaction of entities can be studied by adding and subtracting them in multiple variations. For example, if we want to study the relationship of thinking and emotional development, we can study each separately and then we can study them together by first introducing one factor, then removing it and introducing another factor. If we want to study what makes for an effective school, we can introduce factors one at a time to see which one has the greatest impact

10 commandments for Leaders (inserito il 29/3/2004) di Susan Boyd
1. Thou shall review the course description prior to class and make sure thou meets the pre-requisites. Prior to class, review the course description, objectives and topics and see if you have the pre-requisites skills. Talk to others who have attended the course and see how they are using the skills. 2. Thou shall meet with thine manager before and after the course to discuss the training and how it can be applied. Meet with your manager before class to discuss how the course information can be applied to your job needs. Find out your manager's expectations. After the class, discuss the training with your manager and determine what support is needed for you to apply the skills.

The Lucifer principle (inserito il 19/2/2004) di Howard Bloom
Cover Part 1 WHEN EVIL COMES DISGUISED AS LOVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction, by David Sloan Wilson Prologue Who Is Lucifer? The Clint Eastwood Conundrum The Whole Is Bigger Than the Sum of Its Parts The Chinese Cultural Revolution Part 2 BLOODSTAINS IN PARADISE TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 2 Mother Nature, the Bloody Bitch Women--Not the Peaceful Creatures You Think Fighting For The Privilege of Procreation The Greed of Genes

101 ways to save the internet (inserito il 2/2/2004) di Paul Boutin
Where's a superhero when you need one? The Net, which once seemed so invincible, is under attack by the forces of evil. Viruses knock servers to their knees. Spammers hijack our inboxes. Hackers and identity thieves menace our collective security and personal privacy. Desperate solutions range from abandoning email to requiring a license to log on. Halt, fools! The Internet's problems stem from the same virtues that make it great: open architecture, the free flow of information, peer-to-peer cooperation, and a bias for linking strangers, not disconnecting them. Take those away and the Net might cease to infuriate us - but it will also cease to amaze us.

The Suppressed EU Report on Antisemitism (15 Paesi) (inserito il 2/2/2004)
Below is the 'Antisemitism by Country' section of the Report on Antisemitism in Europe - the one that was suppressed and now has been released following a Financial Times exposé. The Report was commission by the European Union's European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) and prepared by Centre of Research on Antisemitism at Technical University in Berlin. Elsewhere we have posted the report in full. [1A] However, the section on this page - reporting from 14 countries - includes all the real information. So I would suggest reading it first. That way you will have a sense of what is happening 'on the ground'.

A social history of the t-group (inserito il 2/2/2004) di Steve Potter
At the core of the story of the T-Group is something resembling the paradox of order which Proudhon nicely captured:[2] "As man seeks justice in equality so society seeks order in anarchy. Anarchy:- the absence of a master, or a sovereign

Beyond the supercomputer: social groups as self-invention machines (inserito il 28/1/2004) di Howard Bloom
In the new evolutionary disciplines there is a debate with major implications for the way in which we view politics, citizenship, emotions, health, ideology, and even the perceptual processes that produce a consensual reality.

Curing the Therapeutic State:Thomas Szasz on the medicalization of American life. (inserito il 28/1/2004) di Jacob Sullum
Simply having one of Thomas Szasz's books on your shelf can lead to an argument. Explaining his most familiar contention--that there is, strictly speaking, no such thing as "mental illness"--almost invariably does. And the very mention of his name has been known to provoke a heated response from certain people. I once asked a psychiatrist I knew if he was familiar with Szasz's work. "Oh, he's crazy!" he exclaimed, inadvertently illustrating Szasz's point that such labels are often used to stigmatize people who offend or disturb us

Team Development and Organisational Development (inserito il 28/1/2004) di Rudi Ballreich e Friedrich Glasl
In this article, we identify five levels of cooperation within teams: the individual members, the content level, the interaction level, the procedural level and the level that governs the quality of external relations of the group to its environment. Each of these levels can be a source of conflict potential and therefore a good starting point for efforts at conflict resolution. We offer a number of suggestions for addressing conflict within teams at all these levels. In particular, we propose the rethinking of individual roles and of methods of team decision-making.

Personality Profiles and Political Parties (inserito il 28/1/2004) di Gian Vittorio Caprara e Claudio Barbaranelli
This paper explores relationships between basic personality profiles of voters and their political party preferences. The Italian political system has moved recently from previously extreme, ideologically distinctive parties to form complex coalitions varying around more centrist orientations. Significant evidence was found for the utility of the Five-Factor Model of Personality in distinguishing between voters' expressed preferences, even given this greater subtlety in proposed values and agendas. More than 2,000 Italian voters who self-identified as having voted for new center-left or center-right political coalitions differed systematically in predicted directions on several personality dimensions measured by the Big Five Questionnaire. In the context of the model, center-right voters displayed more Energy and slightly more Conscientiousness than center-left voters, whose dominant personality characteristics were Agreeableness (Friendliness) and Openness; Emotional Stability was unrelated to either group. This relationship between individual differences in personality and political preferences was not influenced by the demographic variables of voters' gender, age, or education. Thus, personality dimensions proved to be stronger predictors of political preference than any of these standard predictor variables. Implications are discussed regarding links among personality, persuasion, power, and politics.

Interaction in Small Groups (inserito il 28/1/2004) di Peter J. Burke
In the early 70s, the questioned was raised of whatever happened to research on the group in social psychology (Steiner, 1974). A year earlier small group research was declared dead in a chapter on small groups subtitled "the light that failed" (Mullins & Mullins, 1973). In the early 80s, Rosenberg and Turner's coverage of the field of social psychology included a chapter on small groups by Kurt Back (1981), but almost all of the research cited was done before the mid to late 1950s. The more recent coverage of the field of social psychology did not include a chapter on group processes (Cook, Fine, & House, 1995). However, it did include a section under the rubric of social relationships and group processes in which seven chapters were placed. Small group research has not disappeared; rather, it has become ubiquitous, spread among a number of research issues (e.g., networks, exchange, bargaining, justice, group decision making, intergroup relations, jury studies, expectation states, minority influence, leadership, cohesion, therapy and self-analytic processes, and power and status) and disciplines (e.g., sociology, psychology, communications, organizational research) (Davis, 1996).

You Are Being Lied To (inserito il 28/1/2004)
You Are Being Lied To. It takes some nerve to give a book that title, eh? It came to me very early in the process, when this collection was just a germ of an idea. I did pause to wonder if it was too audacious; after all, I didn't want my mouth to write a check that my butt couldn't cash. But after spending several intense months assembling this book, I'm more convinced than ever that the title is the proper one. We are being lied to. In many ways. For the purposes of this book, the definition of "lie" is an elastic one. Sometimes it means an outright falsehood told in order to deceive people and advance the agenda of the liar.

Documenting Psychiatry - A Human Rights Abuse and Global Failure (inserito il 1/12/2003) di AA.VV
(Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano) Psychiatry Committing Fraud - Betraying Society Psychiatry Betraying & Drugging Children - Harming Lives Psychiatry Destroys Minds - Electroshock Pain and Fraud in the Name of Therapy Psychiatry Manipulating Creativity In the Name of Help Psychiatry Destroying Religion - Creating Evil Psychiatry's Betrayal - Creating Racism Psychiatry Education’s Ruin - Destroying Lives Psychiatry Victimizing The Elderly - Denying Respect Psychiatric Rape - Betraying Women Psychiatry Eradicating Justice - Creating Crime Psychiatry Destroying Morals - Creating Chaos

Psychiatric Drug Facts (inserito il 1/12/2003) di Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
What your doctor may not know about: How psychiatric drugs really work Adverse drug effects on the brain and mind The role of the FDA Drug company practices Recent medical and legal developments Electroshock and psychosurgery

COLORS of Thinking (inserito il 30/7/2003)
The Spiral Dynamics model is derived from the original thinking of Dr. Clare W. Graves. Human nature emerges along a developmental path from one equilibrium state to the next. These can be viewed as stages wherein each layer adds new elements to all that came before; in turn, each stands in preparation for a next phase which may or may not come. Every "level of human existence" offers a particular viewing point for the real world as defined by its unique set of perceptual filters. These diverse reality views lead to very different decision-making approaches, organizing principles for business, economic and governance models, and ideas of what appropriate, effective living means.

Psychotronic Golgotha (inserito il 30/7/2003) di N.I. Anisimov
The Russian author, N.I Anisimov has been interviewed in several mainstream Russian press articles in the 1990s as the spokesman for a Russian group of `mind control' or psychotronic victims. He has appeared in the 1998 ZDF German TV documentary, "Zombies of Russia". Anisimov has been quoted by Foreign Military Studies Office, military analyst, Timothy L. Thomas in the Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly Vol. XXVIII, No.1, Spring 1998 article, "The Mind Has No Firewall".

Free E-Journals on line (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Acheronta (eJournal) "Revista de Psicoanálisis y Cultura" Online: Journal information. Tables of contents 1995-. Abstracts 1995-. Free full text articles 1995- ACR News (eJournal) "Newsletter of the Association for Consumer Research - online edition" Online: Journal information. Tables of contents current issue. Free full text articles (current issue) Publisher: Association for Consumer Research (more).

Misura il tuo Quoziente di Influenza (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Choose the best answer from the options below. Keep your eyes on your own computer screen, and remember that it's cheating to email other internet users during the test. Follow the link at the bottom to see the answers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People are more likely to be persuaded by many weak arguments, rather than a few good arguments, when they are: a) in a rush b) not particularly interested in the topic c) moderately concerned about the topic

The Institute for Psychohistory (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Psychohistory, the science of historical motivation, combines the insights of psychotherapy with the research methodology of the social sciences to understand the emotional origin of the social and political behavior of groups and nations, past and present. The center of psychohistorical research around the globe is The Institute for Psychohistory, which is headquartered in New York City and has 18 branches in other countries.

"Conspiracy theory" is usually used as a pejorative label, meaning paranoid, nutty, marginal, and certainly untrue. The power of this pejorative is that it discounts a theory by attacking the motivations and mental competence of those who advocate the theory. By labeling an explanation of events "conspiracy theory," evidence and argument are dismissed because they come from a mentally or morally deficient personality, not because they have been shown to be incorrect. Calling an explanation of events "conspiracy theory" means, in effect, "We don't like you, and no one should listen to your explanation."In earlier eras other pejorative labels

A Primer on Educational Psychology (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Educational psychology is the branch of psychology focused on the development of effective teaching techniques and the assessment of learners' aptitudes and progress. A look at adult education wouldn't be complete without a view of the theories shaping the way we learn and the way we teach.

Concept mapping (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Social scientists have developed a number of methods and processes that might be useful in helping you to formulate a research project. I would include among these at least the following -- brainstorming, brainwriting, nominal group techniques, focus groups, affinity mapping, Delphi techniques, facet theory, and qualitative text analysis. Here, I'll show you a method that I have developed, called concept mapping, which is especially useful for research problem formulation.

Community Indicators and Community Learning: An Exploration (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Chris Paterson
1. Introduction Indicators are pieces of information that reflect some larger system (although that "system" is often not explicitly considered or defined). Their primary function is to communicate something about that system to an audience (or audiences) that are unlikely or unable (for a variety of reasons) to spend significant amounts of time seeking comprehensive, detailed information about that system.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND GROUP DYNAMICS (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Jan Groenveld
Studies have shown that today's cults use a stronger form of control than those of 50 years ago. The advent of new psychological experiments in the 60's and 70's have produced the modern methods of mind control which are far more sophisticated than the BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES and THOUGHT REFORM developed by the Chinese. To understand mind control you need a basic understanding of BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES

Collaborative Learning: Group Work and Study Teams (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Barbara Cross David
Students learn best when they are actively involved in the process. Researchers report that, regardless of the subject matter, students working in small groups tend to learn more of what is taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional formats. Students who work in collaborative groups also appear more satisfied with their classes. (Sources: Beckman, 1990; Chickering and Gamson, 1991; Collier, 1980; Cooper and Associates, 1990; Goodsell, Maher, Tinto, and Associates, 1992; Johnson and Johnson, 1989; Johnson, Johnson, and Smith,

Theory & Psychology (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Tables of Contents and Abstracts of all articles published and forthcoming are available here. 1. RECENT SPECIAL ISSUES: JUNE 2001: Special Issue - Social Constructionism and Its Critics APRIL 2002: Special Issue - The Dialogical Self as a Society of Mind OCTOBER 2002: Special Issue - Varieties of Social Constructonism 2. CURRENT AND FORTHCOMING ISSUES - CONTENTS:

Effective Group Counseling (inserito il 29/5/2003)
There is a natural tendency for people to gather in groups for mutually beneficial purposes. Through groups, individuals accomplish goals and relate to others in innovative and productive ways (McClure, 1990). People would not survive, let alone thrive, without involvement in groups. This reliance and interdependence is seen in all types of groups from those that are primarily task-oriented to those that are basically therapeutic.

Alternative History (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Sensible people don't give much thought to what the world would be like if the British had won the War of 1812, or if radio had never been invented.

United Nations Millennium Declaration (inserito il 29/5/2003)
I. Values and principles 1. We, heads of State and Government, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 6 to 8 September 2000, at the dawn of a new millennium, to reaffirm our faith in the Organization and its Charter as indispensable foundations of a more peaceful, prosperous and just world.

The Lifecycle of Memes (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Henrik Bjarneskans, Bjarne Grønnevik and Anders Sandberg
Abstract Memes, self reproducing mental information structures analogous to genes in biology, can be seen as the basis for an explanatory model of cultural and psychological behaviour. Their properties and effects are evolutionary conditioned and ultimately seeks to promote their replication. To survive in a context the memes must meet certain conditions. We abstract a model of these conditions and use it to analyse three well-known memes: the "Kilroy was here" graffiti, urban legends and Christianity.

Psychology School resources on line (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Specific Conditions, Disorders, Disabilities Other What is a School Psychologist? Anxiety Disorderssychology Attention Deficit Disorder Autism (PDD, Asperger's) Behavior/Conduct Disorders Deaf/Hard of Hearing Dissociative Disorders Eating Disorders

Sognare la fuga dall'Occidente non costa niente (inserito il 29/5/2003)
The original plan was more or less as follows: after we'd raised enough money through high-yield investment, MLM programs, online businesses, and/or other means, we'd buy a tropical island, probably in the Bahamas (a prime candidate was Cockroach Cay --see picture below--, an 80 acre, US $ 840,000 island, located in the Berry Islands group, Bahamas), a couple of boats and auxiliary equipment. Estimated total: US $ 1,000,000, to be split among 50 - 100 people. Some basic rules & contracts would have to be made regarding the collective use of the island, dwellings, and auxiliaries, but basically group members could come and go as they please and do whatever they want, as long as they don't harm the others, damage property, wreck the environment, or somehow endanger the project.

Glossario di psicologia (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Ever wonder what those definitions in the back of your text books actually mean? And do you really know what your Psychology professor is trying to say with all that Psychological terminology? Now you'll know! We have put together an easy to understand glossary using examples and descriptions written in "regular" English. Just click on one of the letters below or use the search box and you'll be learning new terms in no time.

How to live in a Simulation (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Robin Hanson
If you might be living in a simulation then all else equal you should care less about others, live more for today, make your world look more likely to become rich, expect to and try more to participate in pivotal events, be more entertaining and praiseworthy, and keep the famous people around you happier and more interested in you.

Are you living in a computer simulation? (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Nick Bostrom
ABSTRACT This paper argues that at least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation. A number of other consequences of this result are also discussed.

Outdoor Action Guide to Group Dynamics & Leadership (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Preparation, Motivation, or "Sell It" Create in your participants a receptive attitude and a desire to learn the skill. Put your students at ease. Establish an informal arrangement. Name the skill.

Teambuilding (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Nada AbiSamra
Preliminary Questionnaire & KWL Chart 1- Cooperative Learning 2- Group Vs. Team Work 3- Benefits of Organized Team Work 4- Organization of Teams: -Team formation - Attitude towards group work - Team work style - Team building questionnaire

Electronic Journals and Periodicals (inserito il 29/5/2003)
It is hoped to maintain a relatively complete index of psychologically related electronic journals, conference proceedings, and other periodicals in this document. If you know of any electronic journals that are not on this list do not hesitated to contact me at

Riviste di psicologia nel mondo (inserito il 29/5/2003)
Welcome to the list of psychology journals. Although this is a fairly comprehensive list, it is by no means complete. If you believe we are missing any journals, if a link is broken, or you just want to make a suggestion, please send us an email to let us know. Also, if you don't find what you need here, please try Armin Gunther's To get started, just select a letter from the list below:

Social communication in nutrition: a methodology for intervention (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Michel Andrien
Part I: Overview Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Planning an intervention in social communication in nutrition Part II: Conceptualization Chapter 3: Defining the nutrition problems (Phase 1 - Conceptualization)

Five Active Learning Tecniques (inserito il 29/5/2003) di Marcia Glickman
My primary objective as a teacher is to teach my students how to educate themselves. My specific pedagogical task as a legal writing instructor is to teach my students how to read, analyse and effectively communicate law. Active learning principles allow me to accomplish both objectives.

Lettere sul ruolo del genitore (inserito il 29/5/2003)
LETTURE SUL RUOLO DEL GENITORE A Child Can Make a Difference Rachel Paxton - 721 words A Lesson in Family History Rachel Paxton - 637 words Time Management for Kids Rachel Paxton - 661 words Division of Labor Rachel Paxton - 478 words To Clean (Or Not To Clean) Your Child's Room Rachel Paxton - 752 words

Time travel (inserito il 1/2/2003)
This web site is devoted to the explanation of why time travel is possible in both a forward and backward direction. We discuss many of the common objections to time travel and we show that these objections are without foundation. We welcome you from all the corners of the world and we hope that you enjoy our web site.

EDUCAZIONE ALLE SCIENZE DELLO SPAZIO (inserito il 1/2/2003) di Nasa
After each listing is a letter designating content usefulness. The designation (P1) is for grades K-3; (P2) grades 4-6; (I) grades 7-8; (H) grades 9-12; (U+) university academia, research, industrial and commercial interests.

The Prevention Team (inserito il 1/2/2003)
The Prevention Team are involved in a wide range of services and projects across the community. This directory is a listing of all the projects grouped under the following headings:-

New civilization (inserito il 1/2/2003)
The game of the new civilization is about creating a new civilization that works better. A civilization where people can be free to make their own choices, where few power hungry men no longer control society, where cooperation and harmony replaces suppression and war, where self-sufficiency and independence replaces fragile, centralized monopolies

Petrarch: the ascent of Mont Ventoux (inserito il 9/12/2002) di Petrarca
(307) To-day I made the ascent of the highest mountain in this region, which is not improperly called (308)Ventosum. My only motive was the wish to see what so great an elevation had to offer. I have had the

Group dinamics for the on line professor (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Kathleen King
Much has been written about online groups, but the writings are fragmented into technical information or advice about teaching methods. No overall theory of why online groups work or fail has been developed....

5 stages for group development (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Center for Service and Leadership- George Mason University
Stage 1: Forming In the Forming stage, personal relations are characterized by dependence. Group members rely on safe, patterned behavior and look to the group leader for guidance and direction. Group members have a desire for acceptance....

The Prevention of Homelessness Revisited (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Marybeth Shinn, Jim Baumohl, Kim Hopper
Conceptual and methodological problems plague efforts to prevent homelessness. Attempts to identify individuals at risk are inefficient, targeting many people who will not become homeless for each person who will. Such interventions may do useful things for needy people,...

Strengthening mental health promotion- mental health is not jus the absence of mental disorders (inserito il 12/11/2002)
The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in WHO's definition of health as contained in its constitution: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." WHO's 191 member states have endorsed this sweeping statement....

Developing effective coalitions: an eight step guide (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Larry Cohen, Nancy Baer e Pam Satterwhite
Although the examples given in this paper are specific to injury prevention coalitions, most can be applied to coalitions working on a variety of health-related issues. Written in the format of eight specific steps, this paper attempts to give structure to a process that is somewhat variable.

What is Primary Prevention (inserito il 12/11/2002)
Child abuse and neglect prevention strategies promote family health, build parenting skills, promote public awareness, and provide community support for parents. The adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," reflects the importance and cost-effectiveness of prevention.

What is Prevention? - Is it or isn't it a prevention program? (inserito il 12/11/2002)
A comprehensive approach to the prevention of child abuse consists of community programs that are targeted to different populations and reflect phases of the family life cycle. To cope successfully with their roles in the family, both adults and children require certain supports, training, and information.

Human change by design: excerpts from a conversation wih Robert Blake (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Joe Flower
For forty years, Robert Blake has been trying to capture human interactions in numbers and graphs - a quixotic attempt, it would seem, a try at writing on clouds. Yet his Grid system - developed with his sidekick Jane Mouton, and marketed through their company Scientific Methods since 1961 - actually does help people who are not steeped in psychology to see themselves and those they work with more clearly, to understand their interactions, and identify the sources of disruptions, delays, resistance, and conflicts.....

The three gestures of becoming aware- conversation with Francisco Varela (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Otto Scharmer
In 1996 I did my first interview with Francisco Varela. In that conversation, Varela said that the blind spot of the 20th century (in cognition science) was concerned with the inability to access experience. He said: "I maintain that there is an irreducible core to the quality of experience that needs to be explored with a method. In other words, the problem is not that we don't know enough about the brain or about biology, the problem is that we don't know enough about experience. …

Kurt Lewin's chang theory in the field and in the classroom: noter toward a mode of managed learning (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Edgard H. Schein
Few people have had as profound an impact on the theory and practice of social and organizational psychology as Kurt Lewin. Though I never knew him personally I was fortunate during my graduate school years at Harvard's Social Relations Dept. in 1949-50 to have been exposed to Alex Bavelas and Douglas McGregor, who, in my mind embodied Lewin's spirit totally....

The change code (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Joe Flower
The Change Codes are distilled from our observations of hundreds of organizations, communities, and families going through change. They seem to remain valid at different scales and in different contexts. Test them in your environment, and tell us what you find....

A conversation with Ronald Heifetz: leadership easy answers (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Joe Flower
Leadership is a recurring theme in these pages, for an important reason: our times cry out for it, especially in this difficult and turbulent industry. How do we lead massive organizations throughrapid change? How do we lead our communities to a new vision of health? How do we lead? ......

The Four Quadrants of Change (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Joe Flower
What's the best response to change? That depends on your relationship to the change -- to a great extent, on the power balance. How much power does this change have to affect you or your organization or family? How much power do you have to control it or shift its direction?...

The Training oasis (inserito il 12/11/2002)
Train the Trainer Menu When your company is growing rapidly, finding the time to develop train your people. Our accelerated learning train the trainer programmes will prepare you to deliver more training in less time and generate measurable, bottom line results.....

La Piramide del senso organizzativo (inserito il 12/11/2002)
The article describes a methodology, pyramid building, and its uses in enterprises for systems thinking, developing shared meaning and aligning people, processes and strategy. The challenges of finding agreement and alignment in complex, polarized, high tension environments are explored, together with illustrations of how this tool was applied in a variety of organizations..

Session Starters (inserito il 12/11/2002)
The way in which you begin a session sets the tone for either a positive or negative learning experience. (I'm sure you're saying "That's a no brainer. Tell me something new!") Unfortunately, the way in which most sessions get started is far from ideal. I'm sure that this scenario will be familiar:.....

Giochi di simulazione scaricabili (inserito il 12/11/2002)
TO DOWNLOAD A FILE CLICK ON ITS NAME. All files are BinHex4 encoded self expanding archives (.sea) Games & Simulations In comparison to Zero Sum Games which are strictly competative, mixed motive games involve both competition and cooperation. Situations calling for both competive and cooperative strategies are the more prevelent in everday life. The study of basic social processes is thus best approached from the perspective of a mixed motive environment, but a classic example of the zero sum situation is included here for purposes of contrast and comparison.

The skills of the change master (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Joe Flower
The fundamental skills of the rest of the decade and the opening of the new century will be the skills of dealing with change. They are the skills of jazz, not of chamber music, of basketball rather than baseball, of poker rather than chess, skills of dealing with situations that are in constant flux, situations about which you do not know enough to make a decision - yet you must constantly make decisions, and even failing to decide is itself a decision, irrevocable, the lost time unrecoverable, the opportunity evaporated....

Parole chiave della formazione (inserito il 12/11/2002)
At one level what a self is seems obvious. But how we experience ourselves and others is culturally bound. Explore some different ideas of selfhood. On this page we look at the individual self; the communal self; the dialogical self; and the post-modern self. We also look at the contribution of some key thinkers like George Herbert Mead.....

Core knowledge del formatore (inserito il 12/11/2002)
Viene definito Core Knowledge il bagaglio centrale, minimo, necessario per esercitare una professione. Questa è fatta anche di etica, esperienza, aggiornamento e riflessione/confronto continui. Tuttavia, il CK è una base per progettare un iter formativo e valutare un candidato. Per la professione del Formatore il CK può essere descritto come segue:......

Getting Emotional About E-Learning (inserito il 12/11/2002)
All of us have felt the sting of failure, and the resulting mix of emotions, while learning. While too much emotion can cause us to shut down, too little can mean that we are not being challenged. Most of what is published on the role of emotion in learning is intended to help teachers achieve an ideal balance of learning that is challenging but not too difficult to cause frustration. I want to suggest a different model for a special kind of e-learning—one where all emotion is useful, even if it seems to stop learning in its tracks.

Psychology of Cyberspace (inserito il 12/11/2002) di J. Suler
Listed below is a list of links to all the articles and pages in the hypertext book (web site) The Psychology of Cyberspace.The articles are arranged chronologically, with the most recently written or revised ones appearing near the top.

Connecting learning objects to instructional design theory: a definition, a metaphor and a taxonomy (inserito il 12/11/2002) di David A. Wiley
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce an instructional technology concept known commonly as the “learning object.” First a review of the literature is presented as groundwork for a working definition of the term “learning object.”

Stupid white man (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Michael Moore
I am a citizen of the United State of America. Our government has been overthrown..

Un secolo di interventi militari in USA - da Wounded Knee all'Afghanistan (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Zoltan Grossman
La spesa militare USA (343miliardi di dollari nel 2000) è del 69 % maggiore di quella delle 5 nazioni più grandi dopo gli USA. La Russia, che ha il secondo maggiore budget militare, spende meno di un sesto degli Stati Uniti. Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Iran, e Syria spendono 14.4 miliardi di dollari tutte insieme; combined

Evaluation (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Mark K. Smith
Evaluation is part and parcel of educating – yet it can be experienced as a burden and an unnecessary intrusion. We explore the theory and practice of evaluation and some of the key issues for informal educators. In particular, we examine educators as connoisseurs and critics, and the way in which they can deepen their theory base and become researchers in practice.

The nature of Evaluation Part II: Training (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Michael Scriven
An earlier article addressed the role of evaluation, the basic logic, and a description of how the field is structured (Scriven, 1999). This article describes some of the basic logic-of- evaluation skills and some of the basic methodological skills that need to be mastered in order to practice the art and science of evaluation.

Gene- culture Coevolution (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Charles Lumsden
Evolving Creative Minds IV Whereas most animal evolution arises from the differential replication of genetic information, human evolution obligatorily involves the differential transmission of both genetic and cultural information. "Cultural information" is a term of convenience, rather than literal descriptive fidelity here;

The management tips (inserito il 12/11/2002)
To begin managing your time you first need a clearer idea of how you now use your time. The Personal Time Survey will help you to estimate how much time you currently spend in typical activities.

Il manifesto della IBM della computazione autonomica (inserito il 12/11/2002)
autonomic computing system needs to "know itself" - its components must also possess a system identity. Since a "system" can exist at many levels, an autonomic system will need detailed knowledge of its components, current status, ultimate capacity, and all connections to other systems to govern itself. It will need to know the extent of its "owned" resources, those it can borrow or lend, and those that can be shared or should be isolated

The Quest For Collective Intelligence (inserito il 12/11/2002) di George Por
Think about the organization where you work. Is it only a collection of individual intelligences or does it have a collective intelligence ? Organizations that will succeed in these times of accelerating changes will be social organisms with a collective intelligence to guide them through turbulence and transformations. Organizations can thrive on the key evolutionary challenge of our age, identified by Douglas Engelbart as "

Leading companies focus on managing and measuring intellectual capital (inserito il 12/11/2002)
The emergence of the knowledge era has left many corporate leaders feeling that something is disturbingly out of balance. While today's executives understand the importance of fixed assets and financial capital, they are very much in the dark about the value of intellectual capital and how to manage it effectively

Strategic management of Intellectual Capital & organization knowledge (inserito il 12/11/2002) di Chun Wei Choo
The conversations in this volume about the role of knowledge in strategy management may be framed by seven basic questions: What unique perspective does a knowledge-based view of the firm offer? Should the organization focus on creating new knowledge or applying what it already knows? How do organizations create new knowledge?

Measuring Intellectual Assets (inserito il 12/11/2002)
Relative value. Bob Buckman (Buckman Laboratories) and Leif Edvinsson (Skandia Insurance) are proponents of this approach, in which progress, not a quantitative target, is the ultimate goal. Example: have 80% of employees involved with the customer in some meaningful way.

The Instructional Use of Learning Objects (inserito il 12/11/2002)
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce an instructional technology concept known commonly as the “learning object.” First a review of the literature is presented as groundwork for a working definition of the term “learning object.” A brief discussion of instructional design theory is followed by an attempt to connect the learning objects approach to existing instructional design theory, and the general lack of such connective efforts is contrasted with the financial and technical activity generated by the learning objects notion.

Suicidio (inserito il 12/11/2002) di APA Monitor
I suicidi negli USA con particolare riferimento al rischio di essere "operatore psy"....

Intelligenza emotiva (inserito il //) di aa.vv.
in inglese

Psicologia dello sport per principianti (inserito il //)
in inglese

Obedience to Authority (inserito il //) di Stanley Milgram
Il più famoso esperimento della storia della psicologia sociale

The Corporate Culture (inserito il //) di Edgar Schein
Survival Guide

La servitù delle donne (inserito il //) di John Stuart Mill
Un classico

Lezioni sulla prevenzione (inserito il //) di NIDA InfoFacts
In inglese

Lo stato dei bambini nel mondo (inserito il //) di UNICEF
in inglese

A terrible love of war (inserito il //) di James Hillman
In inglese

The Psychology of Leadership (inserito il //) di D.M.Messick e R.M.Kramer
in inglese

Phe Psychology of Genocide (inserito il //)
in inglese

Creativity in the Classroom (inserito il //) di Alan Jordan Starko

Bipolar Disorder (inserito il //) di aa.vv.
in inglese

The Silent revolution (inserito il //) di E.H.Edersheim
in inglese

Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (inserito il //) di aa.vv.
in inglese

Per aspiranti hackers

Facilitating Learning in Groups (inserito il //) di David Casey, Paul Roberts, Graeme Salaman
Learn how to take in what is going on, make sense of it and intervene to help the group.

L'assedio di Leningrado (inserito il //) di David M. Glantz
in inglese

Attitudes and Opinions (inserito il //) di P.Wesley Schultz
in inglese

A History of Behavioral Psychology (inserito il //) di John A. Mills
in inglese

Prolegómenos a la Psicologia Social: La Idea de Atmósfera en la Psicología de la Colectividad - Sketches for Social Psychology (inserito il //) di Jahir Navalles Gómez
This present work interyields by a nostalgic psychology, a psychology that origin -and it was become deformed- in which in century XX was self-proclaimed like social psychology; a original psychology that was first of all an historical project with respect to the social life; a psychology that is described to itself like collective psychology, sketched from the diverse interlocutors -who not necessarily show as social psychologists or psychologists and enriched from the constant debates- that are not sending in the manual beaten ones of given off psychology or social psychology in your intercross them you will discipline that the psycho-social footpath has journeyed.

13 Comprehensive Steps to Healing from Burnout and Stress (inserito il //)

CONCEPTS ET MODÈLES EN PSYCHOLOGIE DE LA SANTÉ (inserito il //) di Marilou Bruchon-Schweitzer
La psychologie de la santé est une discipline récente (section 38 de l’Association Américaine de Psychologie en 1985 ; première société européenne en 1986), née assez tardivement en France (premier ouvrage en 1994 ; premier congrès à Bordeaux en 1997 ; création d’une société en octobre 2001), où elle se développe actuellement avec une extrême vitalité.

The Psychology of Genocide (inserito il //)

A terrible love of war (inserito il //) di J.Hillman

The Corporate Culture Survival Guide (inserito il //) di E. Schein

Il Paese dell'utopia (inserito il //) di E.Pound

Idee creative per la formazione (inserito il //) di Robert W. Lucas

Un nuovo obiettivo per le comunità (inserito il //) di AA.VV.
Comunità in transizione verso la sostenibilità

Sociology of Time (inserito il //)

History and Evolution Of The Scientific Thought (inserito il //)

The Consequences of Terrorism (inserito il //)

Democratizing Innovation (inserito il //)

Theories of personality (inserito il //)

"Compendio di psicologia" (1900) (inserito il //) di W.Wundt